Paladin Dad Chapter 548

"When are you going to get a certificate from Zuo Yi?"

Holding Gu Yunxi's hand, Gu Fangfei asked quietly with a low voice.

Gu Yunxi suddenly made a big red face: "aunt, what are you talking about, I …"

She couldn't help but take a look at Zuo Yi, who was sitting in the corner, and said, "I broke up with Zuo Yi for a long time."

Gu Fangfei hehehe: "You can't reunite after breaking up? He has no girlfriend, and you don't have a boyfriend. You both have children, isn't it normal to be together again?"

She actually wanted to tell Gu Yunxi that men like Zuo Yi should hold fast.

Gu Fangfei really can't think of a few better men in this world than Zuo Yi. He is the youngest Alpha in China and even the whole Earth. He looks dignified, handsome, and kind.

The most important thing is that they have both a foundation of emotion and a foundation of reality.

Speaking of which Gu Fangfei also touched on the great light of Zuo Yi. Zuo Yi not only helped her to restore her appearance, but also made her a beijing nobody dares to provoke her. Even the business with Banshee Bar is much better.

Instead, she was Gu Yunxi, and she clung to Zuo Yi.

Gu Yunxi bowed his head and said, "I, I don't think about that for the time being."

To be honest, after being brought back by Zuo Yi, her heart has always been a bit chaotic, with a confusion about the future.

"You should think about it."

Gu Fangfei said: "Zuo Yi almost destroyed Fan Family and Gu's family for you, and ran to Desolate World in Europe to find you. Would he do this if he had no feelings for you?"

Gu Yunxi is speechless, confused.

Knowing what Zuo Yi has done for herself, how could she not be touched in her heart?

But Gu Yunxi didn't know what Zuo Yi was thinking. In case Zuo Yi was only doing these things for Bao'er, just thinking about the past, how could she take the initiative to break the mirror and reunite?

She also has her own stubbornness and persistence.

Seeing Gu Yunxi's lingering expression, Gu Fangfei hadn't continued to say anything so far. After all, affection is a matter for two people, and she cannot interfere as an outsider.

Gu Fangfei just hoped that Gu Yunxi would be happy in the future.

At this moment, there was a noise in the bar lobby downstairs, and it suddenly became lively.

Gu Fangfei leaned from the deck and looked down, then immediately waved: "Gu Shaoyang, come up!"

The business at Banshee Bar is the best until XNUMXpm or XNUMXpm, but there are also many customers who come early, and the guest who just arrived at the bar is Gu Shaoyang.

He also brought a group of male and female partners.

"aunt !"

Hearing Gu Fangfei's summon, Gu Shaoyang, who was calling friends and young men to send a head, immediately incarnation the dog legs, eagerly ran upstairs to pay respect to Gu Fangfei: "aunt, lying …"

The "slot" at the back was forcibly swallowed back by Gu Shaoyang, and he was dumbfounded: "Sister Yun Xi!"

He saw Gu Yunxi sitting next to Gu Fangfei, and couldn't believe his eyes.

Gu Yunxi said with a slight smile: "Shaoyang, long time no see."

As a member of the Gu family, the closest person to Beijing Gu Clan is Gu Fangfei first, and Gu Shaoyang second.

Gu Shaoyang was surprised: "Sister Yun Xi, when are you coming back, lying …"

The second "slot" was swallowed again because he found Zuo Yi: "Brother Zuo!"


Gu Shaoyang pressed pats forehead: "I said, haha, you two …"

It's incoherent.

"Sit down."

Gu Fangfei glared at this unpromising guy: "I'm not excited if I see you excited."


Gu Shaoyang quickly sat down beside Zuo Yi, diligently poured wine for Zuo Yi, and smiled hehe and asked, "brother-in-law, when did you and Yunxi come back? Don't tell me, let me Get the wind and dust for the two of you, or don't let tomorrow? "

He has a thick skin, just called "Brother Zuo", now he is called "brother-in-law".

Gu Shaoyang didn't even think about how Gu Yunxi came back, or what happened, but he knew very well that with Gu Yunxi's relationship, he could hold Zuo Yi's thick thigh more firmly.

It's elated!

Zuo Yi was laughed at by his rogue: "I just came back today and will return to Hangzhou tomorrow."

"Go! Go! Go."

Gu Fangfei hated: "Go play with your group of gang of scoundrels, and keep my account at night."

Poor Gu Shaoyang's fart bones had not been hot, but Gu Fangfei was driven away mercilessly.

Zuo Yi looked at the time and got up and said, "I'm almost there, go back to rest early."

He looked at Gu Yunxi.

Gu Yunxi nodded stood up: "aunt, I leave with Zuo Yi, let's talk next time."

"I will come to Hangzhou to see you in two days …"

Gu Fangfei did not stay: "Look at Bao'er by the way."

Gu Shaoyang next raised her hand and said weakly, "Add me."

But no one ignored him.

Everyone went downstairs together, Gu Fangfei and Gu Shaoyang sent Zuo Yi and Gu Yunxi out the door.

Gu Shaoyang first returned to the bar and reunited with his friends.

"Brother Shao …"

A young girl with purple hair asked curiously, "Who are those two?"

Gu Shaoyang is not the first time to take them to Banshee Bar. The famous Jing Hua's Lady Boss Gu Fangfei certainly knew each other, but everyone is new to Zuo Yi and Gu Yunxi, and they don't understand why Gu Shaoyang looks like a dog leg.

Just now Gu Shaoyang escorted the two people away and everyone saw it.

"That's my elder sister and brother-in-law …"

Gu Shaoyang picked up a glass of whiskey and leaned back on the sofa and replied with a smile: "Just returned."

"You elder sister?"

The girl with purple hair froze, "Why don't I know?"

"So, that's Dragon King of Linjiang Zuo Yi?"

A man here screamed suddenly, then lowered his voice and asked, "No way? Zuo Yi is your brother-in-law?"

Gu Shaoyang shook the wine glass in his hand, smiling awkwardly: "You did not admit it."

Many people are sucked in a cold breath, and their eyes are different when they look at Gu Shaoyang.

Everyone knows that Gu Shaoyang can talk to Zuo Yi, the new Alpha, but absolutely did not expect the relationship to be so close!

"Your elder sister is Gu Yunxi!"

The girl with purple hair suddenly realized: "She is Yun Xi sister!"

The story between Zuo Yi and Gu Yunxi can be called Legendary. It has been circulating in the upper circles of Beijing. The girl with purple hair comes from everyone, so I heard that she is in the age of Huaichun. At this time, her eyes are staring.

The girl with purple hair felt very sorry again. The character in the legendary was just in front of her and she was missed!

She could not help but fiercely glared at Gu Shaoyang who was still pretending to force the latter to have one's hair stand on end.