Paladin Dad Chapter 526

Dragon City Fortress is China's only stronghold in the Desolate World, gathering more than XNUMX Transcendent.

This majestic city is built in the canyon, on both sides of the mountains and mountains that are straight into the clouds, looking up at the snow-capped clouds, it is impossible to see the top of the mountain, and its altitude is amazing.

The World Stone in China is buried underground in several hundred meters, while the World Stone in the Dragon City fortress is on a high tower. Zuo Yi stands at the moment as an uncovered outer corridor, so it can overlook most of the fortress. And the surrounding scene.

In front of him, outside the Dragon City fortress is a vast grassland and a large virgin forest. The greenery is like a fairy tale scene.

About four or five kilometers away from the fortress, a rushing river turned a turn. The plain is on the left and the swamp on the right. Due to the obstruction of the field of vision, the entire picture cannot be seen clearly.

This kind of environment makes the location of the Dragon City fortress extremely dangerous. The barren indigenous people from the grasslands and forests want to enter the plain area at the back. They must pass through the canyon, otherwise they do n't know how far to go or climb. High mountains.

Although I have learned about some Dragon City fortresses, it's better to see them all. Seeing the true contents of this large fortress in person, Zuo Yi still felt a little regret.

This fortress is full of buildings, all of which are made of gray and white stone barriers. The rows are undulating, but the overall layout is well-organized, and the different functional areas are clearly divided.

The tower where Zuo Yi is located is located in the center of the fortress. Below his right side stands a chimney with smoke. The sound of ding ding dong dong and the sound of hong long long are separated by a long distance. Can hear.

Since Earth's products will soon be corroded and destroyed in the Desolate World, the Transcendents who came here, through cooperation with the Kingdom of Sales, tailored weapons and equipment to local conditions and built a workshop.

Interestingly, steam is the source of power used by the seven Earth bases, including the Dragon City fortress. Earth's Technology Transcendents have manufactured various facilities with a steam engine as the core, so the characteristics of steam civilization are presented here.

Dragon City Fortress is also a bustling city, overlooking the streets and alleys of the city, you can see the bustling crowds, not only the Transcendent from China, but also a large number of immigrants from the Kingdom of Selles!

"this way."

The two Samurai "escorted" Zuo Yi had a good attitude. They left Zuo Yi in the corridor for a few minutes, and then said, "Your clothes must be changed. You can't wear them until tomorrow. You don't have anything on your mobile phone. Right? "

Zuo Yi not at all wore that kind of special clothing that adapted to the pretty Desolate World environment, and they were transmitted alone, so they felt very strange in their hearts.

Definitely dare not neglect, because Zuo Yi is about to see Fan Hailiu, who dare not have enough status?

But what happened to Zuo Yi was weird, so they remained vigilant.

Although it is said that with China's level of protection, there is almost no possibility of "smuggling" in Zuo Yi, but in case?

Zuo Yi looked away and followed the two down the stairs.

Two warriors took Zuo Yi to a room on the lower floor, and one of them saluted to a uniformed man sitting behind the desk: "Mr. Zhang, this gentleman has just been teleported and he wants to see him Fan Shuai. "


The uniformed man suddenly raised his head, glanced at the other with a doubtful look, then focused on Zuo Yi, his eyebrows twisted into Sichuan symbol: "Just the teleportation? Isn't the next teleportation scheduled two weeks later?"

Because the charging process of World Stone is very complicated, in order to improve efficiency, the two-way transfer of materials and personnel has strict planning arrangements, and it will not be easily opened unless special circumstances are encountered.

The two samurai look at each other in shock, they don't know what happened, anyway, the Zuo Yi people have brought them.

The uniform man stood up and said to Zuo Yi, "How did you get here? What's wrong with seeing Fan Shuai?"

His voice was a bit aggressive, with deep questions.

The uniform man didn't know Zuo Yi, and Zuo Yi didn't match the Extraordinary powerhouse in his memory. The most important thing was that Zuo Yi was very young and didn't have that kind of strong Extraordinary fluctuation, so he was not very polite.

Zuo Yi calmly took out his credentials: "I asked President Qin to help transmit it."

Zuo Yi is here to do private affairs, so there is no need to confront him, and he does not plan to stop at the Dragon City fortress.

The uniformed man took the document and looked at it. The expression was a bit weird: "Jiangnan Extraordinary Management Office Chief Advisor, Zuo Yi?"

He double-checked it, and then returned the certificate to Zuo Yi: "The certificate is fine. What do you want to see Fan Shuai?"

His attitude eased a bit, but apparently did not know Zuo Yi's true identity.

This is actually quite normal. Many Transcendents stay in the Dragon City fortress for years or even ten years. The contact with Earth depends on correspondence, and because of the quota restrictions on transmission channels, they cannot be contacted many times a year.

Without a TV, no internet, and no cell phone, the information on the Dragon City fortress is blocked.

Zuo Yi has made his mark in the World in the last six months. It is not surprising that the uniform man has not heard his name.

"I need a map …"

Zuo Yi explained, "I'm going to Winter City."

"Winter City?"

The uniform man opened his eyes and couldn't help but open his eyes: "Wu Dongcheng is thousands of kilometers away from us. What are you doing there?"

Zuo Yi smiled and didn't answer.

The uniform man is a little displeased, but or is: "The map of the pretty Desolate World belongs to the confidential item, I can't provide it to you, or should you wait for Fan Shuai to come back?"

Zuo Yi frowned, asked, "When will Fan Shuai return?"


The uniform man smiled slightly: "This is also confidential."

Without waiting for Zuo Yi to answer, he turned his head and said to the warrior, "Master Chen, you take the left chief to go through the registration formalities."

"Left Chief …"

The uniform man said to Zuo Yi again: "You live in the city first, and then come to the central tower to ask about it in two days."


Zuo Yi is too lazy to rub with this guy who does n't smile. It does n't matter if the other person does n't give the map. He can inquire in the fortress by himself. It 's too late to come back to find Fan Hailiu.

Under the leadership of Samurai Chen, Zuo Yi registered in another office, and then received a set of locally produced clothing and boots, and an identification plate.

Then left the central giant tower which is 100 meters high.