Paladin Dad Chapter 622

Rich temple abbot.

This is Zuo Yi's first impression of entering the royal treasure house of Selles.

Although the Kingdom of Selles cannot be said to be a poor temple, and some of the heritage of the Bright Empire is still there, it is nothing at all in Zuo Yi's eyes. The population of 30-40 million, and most of them are concentrated in Wang Duhe Among several major cities.

Faced with the threat of the orcs, the area of ​​several million square kilometers of Selles land has been developed, the economic level is backward, the traditional nobles and professionals occupy the upper strata, and the whole society lacks vitality for progress.

But this does not prevent the royal family from possessing amazing wealth.

The royal treasury buried deep in the ground is extremely large and built extremely firmly. The complex Magic array is etched on the ground and walls, and densely packed copper pillars support the high dome.

Huge cabinets are placed between the copper pillars and copper pillars, and countless priceless and unique rare treasures are placed in the cabinet grid.

All items are displayed according to the categories of gold and silver currency, jewelry, weapons and equipment, magic items, precious materials, mysterious unknown, and so on. Weapons and equipment are subdivided into swords, axes, shields, armor, and so on.

Excluding gold and silver currency jewellery and more, there are more than XNUMX weapons and equipment and Magic items alone!

This number is undoubtedly amazing. You must know that the treasures that are eligible to be placed in the treasure house are High Level treasures. These treasures are mainly used by the king to reward heroes and warlords, or as a gift of state.

Zuo Yi saved Selles with his own power, so King Thassos generously opened the treasure house for him to choose.

If Zuo Yi isn't entwined, then the next time the orcs make a comeback, who will pull strongly against a crazy tide for him?

Accompanied by the beautiful and touching Yilian Princess, Zuo Yi strolled through the treasure house, listening to Yilian's introduction, and admiring the assortment of treasures.

He found that Princess knew the treasure house of the royal family well, and said that the items in the warehouse were all right.

And when Zuo Yi's eyes fall on a certain item for a little longer, she will enthusiastically introduce the name, characteristics, purpose and even origin of this item to Zuo Yi!

This surprised Zuo Yi: "You're familiar with this place."

Elaine Princess said with a smile: "I used to run here when I was very young. One of my teachers was a royal appraiser who was responsible for appraising items in the library."

This Princess has a strong memory. She can remember most of the items here. In fact, she has also participated in the sorting and classification of the treasure house.

Zuo Yi was shocked.

This is probably why Thassos sent Eileen to accompany himself, and of course the king did not rule out other ideas.

With this "humanoid database", Zuo Yi no longer has to search blindly in the huge treasure house, he quickly locked the target of browsing to materials and mysterious items.

Zuo Yi is completely indifferent to gold and silver jewelry, his vision is not so low, and the magic item of the Desolate World 's weapons and equipment is not worth mentioning to him, so only these two kinds of things can arouse his little interest .

Soon, a black cricket meteorite firmly attracted Zuo Yi's gaze.

This meteorite is almost the size of a watermelon, and its surface is full of traces of ablation and melting. Under the illumination of the treasure house wall lamp, the rays of light of the metal move.

It is this familiar rays of light that made Zuo Yi stupefied.

"This is a meteorite from the plateau …"

Elaine glanced at the label above, introduced: "It was discovered by a shepherd more than two hundred years ago and was dedicated to the royal family as a gift from God. I found that no matter how violent the fire was, it couldn't melt it, so I put it here. "

Zuo Yi said without hesitation, "I want it."

Elaine was slightly surprised, she didn't understand that Zuo Yi that many valuable priceless and unique rare treasures were inconspicuous, and she chose this infusible meteorite.

She said with a slight smile: "Of course, as long as you like."

Zuo Yi nodded, waved meteorites into space ring.

He was very satisfied and felt worthwhile!

Because this meteorite is not simple, it is Meteorite Core Iron!

The so-called Meteorite Core Iron refers to the core metal taken from the meteorites of the stars, and is one of the top materials for refining law weapons and building rune weapons.

The amount of this meteorite is scarce, and it is extremely expensive in Sadya World.

Zuo Yi has a Meteorite Dagger made from Meteorite Core Iron. In the decisive battle with Abyss King Sauron, he relied on Meteorite Dagger to hit his opponents at critical moments, forcing Sauron to use perish together. .

Zuo Yi originally owned some Meteorite Core Iron, but compared to this one, he is a little bit of a witch.

He has never seen such a large Meteorite Core Iron, and its value is worth at least half of this treasure trove!

It's a shame that Seles has no one to know, and no one can make Meteorite Core Iron and let it sit here for centuries.

Now it's in Zuo Yi's hands, it's time to bloom rays of light!

In fact, Zuo Yi has already thought about the purpose of this Meteorite Core Iron, and that is to create a matchless weapon for Gu Yunxi.

A meteorite sword!

At this moment, Eileen Princess, who was standing aside at this moment, was keenly aware of Zuo Yi's emotional changes. She was more curious in her heart and could not help asking: "Duke Sir, is this meteorite precious?"


Zuo Yi doesn't lie: "It's very useful, it's exactly the material I need."

"That's great."

Instead of feeling distressed, Elaine Princess was delighted: "You can use it."

When this task was delegated, her father and mother asked Dingdingwan to make Zuo Yi satisfied.

She is not afraid of Zuo Yi's search of the treasure house. She is afraid that Zuo Yi doesn't look down on anything.

Just now Zuo Yi's indifference made this Princess worrying, now she finally feels relieved.

She continued to accompany Zuo Yi to choose the treasure.

The treasures in the royal treasury are not very many, and most of them do not fall into Zuo Yi's eyes. In addition to this Meteorite Core Iron, he also took away some pieces of magic alchemy.

Magic Alchemy is refined gold made by Magic. A hundred kg of gold can only make up to about XNUMX grams of Magic Alchemy. It is a Top Grade material for making Magic equipment and has a strong Magic affinity.

Zuo Yi tested it and found that this metal is also very suitable for making rune equipment, so I took it a bit.

Finally he came to the mysterious item area.

Mysterious items are the fewest in the royal treasure house, there are only a few hundreds of them. No one can identify these items, and they don't know their origin or use, but they all have extraordinary attributes, so they are treasured.

Zuo Yi is most interested in these items, so I carefully selected one item and screened it. I really found a few good things.