Chapter 140

When it was all said and done, Ben woke up with his mother beside him inside the haunted house. Both tired and exhausted, he looked at her and couldn't grasp the amount of love he had for that woman even though he knew better that he wasn't supposed to feel like that for his own mother. That type of love they had for one another was a forbidden one, but still they kept on pursuing it.

It all started back in the island after Soura turned them into vampires, that's when Ben's feelings towards his mother heightened. He didn't know what he was feeling but he was sure he can't act on it, he needed to keep it stable until he couldn't.

Soura was in the woods fetching some herbs when Ben approached him, it was sudden and she didn't expect it.

"Ben? What are you doing here? Where are your brothers?" 

"They are home" 

"Are you alright?" 

"Yes Ma, I'm fine"