Paladin Dad Chapter 530

The entire Dragon City fortress was steaming.

The steam boilers arranged in different areas of the city are fully fueled, and the hot high-pressure steam is transported to the urban defense section through special pipes, and sent to the defensive crossbows, trebuchets, and so on. The atmosphere of the coming war is suffocating.

But the enemy not at all appeared, the grassland in front was empty, and the forest in the distance was calm like a windless ocean.

"Those wolf puppies, at least another hour to see them."

A big man next to him told Zuo Yi: "They have to go through the forest in front of them. The wolf cavalry should arrive first, and then be their vassal."

The tall man of Sailes was more than two meters tall, his muscles were very strong, his head was bare, and his lion's mouth was quite thick.

His skin was wheat-colored, and the whole person looked like an Iron Pagoda, an indestructible type.

Lord Selles saw Zuo Yi looking out of Duokou several times, and guessed that Zuo Yi had not fought against the wolves, so he reminded in good faith: "Our hub tower can monitor the area around dozens of kilometers, no need to Worry about wolf pups sneak attack. "

Zuo Yi nodded, asked, "Are you also a volunteer?"

The other person speaks Chinese well and should have lived in the Dragon City fortress for a long time.

"My name is Quaker."

Hans Selez grinned, revealing his white and neat teeth: "I am now the Warrior of the Dragon City Guard. As long as I get five more battles, I can become a full-time warrior!"

Zuo Yi was curious: "Do you want to join the Dragon City Guard?"


Quaker held his chest up and said, "It's my honor to fight against the wolf with you Chinese, and …"

Also, he was exiled to the Dragon City fortress as a sinner. Only by obtaining enough military exploits can he get rid of this shameful identity and go even further.

Becoming a true member of the Dragon City Guard is his only hope.

The celesian man is obviously the character of the rectum and can't hide his heart. Even if he just knew Zuo Yi, he told his identity.

Zuo Yi has a better feeling for such people, he smiled and stretched out his hand to the other person: "My name is Zuo Yi."

"Left, Zuo Yi."

Quaker shook his hand shyly: "Hello."

gu lu ~

Quaker's tone barely fell, and his stomach made a thunderous noise.

The celesian was very embarrassed, scratching his head and explaining, "I, I haven't had time to eat breakfast."

"It's all right, I invite you to eat."

Zuo Yi laughed and took bread, grilled meat, sausages, etc. from the space ring and gave them to each other.

"Thank you."

Quaker looked stunned, and said in a cramped manner, "I, I give you a wolf ear!"

Zuo Yi wondered, "Wolf-eared?"

After Quaker's explanation, he came to understand that the original wolf ears were used to calculate combat power. These volunteers stationed in the first City Wall section mainly deal with the wolf warriors who rushed to the city wall, killed the werewolves and cut Only the lower ears can get the corresponding combat achievements.

Quaker gives Zuo Yi a wolf ear, which is equivalent to giving him a little bit of combat power.

"Then you are too bad."

Zuo Yi laughed dumbfoundedly and took out a few bottles of beer from the space ring to Quaker.

Of course, beer is the product of Earth. It is not affected by World rules in his space ring, but it must be drunk as soon as possible, otherwise it will soon break.

As long as food and drinks are digested and absorbed, there is no problem.

Quaker is very happy and praises beer very much. He thinks that it tastes better than ale, which is a bit lighter.

Woo! Woo! Woo ~

Just over half an hour later, the horn sounded again in Dragon City Fortress, and one after another red flares blew up in the air.

There were countless birds in the distant forest, and a low roar came.

"Come so fast!"

Having just had enough to eat and drink, Quik, who was resting against the wall, jumped up immediately, and he grabbed the Tomahawk next to him.

This time the wolves really came.

Thousands of wolves rode out of the forest, as if the black torrent flooded the grassland and approached the Dragon City fortress in just a few minutes.

These wolves are all strong and strong. They are wearing dark brown leather armor, riding dark grey wolves with their bows and sabers, covering the mountains and the plains. They are as imposing as a rainbow, giving them a great sense of oppression.

Many volunteers stationed in the first City Wall section, like Zuo Yi and Quaker, have changed their faces.

But the Wolf Cavalry's striker stopped at a distance of 1000 meters from the city wall. They quickly formed a lineup, facing the Dragon City fortress that blocked the canyon glare like a tiger watching his prey.


Quaker spit out with hate: "cunning wolf pup!"

Where the Wolf Cavalry stopped, it was just outside the effective range of the Steam Crossbow, and they clearly knew the defense preparations of the Dragon City fortress quite well.

At this moment in the headquarters of the hub tower, the senior officers of the Dragon City Guard are using the water mirror and sound of the mage to monitor the internal and external conditions of the fortress while transmitting a series of orders.

On the wall, a water mirror shows the outside scene from different angles.

Although they are ready to fight, although they are not the first time they have encountered a sudden attack from the wolf tribe, although the Dragon City fort has never fallen since its establishment, the expression on everyone's face is very dignified.

Because Fan Hailiu, the Supreme Commander and soul of Dragon City Guard, is far away from King Seleth at this moment. Even if the news is passed now, it will take at least two or three days to get back.

Without the seat of this Alpha powerhouse, everyone feels a little underpowered.

The most important thing is that this attack of the Wolf clan came when Fan Hailiu left. Is it a coincidence or a premeditated one?

If it is the latter, then the problem is even greater!

This may cast a shadow over many people's hearts.

Over time, more and more wolf cavalry appeared on the grasslands through the forest, XNUMX, XNUMX, XNUMX …

Follow closely from behind is a larger number of wolf tributaries. They bring a lot of war chariot, crossbow, slinger and other equipment used to attack the city. After meeting with the wolf cavalry, the number of Legion broke through Hundred thousand!

Ka! ka! ka!

Along with cracks that have had one's hair stand on end, the big trees fell down, and a team of dozens of giants appeared behind the wolf Legion.

"Wolf King Gold Account!"

I don't know who shouted loudly. I saw eight giants carrying a giant tent through the channel opened by their companions, and appeared in the position of the Wolf Army Legion.

The golden tent was shining in the sun, and the black flag on the top fluttered in the wind!