Chapter 141

Gladys moved closer to him and Ben didn't move, he stood firmly and calmly waiting to see what Gladys will do. 

"Are you alive?" asked Gladys "How is it possible? It can't be..." she continued but Ben magically dissapeared.

Nina came rushing downstairs after hearing Gladys make noises, but she found her astonished and shocked. "You seem like you have seen a ghost" said Nina.

"I can't say that I haven't. Ben was here..."

"Ben? Ben Rulpheton, the first specie of vampire?" 

"Yes and he was searching for something in the library, like a specific book" 

"A specific book?" asked Nina and Gladys nodded. "Why would e need a book?" 

"I should call Amiya, and Regina so they can tell us where's the ring" 

Gladys picked up her phone and called Amiya but it went straight to voicemail, so did Regina's. But suddenly the door was barged and Soura entered inside, she was holding the index finger which the ring was attached to it.