Paladin Dad Chapter 540

Zuo Yi not at all told Bonn for more detailed information. He hoped that Bonn could set up a line for himself in Winter City and find an informed person to help find it.

Dongdong City has a population of more than XNUMX. As far as Zuo Yi is concerned, it is not easy to find Gu Yunxi when his life is not familiar.

Although Bonn is not an Atoya, he has been to Dongwon City, and he is a trader.

Of course, this is the best choice to not cause any trouble. If this road does not work, then Zuo Yi will start a big move.

For example, flying over the winter city, loudly roared: "Gu Yunxi where are you?"

As long as Gu Yunxi is in this city, I believe it will come out.

As for Zuo Yi's request, Bonn agreed without the slightest hesitation, and even rejected the gold that Zuo Yi offered.

Shrimp has shrimp road, crab has crab road. Although he last visited Dongdong City ten years ago, there have been many changes in Dongdong City, but this city is not new to him. The circles you are familiar with are simple.

"Sir, please wait for me here …"

Bonn respectfully pointed to a tavern next to him and said, "I'll come back as soon as I find someone."

Zuo Yi has no objection: "OK."

Bonn left immediately, and disappeared into the bustling crowd in an instant, like a fish returning to the sea.

So Zuo Yi came to the nearby pub, ordered a glass of ale and two plates of snacks and sat down to wait.

It's all been to Winter City, and he doesn't even have that patience.

When a glass of ale was drunk and two plates of snacks were about to run out, Bonn hurried over with two fat and thin men.

"grown ups."

Bonn introduced for Zuo Yi: "This is Harris Steward of Lime Chamber of Commerce."

He introduced the fat man in a brocade, who raised his hand and held his chest with a smile, and said to Zuo Yi saluted, "It's an honor to meet Sir."

He also speaks Selec, and the languages ​​of the three major human race kingdoms of Desolate World are similar, with only slight differences in accent.

"Hello there."

Zuo Yi nodded: "I want to ask you to find someone for me, Earth."

Harris's expression turned solemn: "Earth man?"

Although it is the territory of the Kingdom of Attoa, the Earth is ruled by Winter, investigating an Attoa and investigating an Earth is completely different.

"You make a price."

Zuo Yi said, "I just need to know her whereabouts, where she works or lives."

Harris couldn't help but relax, because Zuo Yi's requirements were really not high, even if the object of the investigation was Earth people, it was not difficult for him.

In fact, it was easy, because he was able to get on top of Earth.

It's just that what price should make Harris hesitate, wondering if Zao Yi's knife is suitable.

At this moment, the thin man who came with him suddenly coughed.

Harrison suddenly felt in his heart, and a smile reappeared on his face, saying, "This is only a small matter. Since you were introduced by Bonn, I have known Bonn for many years. I want to help you find it. Money is not money. Let's talk again. "

Bonn heard the corner of the mouth twitched.

He and Harris knew each other, but there was no friendship. It was nothing more than business dealings. If he hadn't paid a price this time, he would not have seen each other.

Harrison came to see Zuo Yi in person, as a result of his hard lobbying.

Zuo Yi glanced at the thin man, too lazy to continue talking nonsense with Harris, and said straightforwardly, "Okay, the person I'm looking for is called Candice. She is from Earth China. She should have been here two years ago. Winter city. "

Winter City is the nest of Flame Cross in the Desolate World. It has gathered tens of thousands of European Transcendents. Gu Yunxi, as a Chinese, should have a very obvious goal. As long as the other party has a few connections, I believe it is easy to find her whereabouts.

This is the reason why Zuo Yi doesn't want to make a lot of effort. What can you solve with a little money? Why should you make Earthshaking?

"I need to get her news as soon as possible, and money is not a problem."

Harris said with a smile: "Please rest assured, as long as she is in Winter City, then I promise I will be able to find her."

Harris is not a word of mouth. In addition to his high-level contacts, the power of Lyme Chamber of Commerce in Winter City is not to be underestimated.

He whispered a few words to the skinny man next to him, who nodded away.

Zuo Yi saw that the thin man was good and quick and agile, similar to a rogue assassin professional.

Just the other party reminded Harris just now, it is estimated that he saw his out of the ordinary.

It saves Zuo Yi a lot of things.

After the skinny man left, the three waited in the tavern. The Harris steward of the Chamber of Commerce in Lyme was very smooth and enthusiastically invited the tavern to order drinks and food.

He talked and laughed with Zuo Yi, and didn't leave Bonn in the cold. He was talking about anecdotes that happened in Winter City.

After about an hour or so, the skinny man returned and reached Harris's ear and said a few words.

Harris expression condensed, and after listening to frowns said to Zuo Yi, "Sir, this Candice Miss you are looking for is not currently in Winter City."

Not in Winter City?

This is Zuo Yi's least wanted answer, he solemnly asked: "Do you know where she went?"

If it happened to be back in Europe, it would really be …

Harris showed a distressed expression: "Sir, I'm afraid you don't know, this Candice Miss is serving in the Winter City Guard, we can't …"

"Ten thousand gold coins."

Zuo Yi interrupted him directly: "I want to know her whereabouts."

Harris froze.

Lime Chamber of Commerce is a big business, selling intelligence news is a regular business, and it's common to find someone's whereabouts like Zuo Yi.

But the offer price of XNUMX Gold Coin is very amazing, at least Harris has never received such a large order.

Although he had a lot of money, he was also stunned at this time: "Sir …"

Zuo Yi waved: "XNUMX Gold Coin."

Six Huang Chengcheng gold bricks instantly appeared on the wine table.

Harris was dumbfounded, even the thin man next to him held his breath.

They were both surprised by Zuo Yi's handwriting and shocked by Zuo Yi's magical methods.

Zuo Yi extend the hand, pointing at the bricks: "Tell me where she is, these are yours."

Harris couldn't help swallowed saliva and said, biting clinching one's teeth said: "I need to go and persuade some Sir."

His gaze looked at the gold bricks on the table.

As the so-called money can make the ghosts grind, the power of money passes through almost all planes of the Big Multiverse, and it is no exception in the Desolate World. It is difficult to speak vernacular with empty words, and it is extremely powerful to speak with a brick.

As for the hint of Harris, Zuo Yi didn't care: "Take it away, I only need accurate information."

He wasn't worried about the other party running the money.