Paladin Dad Chapter 511

Early in the morning, Zuo Yi woke up from his sleep.

It was too late to return to the hotel last night, so he only slept for more than four hours, but after waking up he was in a very good spirit. .

This is not because he is a Sacred Domain Knight, with a powerful spirit and physique, but every time after completing the Suppression and slaughter of evil forces, after harvesting a large amount of Power of Faith, he is in a unique state.

Last night at the Maxim base, Zuo Yi killed the core forces of the Maxim gang in one fell swoop, and even Peter Maxim's private army stationed at the base was wiped out under his meteor flame punch.

None of these people are innocent. Many of them have done bad things and committed unforgivable sins. Some of them can be said to be heinous. All of them are undoubtedly members of the evil camp.

For their ruthless Suppression, Zuo Yi brought a very generous reward.

As a result of receiving too much Faith feedback, his strength realm has risen by one line. Although there is still 108,000 li before the breakthrough, it is also a very pleasant thing.

After washing, Zuo Yi had breakfast in the hotel's restaurant and then checked out.

The city of Rano is only the first stop of his continental journey, not the end.

Taking a taxi, Zuo Yi asked the driver to take him to a Greyhound car rental agency in Rano.

This morning, the city of Rano has completely restored its tranquility, but there are many police cars and armored vehicles on the street, and many heavily armed police officers and soldiers are maintaining order and traffic. Order is in good order.

The effects of the big bang and the earthquake last night seem to have passed.

The complete annihilation of the Maxim gang is a big pie to the sky for Ilya. You must know that before the city of Rano was completely in the hands of gang forces led by Peter Maxim, the government of Ilya Completely helpless.

Now that Maxim is done, Peter Maxim is hung up, and even his old nest is blasted. Unless the top of Ilya is stupid like a pig, he will definitely not give up the God-given opportunity to immediately take back the third largest city.

It is foreseeable that in the next period of time, all forces in Rano will usher in a major shuffle.

But this has nothing to do with Zuo Yi, who rented a station wagon at Greyhound Car Rental and drove himself to a new destination.

Greyhound Car Rental is a well-known international chain car rental company. It has branches in hundreds of cities in most countries in the world. As a former travel expert, Zuo Yi can be regarded as an old customer.

He wanted to make such a trip in continental Europe a long time ago. The car rented at Greyhound Car Rental can be returned off-site, so it is very convenient.

After passing two checkpoints, Zuo Yi drove the rented car onto the famous Continental Bridge Highway.

He rented a 2005 Bentley GT convertible wagon. Although it is an old car, this car is very classic. It has appeared in many Hollywood and Continental movies and is regarded as the best companion for traveling alone.

The Bridge of Europe Highway is more than 5000 kilometers long and traverses the entire European continent, connecting seven European countries, including Gaul, Drew, Orson, and other major European countries.

Zuo Yi's destination was Orson, who was going there to find Gu Yunxi's clues.

Under the sun shone brightly, under the blue sky and white clouds, a black road stretches far into the distance without seeing the end, the surrounding hills are undulating fields, and the wind blowing onward brings the fragrance of the field.

Facing the wind, Zuo Yi turned on the car's radio, and the music suddenly poured out.

"Blowin" in the wind, How many roads must a man walk down … "

"How many roads a person has to travel to be called a real man, how many seas a white dove has to fly to get sleep on the beach, how many times cannonballs cross the sky, and can they be forever banned.

The answer, my friend, flutters in the wind … "

The familiar melody accompanies Zuo Yi to the distance.

After driving for more than seven hours on the road, when it was getting dark, Zuo Yi got off the highway and entered a nearby high-speed supply station.

Filling up the bottom tank with fuel, Zuo Yi parked the station wagon in a campsite not far from the supply station.

There are already four or five cars parked there, RVs, SUVs, and station wagons.

Someone set up a tent in the open space. A dozen men and women around the lit campfire, some of them were eating dinner, some were drinking, some were playing guitar and singing songs, a lively scene.

"Hi man!"

When Zuo Yi got out of the car, a young man greeted him with enthusiasm: "Would you like to share our BBQ together?"

The man and his companions set up a barbecue grill filled with various steaks, sausages and other ingredients. Under the charcoal heat, they gave off a strong barbecue scent.


Zuo Yi smiled and answered complied, without rejecting the goodwill of the other party.

He opened the trunk of the station wagon and took out two bottles of champagne from the inside or, more accurately, from the space ring.

Last night Zuo Yi "looted" Peter Maxim's treasure house. In addition to a large amount of cash and gold, he also took away thousands of bottles of wine, including the two bottles of champagne just taken out.

I'm so embarrassed to eat things for nothing?


The young man who greeted Zuo Yi was aware of the goods. When he saw the champagne he handed over, he immediately blew his whistle: "Chabolon in 08, are you a billionaire?"

Champagne is one of the most famous champagne brands, especially loved by the Europeans. The Champagne 08 is considered one of the best champagnes, and it is very expensive.

Zuo Yi took out two bottles of 08 Sablon, and the reaction of the young man was not exaggerated.

"That's right …"

Zuo Yi laughed and said, "I think good wine should be shared, just like you invited me to share BBQ."

"well said!"

Young man gives him a thumbs up.

The two bottles of champagne also made Zuo Yi quickly accepted by this group of youngsters. Everyone opened the champagne and used jars and glasses as wine glasses to celebrate celebration.

A good-looking blonde girl brought sausages and barbecue to Zuo Yi, and talked while eating.

Through the chat Zuo Yi, I learned that these youngsters are all university students from Saxony National University. They are about to graduate, so I chose to take a continental self-driving tour at this time to commemorate the good times of the past.

On them, Zuo Yi saw the silhouette of himself.

Youthful vitality, longing for freedom, want to travel around the world, see all the scenery …
