Chapter 19 Salona Kingdom

They are now back again in the forest. They immediately headed to the Adventurers Guild to get their Adventurers ID. They entered and head to the receptionist. The receptionist is a little bit shocked when she saw Zero and his companions.

She asked, "Why did it take you and your companions so long?"

Zero answered "I told you, we are in a complicated situation at that time. But it's all resolved now. Then can we get our Adventurer IDs?"

Then the receptionist opened the cabinet and get their IDs. When she get the IDs she explained the rules and regulations of being an Adventurer.

After 10 minutes of talking, the receptionist is finally finished speaking. Adventurers are not allowed to hurt normal citizens without any valid reasons. Adventurers are not allowed to take new quests if they are still not finished in their ongoing quest. If an Adventurer caused trouble, they will pay 1 Gold coin as a penalty.

You are not also allowed to take a quest that is 2 ranks higher than your rank unless you are with an adventurer that is 3 ranks higher thank you. After Zero heard the rules and regulations, they quickly headed to the Salona Kingdom. Usually, you need to take a carriage and ride for 3 days to arrive at the Kingdom but Zero and his companions can easily reach the kingdom within 30 minutes.

After 25 minutes of flying, they can now see the big city with huge walls around it. They continued flying to the Salona Kingdom.

After 5 minutes, they are now almost at the entrance. 2 guards are guarding the entrance. When they are about to enter the guard asked them "Show me your identification cards."

Then Zero, Diablo, Aviz, and Reno showed their Adventurers cards. Then the guard let them in. Before Zero entered he asked the guard "Sir can you recommend us an inn for me and my companions to stay?"

"Just go straight ahead. You can easily find the inn with a big wolf logo on the top of it." The guard said.

"Thank you for the recommendation." Then Zero and his companions left the entrance.

The city is full of life. It's noontime so many people are outside. Zero and his companions observed the city for a while before heading to the inn. After two minutes of walking, they now finally saw the inn with a big wolf logo on the top. When they entered, they saw many people drinking, talking, and eating. They were approached by a small girl that looks like a beastman.

"Are you staying in our inn or would you like to order food?" The small girl asked.

"We are here to avail rooms. How much for four rooms?" Zero said.

"It will only cost 40 bronze coins each day!" The beast girl said.

Diablo talked to Zero telepathically.

"Master, you are willing to stay in this noisy and dirty room? Just give me a minute Master I will find the best room for you to stay."

"We still do not have enough money to stay in a luxurious room, Diablo. Do not worry, we will not stay here for too long." Zero answered telepathically too.

Zero suggested Reno wear a hoodie before they entered the portal so she won't attract too much attention with her beauty.

Then Zero paid 40 bronze coins to the girl and they were led by the beast girl to look at their rooms.

After they checked their rooms, they go downstairs to order food. They sat at the table with 4 chairs. Then they ordered meat which cost 10 bronze coins each! Zero did not care about the price.

Zero asked them "Where do you prefer to stay? Here or should we go back on earth? Answer honestly."

Reno answered "I prefer to stay on Earth, Master. I'm sick of hearing noisy pests here."

Aviz said "Yeah me too. I am unable to watch my favorite K-Drama."

Diablo said, "I also prefer staying on Earth Master."

Zero said "Okay. We will go back to Earth tomorrow."

Then their food arrived and they started eating.

After eating, they decided to go around the town first. Reno is still wearing a hoodie to avoid attracting too much attention. While they are going around, they heard a bell ringing. It's a signal that the city is under attack. Many people run to their homes and just like that the people in the street are empty only Zero, Aviz, Reno and Diablo left. They tried to check to see what happened, but the guards told them that normal people can't interfere. Zero followed what the guard said and just decided to go back to the inn. On their way, they saw many people heading towards the entrance gate. They are the adventurers and knights of the Salona Kingdom. Zero looked at them for a while, before going back to the inn.

Zero and his companions entered. They heard many chattering most of them are about the city being under attack.

"We do not need to worry. The guild has 10 S-Rank Adventurers and they are all very strong. And there is also the strongest mage who works directly under the king. I heard she already reached the 12th tier. And there is also the strongest knight who wields a sword. He killed an adult dragon on his own you know? So we are very safe even 5 adult dragons attacked the city." Zero heard the chattering.

Zero muttered 'Oh a 12th tier magician huh. Much stronger than the strongest mage on Earth. And a knight that can kill an adult dragon on his own? The people in this world are much stronger than those in the Earth.'

Zero overheard another chattering.

"I heard the guards talking earlier. They said that a horde of monsters are rushing here. They still can't identify what kind of monster is it because it's still very far from here. They are expecting that those monsters could arrive later at midnight or tomorrow morning." The man said talking to another man while drinking his beer.

Zero ordered Diablo "Diablo, go look at what kind of monsters are attacking this city. Do not engage in a fight you just need to scout them. And do not let people catch you."

Diablo answered, "As you wish, Master."

Then Diablo disappeared into the inn.