Paladin Dad Chapter 516

Zuo Yi did not even think that Sophie Roland was actually a fan of her.

And also look like the idol little fan girl.

In the information collected by Zuo Yi about Sophie Roland, the Miss of the Luo Lan Family is beautiful and powerful. The Polaris Biological Company she founded can achieve such great success. In addition to the support of the family, the most What matters is her personal outstanding ability.

Sophie Roland has a lot of suitors, but she has never sneered at men, and some even suspect her to be lace.

and so…

Zuo Yi didn't know whether to cry or laugh: "I'm surprised."

He actually wanted to say that he was honored to come, but that was not the truth.

Sophie Roland pouted and smiled, one pair of eyes completed the crescent, and said, "Please sit down here, what would you like to drink?"

Zuo Yi was not polite, and sat down on the sofa next to him: "You can do it."

"Then a cup of coffee."

Sophie Roland recommended: "Somebody just gave me a pound of the top blue mountain coffee beans a few days ago, you try it."

Zuo Yi nodded: "Thank you."

Sophie Roland personally brewed a cup of fragrant blue mountain coffee for Zuo Yi, and accompanied Zuo Yi to taste it.

As a result, the distance between the two people has narrowed a lot.

It would be heartbreaking for all her suitors to see the scene.

After taking two sips of coffee, Zuo Yi straight to the point asked, "Roland Miss, is Gu Yunxi okay now?"

"You just call me Sophie."

Sophie Roland hesitated and said, "Mr. Zuo Yi, take the liberty to ask, are you and Candice?"

Candice is the English name of Gu Yunxi. The Greek word flashes dazzling meaning, symbolizing those tall, beautiful, straightforward and independent girls.

Zuo Yi did not answer directly, and took a photo of herself and Gu Yunxi from the space ring to her.

"She was my girlfriend."

Zuo Yi was not angry or impatient with Sophie's inquiry. The latter was undoubtedly Gu Yunxi's true friend. In the face of an Alpha powerhouse like him, he was still an idol and did not lose due diligence.

Sophie took the photo, and her beautiful eyes glowed: "Wow!"

Zuo Yi said with a smile: "At that time, I was not Transcendent."

This picture was taken when he was in love with Gu Yunxi, in the hot season of youth.

"and also…"

Zuo Yi handed the second photo to Sophie: "This is my daughter. Her name is Bao'er."

"I know!"

Sophie said in surprise: "She is the daughter of you and Candice, her eyes are exactly like Angel!"


Zuo Yi said frankly, "I came to Europe this time, and I just want to take Yunxi home."

"Candice didn't mention you to me."

Sophie put down the photo in her hand and stared at Zuo Yi. "Mr. Zuo Yi, I have a question for you."

"Do you still love Candice?"

Do you still love her?

This question really asked Zuo Yi.

Zuo Yi last met Gu Yunxi five years ago, and then three of the five were at Sadya World.

He spent a full thirty years in Sadya World, counting the time of the plane battle, that is more than a century!

Time flies and years are ruthless. When he met for the last time, Zuo Yi still had Gu Yunxi in his heart, but now he can't deceive himself, Sophie said that he still loves Gu Yunxi.

"We broke up long ago …"

Zuo Yi said solemnly: "The appearance of Bao'er was an accident, but I believe Yun Xi must deeply love and miss Bao'er. She was forced to leave China for some reason, but I can guarantee that now in this world No one can threaten her again! "

Sophie fell silent.

After a while, she said, "Candice went to Desolate World and she should still be in Winter City."

Gu Yunxi is indeed in Desolate World!

The news not at all surprised Zuo Yi, because there had been previous signs that she was not in Earth.

Of course, it may be dead, but fortunately this may have been ruled out now.

Zuo Yi couldn't help but relax greatly-just find Gu Yunxi's whereabouts!

Winter City is a city established by the Flame Cross, the European Extraordinary Federation, in Desolate World. Like the Dragon City fortress in China, it is the base for European countries to develop in the Desolate World.

It's just that the Dragon City fortress is on the border of the Kingdom of Celeste, and the Winter City is located in the northern territory of the Kingdom of Celeste-the Kingdom of Artoa.

Sophie blinked, suddenly asked, "Don't you want to know why Candice went to Winter City?"

Suddenly, Zuo Yi said, "Why?"

This is indeed a confusing question, because with the identity and strength of Sophie Roland, she has the ability to shelter Gu Yunxi, so why didn't Gu Yunxi stay in Orson and run to the dangerous and desolate World?

"Candice has one, a very powerful charm …"

Sophie explained with some exhaustion: "Soon after she came to me, she encountered a troublesome suitor. The other's family was strong and stronger than our Luo Family. So she asked me to go to Dongdong city."

"Candice is also a Transcendent, but her strength is not strong. She went to Desolate World just to make herself stronger, powerful enough to say NO to anyone!"

"Do you understand?"


Zuo Yi nodded.

He didn't expect Gu Yunxi to encounter so much trouble before and after. No wonder she didn't bring Bao'er to her side, and let Chen Wan go to America again, and she ran to adventure in Desolate World.

There was a slight pain in his heart, and an indescribable anger arose, and he asked, "Who is this man?"


Sophie opened her mouth and said hesitantly, "He is still a gentleman, Mr. Zuo Yi, are you going to Winter City?"

The reason why Sophie Roland shifted the subject so bluntly, did not tell Zuo Yi the other party 's name, because she just felt that Zuo Yi was like an enraged beast. Although the surface was calm, it contained a lava-like appearance. anger.

Sophie Roland couldn't imagine how much impact Zuo Yi's anger would have on the person and conflict with the other's family!

Unstoppable fear allowed Sophie Roland to avoid Zuo Yi's problems.

Zuo Yi took a deep look at Sophie.

He knew exactly what Sophie Roland was thinking, but he would never anger him.

Without the help of Sophie Roland, it would be difficult to imagine how difficult Gu Yunxi would be.

"I won't go straight to Winter City …"

Zuo Yi said: "Roland Miss, please keep this secret before I get Yunxi back."

"do not worry…"

Sophie said quickly: "I will be tight-lipped."

Zuo Yi slightly smiled-Idioms work well.