Not knowing what he's trying to do I push him away from me. I then grabbed the first-aid kit, walking away from him in shock. 'What was that?' I thought to myself. 'Oh no why'd I do that! He's probably mad I didn't kiss him back!' Peirce pulled past me into the hallway where Maxine was asleep holding Marc. Paying no notice to him from what happened, I mumble "If she gets a black eye from that blow, I'm going to lose it." Then Peirce opens the first-aid kit, pulling out the tweezers.
All I could do was watch him at work to doctor them up. I don't know how he knows what he's doing, but I'm glad he does because I wouldn't be able to do this. I couldn't help but gaze at Peirce, his cold and distant hazel eyes, helping portray his features; bringing them to life like magic. Lowering my gaze to his right arm, he had a tattoo I couldn't make much of it, but it looks like a cool design.
Marc started to stir seemingly about to wake up. "Tsk. I think I should go I doubt they'll want to see me when they wake up." I said standing up. Peirce looked up, "If you do then I guess I'll have to catch you later." He mused, going back to work. "Umm...ok guess we'll see. Bye stranger." I stated, making my way to the door. 'I doubt I'll see any of them again, but I guess I'll wait and see.'
"Mom! I'm home!" I shouted, walking through the front door. "She must be out at work or somewhere." I mumbled. 'Guess I'm cooking dinner then.' I thought. I hate calling the evil witch of a stepmom my father decided to marry my mom, and we both hate each other with an intense burning passion, but she decided or demanded that I call her what she wants because if I don't then her rage will surely engulf me one way or another.
It wouldn't even bother her at all, but seeing that my father is the source of her income, she thinks that if he sees that I don't like or or that we don't get along, he'll supposedly leave her. I myself know it's far from the truth because he is so dependent upon her affection that he would do anything to please her, but seeing how she doesn't I play along.
Besides, It would grow progressively worse living her if I don't anyways because then she knows she's the one in control of him not the other way around. Basically owning the rights that have been given to me from him that she can take away with a snap.
So after prepping the oven top, I started boiling water for Mac n Cheese. "Mmm looks tasty.." someone whispered in my ear. "Get away from me! where's my mom?" I asked. "Out." He said smirking. "What do you mean out? She wouldn't leave me alone with you." I argued. "Mhmmm... Ok sureee." He said in sarcasm. "Besides it's not like you actually want her to be your mom." Jacob mused looking in the pot at the macaroni.
'Why, just Whyyyy!?' I thought. "You've gotta be kidding me! Mac n Cheese! How about I eat you instead?" He said giving me a wink. "Listen Jacob, you're adorable, but no!" I said sarcastically. 'Why do we have to be the same age!?' I screamed in my head. On top of that, to make my problems worse, my paycheck which I thought would be enough for me to leave without looking back wasn't close to the approximate amount I thought it would be.
"I don't want to be stuck with these people forever! What if idiocy is contagious! I'll surely dieeee." I groaned and let myself fall onto my bed. I can't stay here, I need to meet with her again, I just want to see her once. I grab a picture from the end table next to my bed. It is a photo of my mom holding me when I was a toddler on one of the last days I saw her and I sigh.
She always talked about going to the ocean. She always said that where the sea meets the land is one of the most beautiful places any man has ever seen because its one of the most secretive places in the world. She always spoke of things that held secrets being the most beautiful, but she's told me that if she ever disappeared to meet her there. So, I've been saving up to go there even if it's just a slight chance I'll see her.
But ever since dear old "Dad" decided to remarry after coming to the conclusion he chased Mom away for good, I've been stuck home alone with this dweeb! Although he's most of the time sarcastic, he is so annoying and honestly his mom is against us hanging out like ever! Which I wouldn't mind if she didn't think that I am the one who is the "Bad Influence" to her so very innocent teen.
When I get out of my trance in my head, Jacob goes on and on about pointless topics and almost bores me to death, so I walk away and go to my room to think about different ways I can earn money. to save up for the travel. "Get a girlfriend, you are such a nuisance of a step brother." I said blandly, closing my door in front of him. "Whatever..." He said, retreating to his room across the hall.
With a feeling of victory to be rid of that pest, I fill a bowl with the macaroni I cooked and splurge myself with junk food and T.V for the rest of the evening and occasionally go back to the kitchen to restock on goodies and munchies to eat later in the living room in front of the T.V and passed out on the couch until early morning the next day waking up with a headache from all the sugar and junk food I ate non stop yesterday lacking a good source of nutrition.
This morning is oddly quiet and as time passes I grow more suspicious because I know that good for nothing step brother of mine is only quiet when he's up to something. So following my instincts I try my best to avoid him as long as possible which would've been longer if he hadn't came downstairs to me, but of course he did! But just before he could pull anything, he got a call from a friend and just like that I spent the day alone with the house to myself.