Paladin Dad Chapter 510

There was silence in the basement.

The crown-bearer's resentful glance glanced over the face of a staff member. These senior members of the Council of True Knowledge subconsciously lowered his head to avoid, and did not dare to oppose his eyes.

Who doesn't want to solve the trouble of Zuo Yi?

The war between Zuo Yi and the True Knowledge Council has made them sleepless, and no one wants to be the fourth and fifth rod holder who died in Zuo Yi's hands …

But I really know that the council has dealt with Zuo Yi long ago. What happened?

The bloody example is right in front of you, and no one will choose to act as a leader at this time.

This year I really know that the life of the council is very difficult. The "Fear of Advent" plan implemented some time ago suffered a serious setback. Not only did not achieve much results, but the severe blows of the Extraordinary forces in various countries damaged the troop and lost a large number of elite stealthers. And those who hold the dagger, even the wearer of the ring also suffered a lot of casualties.

The most serious thing is that the Real Knowing Council is now reduced to a street mouse. Everyone in the World is shouting. Recently, it has been fiercely stabbed several times by its rival, the Tarot Association. The basic plate is almost unsteady.

Now it is said that Zuo Yi should be dealt with. Where is Zuo Yi good to deal with? He is China's new third-ranked Alpha. His strength has even outweighed Qin Wuyang and Fan Hailiu, and his strength is even more unfathomable.

And because of the "Fear Coming" plan, I really knew that the council 's influence in China was almost uprooted, and there was no room for new actions.

The twenty stick-holders present all had a rest qi in their hearts. Everyone had a good life. The crown-wearer had to come up with a "fear coming" plan and forcibly set off a wave of so-called terror in all parts of the world. …

Simply inexplicable!

I really know that the council is very powerful, but it is not strong enough to fight against the whole World. The seven Extraordinary forces are even more not to be trifled with. How can it be tolerated that they will cause wind and rain on their own site?

It turns out that the "Fear Coming" plan motivated by the crown wearer is a joke!

However, there is no such thing as disgrace, dissatisfaction and dissatisfaction. No one who holds the staff dares to violate the authority of the crown wearer. Their strength and power come from the latter. The cost of betrayal is too high.

The crown wearer looked back disappointed and resentful.

If these guys in front of him are real people, he will definitely whip fiercely with the whip of true knowledge, so that they remember their identity and responsibilities.

In the view of the crown wearers, the staffs have fallen, they have wealth and power, they are used to luxury life, they have long lost their courage and fighting spirit, and they have abandoned their vows.

One Alpha has made everyone tremble with fear, and has really shamed the True Knowledge Council.

Unfortunately, he couldn't beat the hologram.

The crown wearer realized that it was very unrealistic to expect these rod holders to deal with Zuo Yi.

He held back the anger in his heart and waved his hand and said, "Think about it yourself, Zuo Yi is crazy, he won't let you go. Today's meeting is here, but next time you have to come up with a plan. ,otherwise…"

"Your cowardice and flinching will be punished by God!"

The last two sentences were squeezed out of the teeth of the crown wearer, as if from slang from hell, with the deepest curse, to make the staff of the staff present trembling in fear!

Because they know that the threat of the crown wearer is by no means intimidating!

The staff members stood up one by one, silently bowed to the crown wearer, and then exited the Conference Hall.

When the hologram of the last staffer disappeared, the crown-wearer sitting alone on the main seat could not help but screamed angrily: "Waste, all shit waste!"

As the contemporary crown wearers of the True Knowledge Council, all the stick holders were selected and cultivated by him, giving them strength and investing resources to help them grow.

Raising troops for thousands of days, and when they really needed them to make sacrifices for the organization, they all turned their hearts.

Although the crown wearers are not worried that these men will betray, because they took the Fiendgod vow when they joined the club, but he also cannot guarantee that everyone will be loyal and dedicated.

Zhenzhi Council's organizational system is very tight and has stood up for thousands of years, but in today's upheavals, its existence has encountered unprecedented challenges.

But in the final analysis, power is king. If he has unmatched power and can shoot Suppression Zuo Yi in person, all the stick holders must be respectful and respectful.

However, those wearing crowns dare not.

Because he knows how powerful and terrifying Zuo Yi is, everything shows that Zuo Yi is very likely to be one of the most powerful Alphas in the world, or one of them.

The crown wearer has no confidence to defeat Zuo Yi.

He is now angry and roaring, in fact, it can be said to be incompetent angry roar!

After roaring for a few words, the crown wearer suddenly took off his golden mask, exposing a pale old face.

He slowly got up, opened the partition of Conference Hall, and went into the back room.

The crown-wearer of the Insight Council took off his robes and coat, exposed his skinny upper body, and then knelt down in front of the altar dedicated to the feared Demon King.

On the altar, the demon-faced fear Demon King suddenly seemed to "live", and a pair of obsidian inlaid magic eyes revealed the sharp rays of light, staring at the crown-wearer kneeling in front of him.


An extremely cold voice suddenly sounded in the mind of the wearer, as if a red-hot steel needle pierced deep into his skull: "Incompetent waste!"

The crown wearer couldn't help but called out pitifully, he put his head on the cold floor and begged for mercy: "My lord, please forgive my incompetence, please give me more time."

Fear Demon King didn't answer. The lifelike idol quietly exuded a large black smoke, and instantly condensed into a four-five meters long thorn thorn, and struck the crown wearer like lightning.


The whip fell silently, but the crown-wearer was twitched and twitched. His entire face was distorted, and he didn't know how much pain he had suffered. His eyes were full of despair.

It's like a drooping dog being beaten by fiercely.

But fearing that Demon King didn't have the slightest Mercy, the thorn thorn whacked him again.

The door of the secret room closed automatically and silently, blocking the scream of the crown wearer.

When Dao Sect opened again, it was half an hour later.

The crown-wearer covered in whip scars slowly crawled out of the back room, dragging a long bloodstain behind him, his upper body was blurred in flesh and blood, and even the bones were exposed in many places.

"Left, Zuo Yi …"

The name gnashing teeth read, as if a cursed magic word, echoed in the Conference Hall for a long time.