Paladin Dad Chapter 623

In Mystery Type item, Zuo Yi first selected a book.

The size of this book is about sixteen inches, and its thickness is five centimeters. The cover of the dark purple is very solid, and it is imprinted with a dense and complex golden pattern, which looks very delicate and beautiful.

But without any text.

There are a total of twenty-seven pages in the book, all of which are blank, similar to the parchment material. If you look closely, you can see the light texture, and it exudes a very light sandalwood fragrance.

The back cover is not much different from the cover, except that there is a coin-sized emblem in the lower right corner.

The emblem is composed of the patterns of stars and moon.

According to Elian Princess' "Humanoid Database", this book comes from a relic in Elf's country, which was discovered by adventurer, and then moved to Selles, where it was collected by a royal family member.

Like other mysterious items, no one can identify its purpose and origin, but this book can't be damaged by fire or strong acid, even without fear of the sword chopping.

And even if it is damaged by the impact of powerful forces, it can slowly recover on its own.

So even though the book was unearthed for a long time, it looks brand new.

Zuo Yi knows that this is a Wizard book.

Wizard book is the equipment of Wizard, its role is to seal spell.

All Wizards have limited power. Once the power is exhausted, they cannot cast spells. With the Wizard book, the durability of the battle can be greatly improved.

Most importantly, the speed of spell casting through Wizard books is extremely fast, and it is a great weapon for offense and defense.

In Sadya World, basically all Wizards have their own Wizard books, and the basic courses of Wizard apprentices include how to make Wizard books.

Although blank Wizard books are also available, who can guarantee that there are no hidden dangers?

The more powerful the Wizard, the higher the level of the Wizard book you own, the more advanced the spell that can be sealed, the value heaven and earth's difference to separate.

This Wizard book that Zuo Yi just got is quite high grade, it should be able to seal XNUMX spells, but it is not the same as the Wizard book that Zuo Yi has seen in Sadya World, and certainly not from Sadya World.

It's not a product of Desolate World.

Therefore, it is normal for the Seleese to identify, in fact, Zuo Yi can recognize its origin and do not know how to use it.

But it didn't matter, he was going to take it back to Bao'er.

Bao'er has the inheritance of Destiny Witch, and as she grows older, she will continue to master her professional knowledge, let alone use Wizard books, even if you make it yourself, there is no problem-as long as you have materials.

Zuo Yi is not afraid of any hidden dangers in this Wizard book, because it has a long history. The Wizard that made it has long since died, and all the spells inside the seal have disappeared, and there will be no more problems.

The only question is how this Wizard came to Desolate World. In addition to the Wizard book, what did he / she leave for this world.

It's just that Zuo Yi has no interest in exploring this issue.

There are countless secrets in any dimension World, even God can't know all the secrets!

I gave it to Bao'er and it was a good gift.

The second Mystery Type item he chose was three seeds.

The three dark green seeds are oval in shape and have a gold ring in the middle, which looks like some kind of polished gemstone, but Zuo Yi can feel the life force contained in the seeds.

Elaine Princess also couldn't tell how these three longan-sized seeds came from, but existing records show that they were collected here long, long ago.

Nothing else is known.

Zuo Yi didn't know what kind of plant seeds they were, just because they felt that their vitality was a little special, so they brought them back to the little girl, maybe they could plant something.

The last thing he chose was an egg.

A gryphon egg.

The Gryphon of the Desolate World belongs to the Egg-born High Level Magic Beast. The Gryphon Egg is almost a monopoly resource of the orcs, and rarely flows into the Human Race country. The value is undoubted.

But this griffon egg is special, it can't hatch, but it is not a dead egg, and it is finally put in the treasure house.

It's been decades.

And this griffin egg is also the only thing in mysterious item that knows its origin but is difficult to categorize.

Zuo Yi closed it.

Because the condition of this gryphon egg is similar to the egg that he brought back from Sadya World with the seal of Tyke, it can also be put into the space ring.

He was going to take it back to study and see if he could hatch it.

In this way, Zuo Yi chose four or five things back and forth, and I still feel very satisfied, especially the large Meteorite Core Iron, which is the biggest surprise.

"His Highness Elaine …"

He took out two crystal flasks from the space ring and handed them to Elaine, saying, "It's hard for you, this is my heart."

Elaine froze and said quickly: "Duke Sir, this is what I should do, you don't need …"

"Hold it."

Zuo Yi put the crystal bottle in her hand: "This is the wish of fountain water …"

He briefly introduced the role of the wish fountain water, and Elaine, who had originally intended to refuse, suddenly changed his mind: "Duke Sir, can it restore my father's health?"

"should be no problem."

Zuo Yi said, "But if you use it as soon as possible, it will probably fail over time."

He has done the test, and the treasure water condensed by treasure tree can also play a role in the Desolate World, but because the laws of the two worlds are different, it is unlikely to be effective all the time.

Unless stored in a space ring with higher law power.

Zuo Yi had a good impression of Elaine Princess, and was in a good mood to get Meteorite Core Iron, so I gave two bottles.

Hope that fountain water is a renewable resource. Although it is precious, it will be produced continuously in the future. It is very good to give it as a gift.

Zuo Yi didn't expect it. Yilian first thought of her father.

You should know that two bottles of fountain water are enough for her to have many years of youthful beauty, which is an irresistible temptation for most women.

Yilian's filial piety gave Zuo Yi a little more affection for her and simply gave her another bottle.

Elaine Princess is grateful for this.


The next morning, Zuo Yi declined Thousands and the others' retention and was ready to return to Earth.

Before leaving the Desolate World, he handed over his territory to Fan Hailiu to manage it.

This area of ​​XNUMX square kilometers has no effect on Zuo Yi for the time being, but a city and some villages and towns in the territory are not appropriate if they are left unattended.

Therefore, Fan Hailiu, who was handed over to the Dragon City fortress, is the best choice, and it is also conducive to China's expansion in the Desolate World.

Fan Hailiu gladly accepted the request.