Paladin Dad Chapter 517

Zuo Yi has known for a long time that the World Stone must be used to reach the Desolate World.

There are a total of seven World Stones, which are owned by China, America, Eloy, Continental, Tissland, Indy and Fessen respectively, in the hands of the seven Extraordinary federations founded by Seven Heroes.

The European Extraordinary Federation is also the Fire Cross. The World Stone in its possession is stored in Holy Land, Holy Land of the Cross, Holy Sacred Major Sect, and is controlled by contemporary Pope Moses himself.

Pope Moses is one of the seven heroes.

So if Zuo Yi wants to go to the Winter City, the fastest way is to go directly through the World Stone of the Holy Flame Major Sect Church.

But this road is difficult to take.

Because Zuo Yi is an outsider, not a member of the Fire Cross, and his identity is very sensitive, unless Moses was kicked by his donkey, he would definitely not lend World Stone to Zuo Yi for no reason.

Of course, Zuo Yi can apply to Moses just and honorable, and let's not talk about the probability of success, his Faith prevents him from fabricating a false reason to deceive each other.

By the same token, Zuo Yi cannot rely on his own force to bully and bully, which completely violates his Way of Knight.

To be honest, Moses might not believe that it would be more likely to cause unnecessary trouble!

For the safety of Gu Yunxi and to avoid causing a big storm, Zuo Yi decided to return to China, go to Dragon City Fortress through the World Stone of Imperial Capital, and then fly from Dragon City Fortress to Winter City, and find Gu Yunxi to pick her up Go home and reunite with Bao'er.

Although this choice of road is a bit tortuous, but Sheng avoids a lot of trouble.

"Thank you."

Zuo Yi believes in Sophie Roland's promise, because as a friend, her friendship with Gu Yunxi is really good enough.

"Roland Miss, I am very grateful for everything you have done for Yunxi. If you run into trouble in the future, I will provide you with all the help you can without violating conscience and morality.

Although there are many restrictions, this promise from Zuo Yi is extremely precious.

"Also, please accept this gift."

He took out the prepared box and handed it to Sophie Roland, which contained a rune shield and three bottles of wish fountain water.

"Thank you."

Sophie didn't reject the gift-it was from Zuo Yi!

Most importantly, it would be silly to reject the kindness and friendship of an Alpha powerhouse.

Although she didn't know how precious the gift was.

Of course for Zuo Yi, it's just a small gift.

While receiving the gift, Sophie also secretly relaxed.

Because she no longer felt the anger of Zuo Yi.

In fact, Zuo Yi just held the anger deep inside.

"so be it…"

Zuo Yi got up and said, "I'm back."

"Are you going home now?"

Sophie said quickly: "I also want to invite you to dinner at noon and tell you about Candice.

She is completely a fan of her mind now. Rare idols have come to the door in person. It would be a shame to let Zuo Yi leave in this way. I will definitely regret it in the future.

To this end, she "sells" Gu Yunxi.

Zuo Yi hesitated, and nodded said, "Okay, then I'll return to China at night."

At his speed, it didn't take long to return to China.


Sophie exclaimed: "I'll book the restaurant first, can I Decalon?"

Decaturn is the most famous high-end restaurant in Sises. Usually, a meal at Decaturn requires reservations two or three months in advance, and it may not be successful.

But for Sophie Roland, a member of the Luo Lan Family, a billion-dollar woman, the table in the restaurant is never a problem.

"It's up to you."

Zuo Yi had no comment and told his contact number: "Let's see you at Decalon at 12 noon."

It's still early, and Zuo Yi plans to go to Saint-Delin.

St. Delin is less than 70 kilometers away from the Orson capital, Sisses, and can be reached by car for more than half an hour. Zuo Yi has previously listed this mini-pocket country as a must-visit place in his life, and now he is just satisfied. The wish of the year.

Take a look at the famous Holy Flame Major Sect Church.


Sophie smiled sweetly: "We're here to stay."

She personally sent Zuo Yi to the door of the building, which surprised many Northstar staff.

Because they have never seen their own president treat such a young man with such courtesy, even closeness!

Zuo Yi returned to the parking lot and picked up the car. Follow the navigation directions to St. Delin.

With an area of ​​only 1.25 square kilometers and a population of less than 3000, St. Delin is the smallest and least populous country in the world. It is surrounded by Orson on all sides, so it belongs to the inland city of Zhou State.

Although the country is small, St. Delin 's status is extremely important. Its political and cultural Shadow Transformation is very powerful. It is the Holy Land of Earth 's one billion crusaders. The biggest dream of many believers is to worship at the Holy Sect once.

St. Delin is also a tourist city, receiving tens of millions of tourists each year.

Zuo Yi is certainly not a believer in the cross, but he has seen photos of St. Delin and St. Flame's Major Sect in countless newspapers, websites and magazines. It is a pity not to visit it in person.

In addition, Zuo Yi also wanted to take a close look at the World Stone stored in the Holy Flame Major Sect.

Sisses has a highway leading directly to Saint-Delin, and it is built to be extremely spacious and straight. Zuo Yi departed from Sisses downtown and reached Saint-Delin in just over XNUMX minutes.

The area of ​​St. Delin is too small. In addition to the magnificent Holy Flame Sect, there are many ancient buildings around it. The roads inside are very narrow, so only walking and carriage are allowed. All vehicles must be parked at outside.

Zuo Yi found the parking lot, parked his car, and walked into St. Delin.

In fact, when he was still on the highway just now, he saw the towering Holy Flame Major Sect.

This magnificent church was built more than XNUMX years ago. It has a history of more than XNUMX years. It was destroyed several times by the war and was later rebuilt. It is still under construction.

From a distance, the Holy Flame Major Sect Hall is like a pile of burning flames, with the fire head straight into the sky. Its main construction material is the red rock that is a special product of Mount Saint Louis XNUMX kilometers away.

The texture of Chiyan is very hard and can resist long-term wind and rain erosion. Its color is dark red. When thousands of red rock bricks are built together to build high-rise buildings, the whole building will show a magnificent luster when illuminated by sunlight. , Very shocking.

Because the collection of Chiyan is very difficult, and the planning and design of the Holy Flame Major Sect Church is extremely complicated, experts expect that the temple of the Cross will not be completed until 2100!