Paladin Dad Chapter 541

Harris walked out of the tavern.

The thin man carried two heavy bags and followed him closely.

In fact, Harris wanted to mention it himself, but it was embarrassing that he overestimated his own strength and made a big deal.

But overdose, Harris was convinced that Zuo Yi gave real gold, without any impurities.

This is gold worth XNUMX Gold Coin!

Although Harris is the director of the Chamber of Commerce in Lyme, his normal annual income is not very high, and his daily expenses are quite a lot. It would not be enough for ten years to save XNUMX Gold Coin.

This money is enough to hire hundreds of killers to work hard!

He couldn't help but stop and asked in a low voice, "What do you think?"

This skinny man is Harris's confidant, the person he trusts most, and a good professional.

If it hadn't been for Harris's life, the professional wouldn't have been with him forever.

"Strong …"

A look of astonishment flashed through the skinny man's eyes: "In fact, I can't see how strong he is."

Harris's eyes twitched a few times.

Harris knew that his confidant had an extraordinary intuition and could anticipate the coming of danger in advance. He was very keen to see people, and would never speak in a word.

He said Zuo Yi was so strong that he couldn't see through it, and Harris didn't dare to doubt it at all.

In fact, when Bonn approached him earlier, he also hinted at the same hint.

Thinking of the consequences of offending a super powerhouse, Harris couldn't help shuddering, and quickly extinguished the idea that had just risen in his mind, so as not to cause himself trouble.

"Let's go and hurry up and finish this Sir job."

Facts have proven that the power of money is endless, and banknote ability is the most widely used ability. After more than half an hour, Harris returned to the tavern with his henchmen.

He wiped the sweat from his greasy face and said respectfully to Zuo Yi, "It's a shame."

Harris inquired about the whereabouts of Candice, Gu Yunxi, from a lover in the Winter City Guards.

As a Chinese, but also a beautiful beauty, Gu Yunxi has a small reputation in the Winter Soldiers' Guards. It is easy to ask her people, but if some secrets are involved, the situation is different.

Harris paid more than half of the BRICS to Zuo Yi before he got any further news.

Three days ago, Gu Yunxi followed a battalion of the Weixing Army to leave the Winter City and has not returned.

"It is said that this battle camp was escorting an archeological team to find the temple of Arad in the legendary …"

Harris lowered his voice and said, "Someone once said that the temple of Arad is deep in the Parma Highlands, but he doesn't know the truth."

Three days ago, the temple of Arad?

Zuo Yi couldn't help but think of his previous experience in Xiaouban.

He got a peculiar Gold Coin. After being inspired by his power, the final picture was a pyramid.

Gold Coin holder Natasha told Zuo Yi that she had been hired to escort this Gold Coin from the wild Desolate World with a huge secret to the Holy See and hand it to Pope Phillips.

The secret of Gold Coin is about immortality and immortality!

At that time, Zuo Yi scoffed at this, and did not believe in the immortal and immortal secrets of the Desolate World. He returned the Gold Coin to Natasha.

So is the temple of Arad that Gu Yunxi's team is looking for is the pyramid in Gold Coin?

Zuo Yi Think about it!

Because Pope Phillips is the Watcher of the World Stone of the Fire Cross, he also has the ability to inspire the secret of Gold Coin.

Several things were like falling pearls, picked up by Zuo Yi and quickly strung into a complete chain.

He recalled the picture that inspired Gold Coin at that time, re-enforced the memory, and then said to Harris: "I need a map, the more detailed the better."

Chamber of Commerce cannot be without maps. The more powerful the Chamber of Commerce, the larger and more detailed the map.

Harris eventually gave Zuo Yi a map including the Parma Heights. Although the image of the land was a medieval product by Earth's standards, it was enough for Zuo Yi.

The picture in his memory was enough for him to find the pyramid, which is the location of the temple of Arad.


Zuo Yi put away the sheepskin roll and said to Harris and Bonn: "Thank you both for your help, good-bye."

It really has a fate. If there is no accident, Zuo Yi finds Gu Yunxi and then goes to the Dragon City fortress and then returns to Earth. It is basically unlikely that he will return to Winter City again.

Saying goodbye to the two, Zuo Yi left the tavern and went out to the Winter City, unsealing the griffin from the chapter of Canida.


Riding a gryphon, Zuo Yi burst into the sky and flew towards Parma Heights in the direction shown on the map.

The Parma Heights is northwest of the Winter City, only a few hundred kilometers away from this bustling white city, but it is very large in area and is nominally divided by the Orcs and Elf.

In fact, most of the Parma Heights are uninhabited. Zuo Yi, driving the griffins, reached the marginal area of ​​Parma Heights before dark.

But the next search is not so easy. The perspective of the screen displayed by Gold Coin is on the ground, and it is two different things to look at it from the air. In addition, the changes brought by the years are huge.

So the next morning, Zuo Yi gave up riding a griffin after going deep into the highlands, and instead walked to find the pictures in his memory.

He took those pictures out of his mind again and again, and carried out comparative analysis repeatedly, and from time to time he opened the wings of light to fly into the air to find, and finally found out in the afternoon.

Zuo Yi found the traces left by the Winter Soldier's Ground Xinglong Battle Battalion.

Or to be more precise, the footprints of Dixinglong.

Dixinglong is a kind of low-level wild beast of Desolate World. It looks like a large lizard, with short and very strong limbs and high load-bearing ability. After being tamed, Dixinglong is hard-working and hard-working. Is an excellent carrier.

Since an adult traveling dragon weighs four or five tons, the traces they leave on the ground are very obvious, like a branch road sign, clearly indicating the direction for Zuo Yi.

This time Zuo Yi saves too much trouble, he will not get lost as long as he follows the footprint on the ground.

Despite the lack of griffins, Zuo Yi's speed is still very fast, and the advent of the night cannot stop him.

In the early morning of the next day, Zuo Yi trekking in the dense forest overnight, finally saw the pyramids standing in the valley.

Temple of Arad!