Paladin Dad Chapter 626

Pa! pa! pa!

The hassle of knocking on the door made Zuo Yi wake up from his sleep.

Then I heard Bao'er's voice outside the bedroom door: "father, father!"

Zuo Yi couldn't help but glanced at Gu Yunxi, who was just awake beside him, and had just been awakened. He had an inexplicable guilty conscience.

He quickly grabbed the T-shirt and asked loudly, "What's wrong with Baby?"

"I and Kiki are going to plant seeds."

The little girl shouted across the door, "father, would you like to come with us?"


Zuo Yi scratched his head and hesitated, or is: "Okay, let's go together."

After going out for a few days before coming back, now it is time to accompany Bao'er, which is also his responsibility and obligation.

"Then let's go to breakfast first."

There was a little joy in Bao'er's voice: "father, hurry up!"

Zuo Yi hehehe: "I know."

Listening to the little girl's footsteps leaving, he couldn't help but sighed in relief, leaned over Gu Yunxi's face and kissed, said with a smile: "Wife, let's get up."

Gu Yunxi gave him a coquettish white look: "I can't get up, I blame you!"

This look made Zuo Yi feel drunk, he was thinking of doing something, and the door was knocked again.

"Father father, is mother here with you?"

Bao'er actually killed a return carbine.

Gu Yunxi immediately blushed and twisted Zuo Yi hard.

Zuo Yi touched his chin with a grin, and replied, "Yeah, what's wrong?"

"Then you hurry up."

The little girl yelled, "The sun is drying, my aunt is ready for breakfast!"

Zuo Yi: "…"

But although a little embarrassed, Pan Qin, Na Rui, suffering from pancreas, said that Nai Luo was sticky!

When Zuo Yi came downstairs, Bao'er and Qiqi were already sitting at the dining table snoring.

Well, there is a person squatting on the ground and gorge oneself.


Bao'er wondered, "What about mother?"

"Mother is lazy."

Zuo Yi rubbed the little girl's head lovingly: "Don't worry about her, let's go after eating."


Bao'er speeded up immediately.

"Don't worry …"

Fang Yonghe, who was sitting next to him, said quickly: "Carefully take your time, breakfast must be full."

She said to Xia Yunqi, "Kiki is the same."

Xia Yunqi obediently nodded: "Yes."

In this home, the one who loves the two little girls the most is Fang Yonghe. He really cares about the baby.

Although Xia Yunqi is an outsider, after knowing her life, Fang Yonghe almost regarded her as her little granddaughter, and gave her love like a loved one.

After breakfast, Zuo Yi said to aunt, and took two little girls to plant seeds.

Less than a year later, Linjiang Old Residence has changed into a new world.

The canopy of the treasure tree covers the area of ​​several hundred meters, and its growing roots have generated countless trees, turning large areas into lush and green forests, and becoming the habitat of many birds and animals Insect.

A winding path leads from the Old Residence back door to the treasure tree.

Accompanied by this path is a mountain stream from mountainside. Little water birds are tweeting. The morning sun shines through the gap between the canopies in the woods. The faint mist has not yet dissipated, like a scene in a fairy tale.

Bao'er and Kiki walked hand in hand on the forest path, Tyke opened the road in front of him, and Zuo Yi followed.

Since the planting of the treasure tree, Zuo Yi hasn't come here very often, so he is a bit surprised at the huge changes that have taken place here.

As if there are a pair of invisible hands, this place has been created into a nature paradise with ghostly axe and magical skills. The air is exceptionally fresh and diffused with a strong nature breath, making people unconscious and happy.

The most important thing is that this heaven and earth belongs to him and Bao'er completely. Do n't invite uninvited outsiders to break into it.

The area where Baoshu is rooted is adjacent to the new Martial Arts Hall construction base. The number of construction machinery and construction workers that come and go every day is very complicated. The situation is quite complicated, and some people have to worry about it.

Some are purely out of curiosity. After all, such a giant tree stands here, and it is inevitable that people will yearn for it. If you want to get closer and see what happens, take a few photos and send it to friends.

But there are also deliberate speculations, or you want to get some benefits.

However, once anyone crossed the outer jungle barrier, they would lose their heads in the forest maze constructed by the treasure tree, either smashing their heads and bleeding, or hungering to a half-death, and finally being wrapped in vine branches and thrown away.

Most of these people do not end well. If they are construction workers, they must be fired.

If it wasn't for the people on the construction site, it would be taken away quietly, and there would be no news from then on.

A few times down, this area has become a forbidden area where everyone talks, and no one dares to die.

This is what Zuo Yi wants.

Because this is his home and also Bao'er's home. It carries his memories of the past and his future life.

Who will disturb, Zuo Yi will not be polite!

Linjiang Old Residence is not far from Baoshu. In fact, it is also possible to transfer directly from home, but Bao'er obviously prefers to run with Kiki's small partner.

The treasure tree is just ahead.

After the almost crazy growth of the Early Stage, the subtree of this World Tree has now entered a state of gentle growth. It no longer continues to rise upwards, but still extends the invisible branch to a greater distance.

Quietly expanded his own image.

As the two little girls approached, thousands of branches began to tremble, making a rustling noise.

The gentle wind blows, and it is Baoshu expressing his welcome and joy.

"Bao'er Bao'er!"

Budgerigar Pippi chirp chirp twitter twitter flew down from the tree house and landed flexibly on Bao'er's shoulder.

It held the little girl's neck affectionately, making the latter giggle.

Bao'er took Qiqi to the tree, and they looked up at the towering tree together, not to mention how cute it was.

"Kiki, come."

Bao'er greeted his small partner with open arms and hugged Baoshu: "Listen to Baoshu's voice."

She turned her face to the trunk and closed her eyes.

Kiki has everything to learn.

The two little girls did not know what they heard, and at the same time they smiled sweetly.


After listening to Bao Shu's voice, Bao'er took the three seeds out of his pocket.

And Qiqi opened the backpack she carried with her, took out two small shovel, and a mini watering can.

Without Zuo Yi's help, the two little girls started their hands and dug three small pits beside the treasure tree, burying three seeds in it.