Paladin Dad Chapter 527

"Sir, do you need a tour guide?"

"Sir, do you need a servant?"

"Sir, buy a newspaper!"


Just as Zuo Yi stepped out of the isolation guardrail outside the giant tower of the central center, many children immediately surrounded him, arrogantly recommending or selling products to him.

These children are all in their teens. Most of them have curly yellow hair and blue or red eyes. They are obviously immigrant descendants of the Kingdom of Selles.

Dragon City Fortress has XNUMX to XNUMX Transcendents from China, and the number of immigrants exceeds hunted thousand!

With the exception of a few mages, Knights, and artisans supported by the Kingdom of Celes, most of the Celes immigrants are civilians and untouchables. Although their status is low, their role in this city is irreplaceable.

The workers in the workshop, the farmers of the underground farms, the cleaners, handyman, waiters, shop buddies, individual craftsmen … without their hard work, the current Dragon City fortress can not be maintained for a day.

Zuo Yi once read an investigation report on the Dragon City fortress. They believe that these Celestine immigrants have actually become an important chip in the Kingdom of Celeste to maintain its influence on the Dragon City fortress, and it is even more effective than the wizards and royals sent by the royal family Knight is bigger!

And most of these Celes who traveled thousands of miles to the fortress of Dragon City to discuss their lives were mostly ruined and bankrupt households. Most of them couldn't get along in their hometown before they ventured to choose this city as their new home.

Keep in mind that Dragon City Fortress is located on the northwestern border of the Kingdom of Selles and is constantly threatened by orcs.

Who wants to set up a business here?

It is said that the most attractive aspect of the Dragon City fortress is that the class gap in the city is not very large. The Transcendents in China are very friendly to them, and no aristocracy prevails on them, regardless of the environment or the security situation Are far beyond most cities in the Kingdom of Selles.

Of course, if you want to live better in the Dragon City fortress, you have to work, even a small child is no exception.

Zuo Yi didn't have any coins in his pocket, so he ignored the salesmen and reached out to a little girl about ten years old who was looking for a job guide: "What's your name?"

There are four or five children who want to be a tour guide for Zuo Yi. She is the only girl. She is thin and small. Although her clothes are a bit shabby, she is dressed neatly and neatly.

"Hi lord."

The little girl resisted the joy in her heart and approached Zuo Yi saluted respectfully. "My name is Niya. I am honored to work for you. I was born in Dragon City and am very familiar with this place."

She speaks Chinese very standard and can hardly hear the awkward accent.

Zuo Yi chose her, and the other small children were disappointed and left, waiting for the next goal.


Zuo Yi nodded said, "Now take me to the bank."

The currency in the Dragon City fort is not the Xia Yuan of China, but the gold, silver, and copper coins of the Kingdom of Selles. Transcendent from China can take gold to the bank for exchange.

The Bank in Dragon City Fortress was jointly established by China and the Kingdom of Selles.

Transcendents in China want to live in the Dragon City fortress, either to bring gold to exchange, or to take various tasks issued by the Dragon City Management Committee to get paid, or to join the various sections of the Dragon City Guard and Management Committee.

Zuo Yi didn't plan to stay in the Dragon City fortress, of course, he would not go to work for work. His space ring also stored hundreds of tons of gold, and just taking one out was enough to spend here.

Niya said immediately, "Sir, please follow me, the bank is ahead."


At this time, a black four-wheeled steam car was passing by the two, accompanied by the whistle of a whistle.

Zuo Yi couldn't help but glance more.

The environment, roads and buildings, the appearance of pedestrians, and the steam machinery on the road, assaults the senses of the industrial revolution.

"This is a Bison III steam car …"

Niya introduced: "The latest produced by the Bison Steam Machinery Factory sells for more than a hundred Gold Coins."

The metal currency of the Kingdom of Selles is 1 gold = 10 silver = 1000 copper, and there are copper corner coins. The purchasing power of 1 copper is roughly equivalent to 1 Xia yuan, and more than one hundred gold is more than XNUMX Xia yuan.

It's a luxury here.

Zuo Yi is curious: "You know all about cars?"

Nia straightened her chest and said proudly, "I father worked at the Bison Steam Machinery Plant!"

That's no wonder.

Led by Niya, Zuo Yi quickly arrived at the bank.

He exchanged a piece of 10Kg gold bricks into the Kingdom of Selles Gold Coin, and filled it with a large bag full of more than XNUMX pieces.

Zuo Yi grabbed a few Gold Coins and gave them to Niya: "The guide fee will be given to you first."

"Sir, too much."

Nia blushed suddenly and waved her hands again and again: "A silver coin is enough."

"Hold it for you."

Zuo Yi shoved it into her hand, and put the purse into the space ring: "Let's go."

Nia's eyes were red. "Thank you, sir."

She dutifully took Zuo Yi around the Dragon City fortress and did her best to answer Zuo Yi's questions.

Zuo Yi knew about it. Seeing that it was dark, he said, "Okay, let's go here. It's late, you go home soon."

Niya did not expect her task to be completed so quickly, she came back to his senses for a moment, then bowed saluted deeply towards Zuo Yi, and said gratefully, "Thank you!"

Zuo Yi gave her a full six Gold Coins, which is equivalent to two months of her father's salary!

Zuo Yi couldn't help but reached out and rubbed her head, saying, "Go."

Niya said, "Well," she turned around and ran away, as if a hare strangled by a hound, panicked and timid.

Zuo Yi laughed suddenly.

He stopped a rental carriage that had just passed and asked the driver to take him to the largest and busiest tavern in the city.

The largest and most lively pub in the Dragon City fortress is called Tonglong Pub. When Zuo Yi took the rental carriage, the pub was already very lively, gathering a hundred or two hundred alcoholic guests.

Many of these drinkers are Selles, and also China's Transcendent. The waiters serving drinks in the tavern are all beautiful blonde girls, all charming and attentive, which is probably the root cause of the booming business here.

Unlike the guests who stuck their eyes to the tavern girl, Zuo Yi looked for a target in the crowd and soon found out.

He ordered a glass of ale at the bar and walked towards the target while holding the glass.

"Hello, everyone."