Paladin Dad Chapter 627

Backfill all the excavated soil, and finally pat it with a shovel. The planting process is complete.

But this is not the end, Bao'er simmered a half-pot of fountain water in the well with a wish of a watering can in the vicinity, and then watered the three seeds buried in the soil.

She is very proficient and careful.

But little girl doesn't know how extravagant she is now!

Every once in a while, the treasure tree will condense some wish fountain water in the Koizumi well under the tree.

The wish of fountain water comes from the six Great Saint fountain waters brought back from Sadya World by Zuo Yi, transformed by the power of the treasure tree, and integrated into Earth's rules, which has magical ability.

Although unilaterally, the wish fountain water is not as good as the holy fountain water, but in Earth, it is undoubtedly a real treasure.

Zuo Yi has given away the wish fountain water as a gift to others more than once, so this magical fountain water is no longer a secret in some circles, and its role is known by many people.

There are too many people who desire immortality, too many people want youth and perpetuity, some people want physical health, some people want strength, and some people want to be smarter or lucky.

The desire for fountain water will enable them to fulfill some of their wishes.

It would also be great for them to be able to partially fulfill this desire.

But because the quantity is scarce and all are in the hands of Zuo Yi, the wish that fountain water has always been priceless.

Good things you can't buy if you really have money!

Bao'er's wish to water the fountain water, if sold, will be robbed by hundreds of millions.

And her wish was simply to allow the seeds to take root.

"Kiki …"

The little girl pulled the small partner: "Let's make a wish together, hope the seeds will sprout soon and grow up soon!"


Xia Yunqi and Bao'er folded their hands together, closed their eyes and began to make a wish.

Can this also work?

Zuo Yi was amused by two Little Brat.

But Bao'er and Qiqi were obviously very serious, and made the wish that the seeds would sprout and grow up quickly and completely.

(^-^) V!

After the completion of the two, they gave a high-five celebration-surely they learned from watching TV!


The next moment, Bao'er suddenly screamed, as if he found a new continuous: "Father, look at you!"

Zuo Yi glanced in the direction of her finger and froze for a moment.

I saw three tender buds coming out of the ground. They unfolded small leaves, chasing down their eyes from the gap between the canopies, struggling to extend the shoots, showing strong vitality and vitality!

But this is not the reason for Zuo Yi's surprise. Although these three seeds come from the Desolate World, Bao'er had a precedent for planting fruit trees from the trial space to survive. In addition, it was watered with the wish of fountain water, so it was able to Live seeds are normal.

Zuo Yi was surprised that the three shoots were golden, regardless of whether they were stems or leaves!

It was as if it had just been cast out of yellow Vajra.

They have an extremely strong desire for sunlight. When a young leaf extends into the sunlight, the second and third leaves are immediately derived, and Energy greedily absorbs light.

Their rhizomes have become stout and shiny!

"It's so beautiful!"

Kiki exclaimed, she had never seen a golden sapling before!

Bao'er hadn't seen it before, so he turned to Zuo Yi to look for an answer: "Father, what kind of sapling is this?"

In the mind of little girl, father is omnipotent, knows everything, and definitely understands the situation.

Zuo Yi looked at the three golden seedlings, and touched the chin with a deep thought.

This golden sprout made him feel familiar, as if he had seen it long ago.

Flicking through the memories in my head, Zuo Yi quickly found the correct information.

so surprised.

He smiled at Bao'er and said, "This is not a sapling, it is a flower seedling. They are sundial flowers."

Zuo Yi once saw this peculiar plant in a main world called "Circumsin". Sundial flowers can continuously absorb sunlight during storage and store them, and then slowly release them when they bloom.

The flower of the sundial flower lasts for several years or even ten years, and the petals will continue to glow, so the sundial flower is also used as a lamp in Huan Sen World-only for nobles.

Because the sundial flower is very precious, lighting is only one of its functions, and it is not the main function.

The rays of light emitted by the sundial flower are very warm. A pot of sundial flower is comparable to a small stove in the cold winter, and it is a pure natural non-polluting heater.

But in the hot summer, it can absorb heat again.

The expensive clansman's house of Huan Sen World put a pot of sundial flowers in the room, just like installing a heating and cooling air conditioner. This "air conditioner" only needs to be bask in the sun. It doesn't need to connect the wires.

And where there is a sundial flower, there will be no nuisance from mosquitoes and rats, and the air is particularly clean.

In addition, the nectar of the sundial flower is an extremely precious ingredient, which has the effect of prolonging life and detoxifying!

However, the cultivation of sundial flowers is very difficult, and the technology is in the hands of a small number of nobles in Huansen World. Zuo Yi has dealt with the nobles of Huansen World, so he has seen sundial flowers.

It's just that the sundial flower he saw was mature and still in the bud state, so he didn't immediately remember it.

After being nourished by the sun, all three sundial flowers stopped growing, and the weak seedlings swayed gently, as if dancing, as if they were telling something.

Glittering and warm.

"Let's check it out in a few days."

Zuo Yi felt the little girl's head and said, "They need time to grow."

Zuo Yi remembers that the growth period of the sundial flower is very long, and the flowering is more difficult. Although there is a wish to water the fountain water, it is impossible to bloom the flowers at once.

In fact, Zuo Yi was quite surprised that Bao'er was able to grow the sundial flower in Earth.

You know, even in the High Dimension Sadya World, those knowledgeable tall tower wizards, no one can successfully transplant the sundial flower in Sadya World for reproduction!


Bao'er was still patient. She asked, "Father, can I go to the tree house with Kiki and play with Pippi?"

"of course can."

Zuo Yi said with a smile: "The father will not be with you anymore, you guys have fun, but you shouldn't be too long, go home early."

He didn't worry about the safety of the two little girls at all, because there was the shelter of the treasure tree here, even if the Alpha powerhouse was killed, don't try to hurt them.

Now the power that the treasure tree can exert is stronger than an alpha!