Paladin Dad Chapter 542

The ancient pyramid stands quietly in the middle of the valley. It does not know how many years Dao Scripture has been covered. The surface is covered with large vines and vine roots and blends into the surrounding environment. .

Around this pyramid is a large area of ​​ruins. Countless remnants are also covered by plants in a thick green coat. Only the accidentally exposed parts can give a glimpse of the magnificence of the temple.

Right in front of the pyramid, in a square-like area, most of the ubiquitous vine plants have been cleaned up, and tents have been set up on the open space, becoming a lively camp.

Corrals were also set up next to the camp. Dozens of short-limbed, thick-skinned, and thick-skinned dragons were surrounded by them, making low-pitched roars from time to time.

Smoke of smoke rising from the camp, many armed soldiers around the campfire, laughing and enjoying breakfast.

More than a dozen mages in white or gray robes were busy above the base of the pyramid, some pointed, some argued, and cast spells, apparently exploring the portal of entry.

Zuo Yi's gaze swept away from them, searching quickly in the camp.

The next moment, Zuo Yi's eyes freeze!

I saw that in the corner of the camp, a woman in a hunting suit was chatting with several female partners while cooking soup.

Her slender figure was stunned, with a light smile on her face, and her white, jade skin was faintly reddish by the heat of the campfire, and looked particularly beautiful.

Gu Yunxi!

Although it has not been seen for many years, despite a long distance, Zuo Yi recognized her at a glance.

After walking around 10 Million Li and shuttle between the two Worlds, Zuo Yi finally found Bao'er's mother!

At this moment, the taste in his heart cannot be described by words.

Taking a deep breath, Zuo Yi moved towards Gu Yunxi.


At this time, a handsome blond man came to Gu Yunxi, holding a bunch of wild flowers in his hand, and looked at Gu Yunxi's eyes full of affection: "This flower is for you."

Facing the bouquet sent by the blond man, Gu Yunxi showed a hint of helplessness: "George, I said it, I don't like flowers, please don't send me any more flowers."

The smile of the blond man turned into a grin.

Still a woman nearby couldn't bear the handsome guy's embarrassment, reached for the bouquet, sniffed and said, "Very beautiful flower, George, thank you."

The blond man quickly said, "You're welcome."

He gave Gu Yunxi a reluctant look, then turned and left.

Gu Yunxi bowed his head without looking at him.

"Cantis …"

The woman holding the bouquet said doubtfully, "George is nice and handsome. He likes you so much, why not give him a chance? You don't have a boyfriend now."

"Yeah, yeah, George is a good man."

"If there is such a handsome man pursuing me, my God, I will be happy to die!"

"I think George was very sad just now, so pitiful."

"Cantis, you are so ruthless …"

Several women talked, both from envy and jealousy to Gu Yunxi, and from injustice for George.

Gu Yunxi shook his head and said, "He …"

Suddenly her voice got stuck in her throat, her eyes showed unbelievable expression, and the wooden spoon in her hand dropped the crock.

As if it was a petrified Magic.

The companions around her felt wrong and looked subconsciously in the direction of her gaze.

I also choked.

A few meters away, Zuo Yi said with a slight smile: "Yun Xi, long time no see."

When Zuo Yi's voice passed into Gu Yunxi's ear, her lips froze involuntarily.

She slowly stood up and asked with a tremor, "Zuo Yi?"

I have n't seen it for many years. Today Zuo Yi seems to be much more mature and more manly than he was then, but the appearance of not at all has changed so much that there is absolutely no possibility of admitting a mistake.

It was just that Gu Yunxi never dreamed that Zuo Yi would appear in front of himself, and still in the Desolate World, in the temple of Arad in the legendary.

She suspected that she was dreaming at this moment, it was incredible!

The two eyes were opposite. Gu Yunxi's female companions looked at each other in shock, full of surprise and doubt.

Where did this man come from?

"it's me."

Zuo Yi stared at Gu Yunxi's eyes, said solemnly: "I've been looking for you for a long time, and now I finally found you."

Gu Yunxi bit her lip tightly, her eyes were red.

At that time, Gu Yunxi and Zuo Yi broke up peacefully. However, the beauty of the first love has long been engraved in the deepest memory, and it will never be forgotten. To this day, Zuo Yi is still her only man.

In order to give birth to Bao'er, she was under tremendous pressure and even had to go alone to venture into Desolate World.

Although Gu Yunxi has never complained about Zuo Yi, because Zuo Yi did not know the existence of Bao'er, but when she was enveloped by thoughts, loneliness, and fear, why didn't she want a solid trust around her!

At this moment, her heart is intertwined with love and hate.

"you you…"

Gu Yunxi reluctantly did not let his tears fall: "Why are you looking for me?"

"Because Bao'er needs mother."

Zuo Yi stepped forward two steps and reached out to her: "I miss you too, Yunxi, come home with me!"

"Bao'er …"

Looking at Zuo Yi's hand, Gu Yunxi's eyes moved, but she thought of something, her face turned pale instantly, she shook her head suddenly and said, "No!"

Zuo Yi frowned: "Yun Xi …"

He knew exactly what Gu Yunxi was afraid of, so he wanted to tell the other party that everything had passed.


With a thunderbolt-like roar, the handsome blond man George just returned and returned, his eyes burst into anger, he rushed towards Zuo Yi aggressively, and the right hand held the sword hilt.

Many swords cut Zuo Yi into two halves on the spot!

Dare passers-by come to grab a show?

Zuo Yi's eyes flashed, and without hesitation, he raised his hand moved towards the other side and took a slap.


The blond man suddenly seemed to be hit face-to-face by a jackhammer, and the whole person involuntarily flew backward a dozen meter away, falling and falling to the ground.

This is already the result of the mercy of Zuo Yi's men, otherwise he wants to slap or hit the opponent with no difficulty, and now he just gives him a little lesson.


But the Arad Temple Exploratory Camp fry, all the guards Knight pull out their weapons, and the wizards who are studying the pyramid also clenched their magic wands and are ready to release.

A dozen sturdy Continental Knights quickly moved towards Zuo Yi and surrounded them.

This situation made Gu Yunxi anxious, she quickly turned to block in front of Zuo Yi, and shouted with open arms: "Stop!"