Paladin Dad Chapter 512

A few youngsters took out the instruments from the car. In addition to the guitar, there were electronic keyboards and drums.

The big students of Saxony National University that Zuo Yi met formed a band of their own. They will also travel to a coastal city of Gaul to participate in a local music festival while conducting a continental self-driving tour.

In order to express his gratitude to Zuo Yi for contributing two bottles of Champagne 08, this group of enthusiastic and friendly youngsters gave him many songs written by himself.

Although their performance and creative level are very ordinary, their love and sincerity for music is very touching.

Music and singing attracted everyone else in the camp. They gathered together to enjoy the band's performance. A bearded man also brought two boxes of beer from the supply station and distributed them to everyone.

Although it is strangers coming together by chance from different countries, they are all friends at the moment.

The party on this journey didn't end until late.

Zuo Yi didn't sleep in the wagon because the Bentley GT is not suitable for lying on it, although it looks attractive.

He set up a tent by the car.

It is normal for Zuo Yi to sleep in the wild. Before crossing Sadya World, he often traveled alone, tents and sleeping bags are items that he must carry with him.

In Sadya World, Zuo Yi had never known how many times in the wilderness looked up at the night sky different from Earth, and dreamed of one day being able to return to his hometown.

Now he is really back, but the number of times he camps out is very small.

When the people around him fell asleep, Zuo Yi took out the bright sacred sword from the space ring.

This legendary long sword is the main weapon of Zuo Yi. Along with his invasion of Abyss to slay the dragon, he is comparable to his companion, but was severely hit in the decisive battle with Saul and has been sealed. Self-healing in the deepest part of the space ring.

The Light Sacred Sword, the Light Shield, and the Light Sacred Armor are extremely powerful. They can repair themselves without being too severely damaged, but the repair takes a long time.

If you want to speed up the repair, there are two main methods. One is to find a Legendary-level master Craftsman to invest in expensive resources and materials, so that the repair speed is the fastest.

The second method comes from Zuo Yi himself, which stems from the fetters and ties between him and the Light Sanctuary, that is, investing in pure Power of Faith to help recovery.

Looking at the bright sacred sword in his hand, there was a pity of expression in Zuo Yi's eyes.

The blade of this sacred sword is dull. You can see the chipped gap and fine cracks on the sword edge. The Thorns Town battle ran out of power. Although it cut off Saul's warhammer, it also damaged itself. Great.

Zuo Yi has always wanted to help the bright sacred sword recover as soon as possible, this time just harvesting a large amount of Faith value, he will not hesitate to inject the Power of Faith condensed into Knight's Heart into the sword body.

The bright sacred sword that got Power of Faith suddenly brightened, shining with warm rays of light.

Under Zuo Yi's control, sword light has no scope to break through the tent.

His Power of Faith not at all was injected into the bright sacred sword, and it took about one third or so to stop.

Then replaced the bright sacred sword with the light shield and light armor.

In fact, the damage of these two armors is the most severe, especially the bright shield. The surface is full of scars and pits.

Zuo Yi also injected Power of Faith into the Light Shield and Light Shield, respectively, until the Faith value in Knight's Heart fell to the bottom of the valley.

But this kind of effort is totally worth it. With the blessing of the Three Saints, Zuo Yi's strength can be increased by at least two or three times. If all three pieces of equipment are intact, then he now encounters Saul again. Can kill it!

The bright sacred sword, the bright shield, and the bright armor were all recovered to the deepest part of the space ring, where many precious and rare materials were piled up, all of which were the "food" necessary for the self-repair of the three holy clothes.

Zuo Yi is very optimistic that if two or three more come in this way, the three saints will be able to recover to a usable level, and full recovery will require more investment.

In the early morning of the next day, he bid farewell to the big students of Saxony National University and went on the road.

If all goes well, Zuo Yi will arrive at Orson in the afternoon.

Just a few minutes after driving on the Continental Bridge Expressway, the haze sky floated like a

It rained for almost an hour and stopped when he drove into Drew.

Dark clouds dispersed, the sky returned to clear, the sun shone on the ground after the rain, and a field in the distance flew a rainbow.

Zuo Yi lowered his canopy and turned on the radio.

Bang! bang! bang!

At this time, the roar of the engine came from far and near behind him, and hong long long was very noisy.

Zuo Yi couldn't help glancing at the rearview mirror and found that many motorcycles came behind him.

These motorcycles are all Drew Knights. The famous heavy motorcycles produced by Drew have a displacement of more than 1000CC. The wide frame, the protruding head and the thick and long exhaust pipe are its most distinctive features.

Mixed with a number of three-wheeled Drew Knights, they formed a long fleet of vehicles, aggressively overtaking Zuo Yi's wagon.

These motorcycle riders are all big men. Most of them look rude, cut short hair or bare head, and have thick tattoos on their thick arms. They are not good at first glance.

Zuo Yi noticed that all Drew Knights were marked with a black skull.

Black Skull Knight Regiment!

He immediately thought of a notorious mob group in America and Europe, but also a multinational organization, whose members are basically white locals, hostile and hostile foreign immigrants of color, and even tourists, often making news about incidents.

Zuo Yi is a member of Knight Regiment who first encountered the black skull, and it is not much different from the description in the news.


When a three-wheeled Drew Knight passed Zuo Yi's Bentley GT, a nose-ring man sitting on the side of the bucket turned his head and glanced at him, and immediately raised his middle finger and growled, "Yellow-skinned monkey, get away!"

His tone was barely fell, and the riders in the back screamed and screamed, gesticulating and swearing, and it was like a shot of chicken blood, and some even threw beer bottles at Zuo Yi!

Courting death !

The beer bottle not at all was able to hit Zuo Yi, but it completely angered him!

Zuo Yi didn't yell at the trash. He calmly slowed down and let the other party overtake him first.

The Black Skeleton Knight Regiment thought Zuo Yi was scared. They all laughed heartily, and the guy who fell behind turned his head to show a mocking smile at Zuo Yi, and then slammed his P-shares.

Pa! pa! pa!