Paladin Dad Chapter 547

"When do you go to the Dragon City fortress?"

This question from Qin Wuyang made Gu Yunxi wonder how to answer it.

She went to Winter City, which is the base of Flame Cross in Desolate World. The relationship between China Extraordinary Federation (Roaring Giant Dragon) and Continental Extraordinary Federation (Fire Cross) has never been friendly and harmonious.

Zuo Yi still answered for her: "I went to Dongdong City to pick Yunxi back."

Qin Wuyang is what and the others, and immediately came to understand, sighing: "Fan Yunlong and Gu Hongsheng are really …"

He shook his head and said, "Deserve it!"

For Gu Hongsheng's person, Qin Wuyang is extremely shameless, but he has seen the puppets in Jiahao's gate for a long time, without anger but sorrow.

I really want to speak of which, his sons and daughters are not the masters of peace of mind, and Qin Valve also has scum.

Qin Wuyang is worried that with the advent of the Extraordinary era, more and more people are awakening, and the entire world is undergoing a drastic change. Will the Qin Family retain its former glory after the big waves?

At this time, Qin Wuyang secretly made up his mind to make changes to the status quo of the family. Otherwise, if he was passed away one day, maybe the Qin Family would fall apart and disappear completely.

"Don't say this."

Zuo Yi said, "When I arrived at the Dragon City fortress two days ago, I was hit by a wolf attack …"

He told Qin Wuyang about the Wolf Legion assaulting the Dragon City fortress and killing the wolf Divine Knight Gangu, and going to the wolf tribe.

After Qin Wuyang listened, he almost burst into a cold sweat.

At that time, if it wasn't for Zuo Yi that it would end the war, once the Dragon City fortress was in danger, and Fan Hailiu could not return in time, the fortress side would inevitably send someone to China for help.

At that time, Qin Wuyang will have to go out and face the challenge of Wolf Divine Knight.

Qin Wuyang has no confidence at all to defeat Gangu. Although he played against Gangu not at all, Fan Hailiu can barely fight with each other. He will be defeated and there is no danger of falling.

For decades, Fan Hailiu has been in the Dragon City fortress and Qin Wuyang has been in Beijing. According to the forefront of the desolate World, Fan Hailiu has greatly surpassed Qin Wuyang in terms of strength and combat experience.

Qin Wuyang knows this.

Zuo Yi is equivalent to helping him to stand in the way, and has won a brilliant victory for China. His gratitude and admiration are really difficult to express in words.

Qin Wuyang said sincerely: "Chief Zuo, thanks to you this time!"

Zuo Yi waved his hand and said, "President Qin, you know the situation over there, and I and Yunxi will leave first."

"Go now?"

Qin Wuyang was startled: "I'm trying to invite you to dinner together."

"Remember it first."

Zuo Yi said with a smile: "Beijing, I will come again."

Since Zuo Yi was unwilling, Qin Wuyang was not reluctant, and he personally sent the two to leave the Xia Chaolian General Union base.

Zuo Yi politely rejected Qin Wuyang's proposal to send the two to the city, took the big cut from the space ring, and drove by himself.

Gu Yunxi sat in the co-pilot position and looked through the windshield as he approached the city forest.

She thought it would take a long, long time before she could see the sights again, and she did not expect to be back so soon.

And everything that had bothered her was disappeared, and the culprit that made her cut her teeth was revenge!

Most importantly, she will soon see Bao'er!

At this point Zuo Yi turned to her and said, "Yunxi, I'll take you to buy clothes first."

Gu Yunxi pretty face is red, still nodded.

After returning from the teleportation, both of them changed their clothes in the base. She is now wearing the uniform provided by the base and is not very fit.

Coming back this time, Gu Yunxi can be described as a person without long objects, identity cards, mobile phones, bank cards and other necessary items for modern life. They are all unavailable and need to be purchased and reissued.

But just come back.

Zuo Yi took her to a large shopping mall in Beijing and bought a lot of things inside and out.

Now Zuo Yi is not bad money at all, all bought are brand-name, a few hundred thousand easily brushed out.

This made Gu Yunxi feel embarrassed: "I will pay you back."

Zuo Yi didn't know whether to cry or laugh: "Do you really want to care about this with me?"

Gu Yunxi embarrassed: "I can't spend your money."

After all, the two have already broken up. In fact, even when they were in love, Gu Yunxi did not like spending Zuo Yi's money.

"Let's talk about it later."

Zuo Yi raised an eyebrow: "Anyway, you have to listen to me today."

Gu Yunxi bit his lip and didn't snore anymore, but there was a hint of sweetness in her heart.

Suddenly, it seems to be back in time.

After completing the big purchase, the two had dinner in the mall, and Zuo Yi took Gu Yunxi to the hotel just booked: "You take a bath first, and we'll go to a place later."

Gu Yunxi didn't ask where to go. Today, she is more like a good little girl, completely obeying Zuo Yi's arrangement.

Taking a shower in the room and changing to the new clothes they just bought, the two left the hotel again.

Zuo Yi drove her to Sanlitun.

Banshee bar.

Gu Yunxi was pleasantly surprised: "Are you taking me to see Fang Fei aunt?"


Zuo Yi said with a slight smile: "I knew your whereabouts through her."

Gu Fangfei was already waiting for Zuo Yi in the bar, because in the afternoon, Zuo Yi sent her a message.

The appearance of Gu Yunxi surprised her very much, "Yun Xi!"

"aunt !"

The two hugged tightly, tears shed.

At first, Gu Fangfei and Gu Yunxi were sympathetic to each other. Without Gu Fangfei's help, Gu Yunxi could not have successfully escaped from China and ran to the European continent. He really had to speak of which, Gu Fangfei, a distant aunt, was better than her parents!

Gu Fangfei said softly in her ear, "Yun Xi, welcome back."

But after a long reunion, Gu Yunxi realized one thing: "aunt, your face …"

Now Gu Fangfei has removed the veil she has worn on her face all year round, and she has shown her flawless face. She touched her face, said with a smile: "Thanks to your family Zuo Yi, he helped me heal me of."

The words "Your House Zuo Yi" made Gu Yunxi pretty face red, but she was also very happy for Gu Yunxi to restore her face.

The two sat down, holding hands and having endless words, unlike their aunts and nephews, leaving Zuo Yi aside.

Zuo Yi certainly didn't care. He poured a glass of wine and drank slowly, his mood was very relaxed.

He thought of Bao'er, thinking about what it would be like to go back to Bao'er and meet Gu Yunxi.

Will Bao'er accept that he has another mother?