Paladin Dad Chapter 538

"Go to Winter City now?"

Hearing Zuo Yi's words, Bonn almost fell on the spot

Legion, the wolf tribe, has just retreated. At any time, it is possible to make a comeback. Zuo Yi, the big man, is going to shoot his ass and leave?

He was flustered after thinking about it.


Zuo Yi said with a smile: "Go and get your luggage, we have a mount."

Originally, he planned to take Bonn to Fly Winter City, although it was a little troublesome, but the problem was not big.

Now that the griffins have been conquered, the journey to the Winter City will be much easier.

As for the problem that Bonn was worried about, it was not a problem at all, because the possibility of the Wolf tribe Legion to make a comeback is very low, and the morale of the wolf Divine Knight was lost. Their morale suffered a severe blow, as long as the head of Wolf King was not given by the donkey Kicked, and definitely will not attack the Dragon City fortress in such a situation.

Zuo Yi estimates that this battle will be enough to fight a decade of peace until the wolf tribe gives birth to a new wolf, Divine Knight, and forgets the pain and fear he brought to the other party.

"Sir, please wait a moment."

Bonn hurriedly saluted, and faintly ran to the room upstairs in the Tonglong Tavern, and quickly took his bag.


Zuo Yi leapt to the griffin's back.

Bonn climbed up.

Although he is a good professional, Bonn still has a lot of fear about the savage flying beasts like griffins. When he climbed up, he was trembling with fear, and the latter suddenly turned his head to give him a sip.

However, this griffon was extremely docile.

When Zuo Yi reached out and pats its neck, it immediately stood up, raised a loud roar, immediately opened its huge wings and waved twice suddenly, and rushed into the sky.

Despite carrying Zuo Yi and Bonn at the same time, the griffins still seemed very relaxed, and rushed to a height of 100 meters between breaths.

It circled a half circle over the Dragon City fort, and then moved towards the right.

After a while, the Transcendent staff commanders of the Dragon City fortress hurried to the Copper Dragon Tavern. As a result, the shadow of the griffin was no longer visible, and everyone couldn't help looking at each other in shock.

In fact, Zuo Yi hurriedly left the Dragon City fortress. Except because he had already delayed a lot of time here, he didn't want to deal with these Dragon Guards high-level entertainers and say some boring polite words.

Under Bonn's guidance, the griffins flew northeast above the rolling mountain range.

For Bonn's experienced "Old Horse", flying in the air is undoubtedly a very fresh experience. He took a lot of effort to adapt to the role of "Flight Guide".

Overlooking the mountains and rivers of Desolate Wilderness Continent, the aboriginal can't help but overwhelmed by emotions.

In the past, he led the team from south to north. The hard and dangerous journey was the biggest challenge. There were no roads in many places. He stepped on them with his feet forcibly. If he was unfamiliar with the terrain, he could easily go wrong or even get lost.

But the journey in the air is completely free of these hassles and dangers. No sound of nature can stop the griffins flying at a height of 1000 meters. The only thing you need to pay attention to is to hold the saddle firmly to avoid falling.

At sunset, the griffins flew out of the territory of the Kingdom of Celes and entered the territory of the Kingdom of Atoa.

The Kingdom of Atoa is a neighbor of the Kingdom of Celeste, which is located northeast of Celeste, while the other Human Race Kingdom of Santa Fe is southwest of Celeste. Three Great Kingdoms are connected to each other to help and guard Desolate Wilderness. Continent's Human Race Bloodline.

Seeing that it was going to get dark, Zuo Yi let the griffins land on a hillside with a wide view.

Although resting for more than half an hour on the way, the long-distance flight of nearly ten hours made the Gryphon very tired, its physical strength was severely reduced, and it was no longer able to continue to fly, and it must take a long time to recover.

In addition, flying at night is also easy to get lost, so Zuo Yi decided to camp here and set off tomorrow morning.

ying ying ying!

The griffin that had just landed lay directly on the ground, and turned his head to make a low tweet to Zuo Yi.

Talk about your hardships and grievances.

It's still a monster …

Zuo Yi smirked, he jumped off Griffin's back, then took three Demon Ox jerky from the space ring and put it in front of the latter, plus a bucket of water.

Oh! Oh!

When I saw Demon Ox jerky, the griffins suddenly lightened their eyes, and the saliva almost ran down.

It has tasted the taste of beef and knows that this kind of food can bring great benefits to itself. Just now, he was coquettish to Zuo Yi, and he wanted to eat meat.

I did not expect Zuo Yi to come up with three big strips.

Although thoroughly tamed by Zuo Yi, the loyalty locked up the full value, but at this time the griffin completely accepted his new Master emotionally, leaving the wolf Divine Knight completely behind him.

Grabbing a piece of jerky, it started to chew up with a gobble.

Zuo Yi pats his head, said to Bonn, "We'll rest here at night."


Bonn quickly said, "I'll get some firewood."

There are woods nearby, and of course he does the chopping of trees and firewood.

"No need to bother …"

Zuo Yi took out the grill, charcoal, condiments, and various ingredients from the space ring.

His space ring is big enough to hold a lot of things, including a lot of food and living utensils.

Bonn next to him was dazzled and surprised.

"I come."

He took the initiative to take over the barbecue.

Everyone in the business has no knowledge of cooking in the wild. Although Bonn has never used a barbecue oven before, such a simple thing will not stump him, and he will soon put the divided ingredients on the burning charcoal fire.

Zuo Yi took out his chair and sat down, tossing a bottle of beer to Bonn: "Drink some wine first."

Bonn caught it and asked in amazement, "This is your world's ale?"

The transmission capability of World Stone is limited, the transmission quota is very precious, and the influence of the rules, the materials transmitted from Earth must not be beer.

And even if it were, Bonn couldn't drink it.

So he was surprised, never seen ale in such a beautiful "crystal bottle"!

"more or less."

Zuo Yi held a bottle of beer to demonstrate the opening of the lid, and said, "Hurry up, or you will soon break down."

Bonn quickly unscrewed the cap and tasted cautiously.

He praised: "Good!"

This is a fine wine from another World!

Zuo Yi said with a smile: "Drink casually, I still have a lot here."

At this time, a griffon who had just swallowed a Demon Ox jerky came together, and chopped Zuo Yi's arm with a hawk, yelling ying ying.

"Do you want to drink too?"

Zuo Yi didn't know whether to cry or laugh, so he took out another bottle of beer, opened it, and poured it into the open mouth of the griffin.

Griffon swallowed elated, with a look of enjoyment.

Obviously also a foodie!