Paladin Dad Chapter 529

The trumpet sound came from the central high tower, which instantly spread throughout the fortress, which immediately broke the tranquility of the city.

Bonn's face changed.

boom! boom! boom!

The next moment, a bunch of red fireworks exploded over the fort, and the ignition light was suspended in the air for a long time!

"Red alert!"

Bonn's voice was trembling: "Sir, what do we do now?"

red alert?

Zuo Yi frowned asked, "Is it serious?"

"You don't know?"

Bonn was surprised: "The red alert is the highest level alert in Dragon City!"

Once the Dragon City fortress is threatened, the central high tower will issue an alert immediately. The level of the alert is divided into Fifth Level, and red is the highest level.

"Surely the wolf is coming!"

Bonn said solemnly: "I remember that the Dragon City fortress last issued a red alert one year ago, when the Wolf Tribe sent XNUMX wolf riders and Hundred and Thirty Thousand vassals to attack the Dragon City fortress, which killed a lot during the war people."

His eyes looked towards the city wall in the distance: "The wolf cubs are here again!"

The eyes of the Celesian man were filled with anger and a hint of deep fear.

For thousands of years, the overlords of the Desolate Wilderness Continent have always been orcs and Elf, and the Three Great Kingdoms of Human Race have been oppressed to a continent, saying that struggling on whilst at death's door is no exaggeration.

Had it not been for the orcs and the Elf to be hostile to each other, Human Race would have been dead.

The orcs divided a lot of tribes and jointly countered the Elf empire in the form of alliances. The main enemy of the Celestial kingdom was the wolf of the orcs. The latter used Celeste as a pasture and hunting ground, and attacked from the north to the south from time to time. To make the kingdom miserable.

As for the other two Human Race kingdoms, the situation is similar. It is nothing more than facing different enemies.

Because of this, when the Earth 's Transcendents "come" to the Desolate World through the World Stone, they soon established an alliance with Three Great Kingdoms and had a city stronghold.

As a price, the seven cities of the seven Extraordinary forces are at the border and are at the forefront of the battle against the orcs. As is the case today, this is not the first time and it will not be the last!

"Then I have to stay for a while, wait for the wolf to fight back …"

Zuo Yi said, "If you want to leave, I won't stop you, our contract can be cancelled."

The sudden attack of the wolf tribe once again disrupted Zuo Yi's plan, but he was absolutely impossible to leave the Dragon City fortress at this time!

Not only because he is a member of China, but more importantly, as Knight, there is no reason to escape.

Order, Honor, Heroism, Trust, Staunchness, Uprightness, Honesty, Mercy, Eight Virtues is the cornerstone of Zuo Yi's strength!

"Do not!"

Bonn bite clinching one's teeth said: "I'm staying to guard the Dragon City fortress. When the wolf race is repelled, I'll accompany you to Winter City!"

"Last time I missed, this time I can't go!"

In fact, he still wants to go. Once the fortress enters a state of war, the city gate moved towards the inland of the Kingdom of Selles will be closed, and the residents in the city will no longer be allowed to enter and leave freely.

Bonn took a gold ticket from his pocket and handed it to Zuo Yi: "Sir, I exchanged the gold you gave for Gold Coin last night and saved it in the bank. This is the deposit certificate."

"You keep it."

Zuo Yi said with a smile: "This money is nothing to me, then we fight back the wolf goodbye."

Bonn solemnly nodded: "Okay, I'm going to find a companion, my lord will meet again!"

He picked up his bag and hurriedly returned to the tavern.

At this moment, a group of heavily armed soldiers came quickly, and one of the leading officers held out a tin horn and said loudly: "Please volunteers to report immediately to the nearest armed point. Note that this is not an exercise, not an exercise. ! "

The officer was from China, and all the soldiers he led were Celes.

The Kingdom of Selles and the Orcs hatred deep like the sea, so many immigrants from the Dragon City fortress volunteered to join the Dragon City Guard to help China resist the wolf attack.

They are also defending their homes!

Zuo Yi stopped the other and asked, "Where is the nearest point of armed force?"

The Chinese officer immediately instructed: "Case, you take this gentleman to the nearest armed spot."

"Follow the order!"

A Selles soldier was enlisted: "Sir, please give me."

Following the young soldier, Zuo Yi soon arrived at a nearby armed spot.

The so-called armed point is actually the military outpost of the fortress. Now it is used as a place for distributing ordnance weapons. When Zuo Yi came over, there were already long queues outside.

The mobilization mechanism for war at the Dragon City fortress is obviously very complete. There are Chinese and Celes in line. Everyone is in good order, and there is no panic because of the wolf attack.

The situation is similar in other places. Although the atmosphere is very tense, there is no confusion.

"What equipment do you need?"

A quartermaster asked Zuo Yi, who had just arrived: "Weapons and armor are here, you decide quickly."

Behind him was a huge pile of swords, axes, hammers, leather armor, armor, and more.

Zuo Yi glanced at him and said, "Give me a big sword, and a bundle of javelins, the rest is unnecessary."

Quartermaster looked at Zuo Yi: "Give me your status token."

He quickly registered Zuo Yi's identity, and then had his men deliver a large sword and a bundle of javelins to Zuo Yi.

With the weapon just in hand, Zuo Yi followed the instructions of the armed point sentry and came along the long corridor to the city wall.

He feels it's been a long time since we last met.

The city wall section of the Dragon City fortress facing the northern orcs is extremely majestic and sturdy. It is divided into two layers, the inner city wall is more than 50 meters in height, and the outer city wall is more than thirty meters high.

Various defense measures are set inside and outside the city wall. The largest number is undoubtedly the steam giant crossbow. These defensive crossbows are fixed behind the battlements, and a metal pipe used to transport high-pressure steam is connected below. A white mist came out.

The Celesti soldiers are all responsible for operating the Steam Crossbow, while the Chinese are mostly armored warriors. There are many arrow towers and steam trebuchet positions behind the city wall.

As for more defensive measures, Zuo Yi cannot see for the time being.

Although the enemy is not yet visible, the Dragon City Fortress is like a porcupine with a sharp spine, waiting for the enemy to smash into the bloodstream!

As a volunteer, Zuo Yi was placed in the first City Wall section, just outside the city wall.

Of course, he did not have any opinion on such an arrangement, but rather looked forward to the advent of the enemy.

Since the First World War in Sadya World Thorns Town, Zuo Yi has not experienced the scene of war for almost a year.

He missed it a bit.