After the convoys destruction we contacted the command post that we had received the orders through originally to report "Mission Accomplished, minimal casualties all enemies destroyed".
40 Guards left.
We Finished the report with the names of the Fairies casualties and uploaded our Video to the military Command site.
Our edited video with commentary will upload tonight
Since we now have a military connection due to our previous successful raid we've gotten another unofficial recon request.
our constant video recordings have gotten us an official request to enlist as an independent force.
Shawna with her pull actually was able to get commissions for myself and Melissa and a field commanders commission for herself.
Melissa and I are actually field promoted to 2nd Lieutenants.
we will now receive combat pay.
Our Guards all have Court appointed ranks and they will carry them over.
The main H.Q. is now southwest of Bay City and we're on the wrong side of the City like we expected andit's going to take lots of time to get around the city and The Rift.
Mom sent us congratulations and "please hurry".
Mom figured it wouldn't help my growth if she stepped in for dealing with the little bugs so I'm to swat them at my leisure.
I've been absorbing every bit of energy I can when we finished draining into our enchantments. Shawna says take it in till I feel like I'm going to pop then suck more in.
I've been doing this for weeks now and I am getting stronger and Shawna says more.
Melinda makes Melissa do it too.
We are doing better but it will definitely take a long time to get to our Elders levels.
Now let's find our next target.
Our directions take us towards the northern suburbs as we sweep around north of BayCity. It is definitely going to take time and we are supposed to grow so let's go hit shit and kill things.
We stay close to the northern suburbs and cut through killing anything we come across.
We let the kids finish off any extremely injured to placate their Boredom.
They will get stronger as well but being so much younger we don't want them to hurt their younger bodies.
Melinda is helping them get stronger and monitoring their growth.
They can tackle smaller imps and such.
Hellhounds are their limit 2 at a time for now.
The kids guards rotate so everyone gets exposed and experience in sending the Demons back home or hell.
Now we have more directions and possible safe spots to work from and for.
We also keep map plots of our shelters we've made to sleep in.
We plot every troop movement and subsequent attacks.
Along our way to our next major map plot we actually come across refugees hiding in shops and storm shelters.
rolling hills north of the city have helped to ensure some although few survivors.
We found them while searching for Demons scents.
We've found a lot of places where humans and Arcana were dragged off for food or breeding purposes and we've been confused till we found the people hiding.
We contacted HQ for information about dropping off these people.
The place we need to go is actually on our way.
The Humans were a bit apprehensive but they had a Werewolf pack with them.
They had actually been following our progress and nearly been thinking we weren't real.
Even with everything going on the humans were a bit skeptical.
Our Fairy Guards are less frightening so they shed the glamor and appeared in full shiny winged form.
The natural charismatic character of the Fairies helped break the ice.
First things first though.
We swept through the neighborhoods looking for breeding pits, Schools community centers other shelters etc.
we buried everything that was tainted by Demons.
We did rescue a few people that were being kept as fresh food.
After a bit of healing we set back off to the main shelter.
After returning that night we ate and rested.
We set off towards the refugee camp, it will be a couple of days provided we don't run into anything big.
Melinda and Shawna take point Melissa and I take rear cover. 20 humans and 25 Werewolves take sides along with the fairies.
We did of course get probed and hit a few times.
The wolves let loose their pent up nature and we left no living Demon to report on us.
Melinda did have to go full form twice and another Demon lord bit the dust, which made it's unit lose all cohesion.
Almost to the camp we come across several units scouting, as well as a unit measuring almost 100.
We passed through them and entered the camp.
After identifying ourselves we dropped the humans off and our crew now consists of another 20 Werewolves ready
With the understanding that Queen Shawna is the Alpha and Melinda, Melissa and I are the Betas the wolves settled down to our command structure.
We went through the Demon units getting ready to attack us like a wood chipper.
The wolves took flanking positions and Swept the side trash.
(--^--) Arachne in the middle point guard on either side and wolves on each end sweeping and protecting our sides.
we headed towards anything resembling a command set up.
Then pivoted and swept a curve back out.
We lost 2 wolves and 1 Fairy.
after cleaning up we left back for the camp with full video of our actions .
we have 4 go pro type cameras for video coverage.
We get assigned quarters. The officers quarters are adequate and private.
Dinner is nearly as expected for a Mobile military camp.
A couple of older Sergeants gave us a crash course in urban tactics.
Fairies use mainly magic so not a lot of experience with non magical support units.
We picked up supplies and 10 of our Werewolf refugees.
all adults, 6 males 4 females who lost family members to the Demons.
We set off to our next camp.
So now me, Shawna, 4 Arachnid, 39 Fairies, 10 Werewolves.
No way are we going straight through Houston.
We would need real time recon and immediate evacuation support for any refugees.
Our purpose is to get the closest main Camp and HQ.
I'm sure after meeting up with our families we'll be assigned specific units.
We do set off west and slightly south. we want to be outside spring Texas by a few miles.
Before we head to Alvin and the Main area HQ.
don't paint the wrong picture every large city and most smaller ones look like they didn't survive the apocalypse. burned and blasted into rubble.
Few places that did survive did so by being behind a series of small hills making a natural cold air cushion.
Not many places had survivors by the time we came through.
The aberration was actually finding people alive and unspoiled.
We will keep running into patrols and various Convoys.
This entire situation is crazy and horrific.
but we're going to do our part to send fkn ET home.
So far we've only had 1 day with no encounters and only 2 days with big encounters.
The Fairies use magic as humans use rifles and shotguns.
Melinda and Melissa drive through like bulldozers. I like shooting earthen spears like missles, wind magic like thrown buzz saw blades, and Burying opponents in waves of earth crashing opponents like tidal waves.
Melinda's poisonous ability causes death in smaller opponents instantly and others within seconds.
Melissa's scythe and web whips can dice an M1 tank like stew meat before a master chef
The kids throw poisonous web balls at anything coming too close.
their Guards let them and take out anything too close with extreme prejudice.
the Werewolves bite and rip anything within reach and chase down anything trying to get away.
Most Werewolves don't care about modesty in the field.
They give respect and difference to those in charge and will absolutely not fight over dominance in battle or on the battfield.
It's almost time to start turning more southerly again.
Except for the Demons trying to mount an offensive north into areas outside of the Rift Zone.
Reports tentatively count the Demons as half a million.
Ours 10k.
We encounter Several battalions of mixed human and Arcana getting ready to push back.
We got assigned as one of the flanking units.
Our job is to get as close to the front as possible and from the side and attack after they pass and engage the main Terran forces in 2 days when the Demons have their plans in place.
Dad and Alejandro showed up to take the kids out of the engagement area.
Melinda really wanted to go as well but reluctantly stayed and became so pissed off that only Melissa could get near.
The day before the battle, I started making a tunnel to the left side of the enemy line.
I used the excavation rock to make inclined barriers where Terrans are on the inclination firing down upon advancing enemy troops.
We know the our guys on the inclined walls will get overrun so I wanted them to be able to flee beforehand.
but before that happens they will be shooting from the tops of kill boxes.
I actually made my tunnel come out in the trash pits of the Demon army.
Our army Decided to attack first along with our Terran mech units we had air power as well.
Mom and Grandad came in like literal Storms of Rain and fire.
lines of lighting Storms followed by firestorms over and over again.
cutting the Demons forces down to just about double Ours before my mom got hit and Grandad had to carry her away.
With humans I have almost 100 mixed troops with me.
we come out to pandemonium and wreak major havoc.
all humans have heavy weapons exclusively. we start out with rockets and mortars.
Then we switch to heavy firearms all with attached grenade launchers as we advance.
We sweep down the flanks of the enemy and let the man body of our army advance up the middle after Mom got done hopefully gutting the main force.