Paladin Dad Chapter 539

"I heard your world …"

Bonn drank the beer in a bottle in one breath, and had several points of drunkenness in his eyes. He whispered, "There is no Orc without Elf, and Human Race is the only ruler of the earth."

The voice of the celeste man expressed longing and longing.

Compared to Earth 's humans, the Human Race in Desolate World is really a bit miserable. It has been oppressed by the orcs and Elf for thousands of years, struggling on whilst at death's door at the corner of the continuous, which may be destroyed at any time. .

People in Three Great Kingdoms always have a feeling of dying.


Zuo Yi nodded: "But we also have war."

Bonn sighed, fell back on the blanket, and soon fell asleep.

But Zuo Yi didn't have any pajamas. He looked up at the starry sky above his head, his thoughts drifted into the distance.

I don't know if I can find Gu Yunxi successfully when I arrive at the Winter City.

The next morning, when the sky was bright, Zuo Yi and Bonn set off again.

After a night of rest, the griffins that swallowed three Demon Ox jerky meat not only recovered their energy, but also full of vitality.

It carried the two men to the sky and flew towards the Winter City at the fastest speed.

In the territory of the Kingdom of Atoa, the number of cities encountered during the flight journey will be much larger. The population of the Kingdom of Atoa is the largest in Three Great Kingdoms, and it has the largest area.

It was with these cities as coordinates that Bonn did not point in the wrong direction and found the target in the afternoon.

"That's Winter City!"

He was very excited, pointing his finger towards the distant city and exclaiming, "The northern fortress of Atoa!"

Unlike the Dragon City fortress built in the canyon, the Winter City is built on a mountain. It is backed by a towering Great Snow Mountain with a flowing river in front of it as a natural barrier.

It's early summer, and the northern part of the Kingdom of Atoa is warm, and the large plains along the river bank to Snow Mountain are green, and many places are covered with lush and green virgin forests.

However, most of the surrounding mountain range is covered by snow, and the melting snow water converges into a stream and waterfall, reflecting the blue sky and white clouds. The scenery is very beautiful.

Zuo Yi landed three or four kilometers away from the Winter City.

He came to find someone instead of going to fight against Winter City. In order to avoid trouble, the normal way of entering the city is the most suitable.

After landing, Zuo Yi pats Gryphon's head, took out a dark golden badge from the space ring.

He held the badge in his hand and aimed at the gryphon. The next moment, the badge suddenly transmitted thousands of white rays of light, covering the latter!

Gryphons disappeared instantly without a trace.

On the surface of the badge, a griffin pattern emerged silently.

This Zuo Yi badge is called the "Canadian Chapter", a replica of the "Sacred Beast Badge" and a gift from Sadya World Legendary Grand Wizard Kanida when Zuo Yi stepped into the Legendary. .

Although it is a replica, Canida's chapter also possesses some of the Sacred Beast badge's ability, which can simultaneously seal two battle companion or mounts not higher than the Legendary level.

For Knight, although the chapter of Kanida cannot directly improve the battle strength, this piece of Law of Creation is absolutely practical and worth as much as space ring.

Zuo Yi once owned several battle companions and mounts. His last battle companion died in Abyss, and he has never tamed new pets since.

After many years, Zuo Yi once again took out the Kanida chapter.

Although this griffon is very poor in strength, there is no way to compare it with his previous battle companion, but Zuo Yi has no plans to abandon this guy and find Gu Yunxi to bring it back to Earth together.

Putting away the griffins, Zuo Yi put on himself a thousand faces.

He reached out and wiped the mask, his appearance changed immediately, and his pupils became red.

It is completely the image of the Celes.

As for Zuo Yi's endless stream of magical means, Bonn next to him is no stranger.

Then Zuo Yi took out two Konjac and handed it to Bonn: "eat it and talk to me in your language."

Bonn did not swallow the konjac without the slightest hesitation, and said in Celesian: "It tastes good."

He was telling the truth, konjac was very sweet and refreshing, and even the skin was delicious.

Zuo Yi followed his swallowed konjac and said, "Let's go."

He also speaks Selec and is very standard.

Bonn: "…"

The Celes who were deeply impressed took Zuo Yi and walked the last few kilometers to reach Dongdong City.

Winter City's city gate is open, and pedestrians are mainly hunters, farmers, and traders, many of them Europeans.

Winter City is a city built by the Continental Extraordinary Federation. It is said that there are more than XNUMX Continental Transcendents living in this city, second only to the Dragon City Fortress, and the total population even exceeds the Dragon City Fortress.

A lot of farmland is cultivated on the plain outside the city, and there are farm houses. Many farmers are working in the fields. The busy scenes show peace and tranquility, which is completely different from the scene of the Dragon City fortress.

There is no acre of arable land outside the Dragon City Fortress, and all food is supplied from the rear.

"The White Bear Tribe doesn't like war very much and doesn't want to go south …"

Bonn said quietly to Zuo Yi: "Winter Winter City has always been safe. If I were an Atoa, I would choose to live here."

After paying the entrance tax for two silver coins, the two entered the northern fortress.

The winter city is very large. Most of the buildings inside are Gothic, and the material used to build the house is white rock. Therefore, the entire city and the city wall are white, and the Great Snow Mountain is perfect. Merged together.

The roads in the city go up step by step. The building is more magnificent and exquisite. The most prominent one is undoubtedly the white high tower standing in the center of the city. Under the sun, the rays of light resemble pearls.

The winter city is very lively. There are a lot of shops along the street. The streets are crowded with people. Bonn and Zuo Yi are mixed in without any noticeable attention.

"Your mission is complete."

Standing on the street corner, Zuo Yi said to Bonn, "I'm satisfied. You have to figure it out when you go back."

He hired Bonn to bring himself to Winter City, whose mission was very well accomplished.

"Thank you an adult."

Bonn bowed to Zuo Yi, he hesitated, and cautiously asked: "Sir, do you have any more help? Although I haven't been to Dongcheng for a long time, I still have some understanding of."


Zuo Yi groaned and said, "I'm here to find someone."

He has a good opinion of Bonn. The Selles is thick and thin, and he is an old man who can handle things.

So Zuo Yi disclosed his intention to the other party.