Used to be a...Happy.. Family

"Do you want to go back to your house?" Liam asked curiously and I can tell he's looking at me through the rearview mirror. Liam is one of the only people who know about my family problems so with that in mind, I didn't answer and turned my attention to the window. "Bell, I've talked to your brother and he says you haven't been home in over a week!" Liam exclaimed looking worried.

I still don't reply and cross my arms over my chest sliding down in my seat. Bell is the nickname Liam only uses when he's making a point. "Don't you think they're worried about you?" He asked further pressing the situation I want no part of. "Then let them..I never asked them too." I replied coldly my gaze still fixed out the window.

" isn't their fault." Liam said in a soothing voice which angered me. How could he say that so calmly!? "Oh really..It isn't their fault now!" I roared steam nearly blowing out of my ears as I do. "Come on..I didn't mean it like that and you know what I'm talking about Bell!" He said trying to calm me down which might've worked under different circumstances.

"Of course it isn't! How could it be!?" I yelled almost walking up Maxine who is asleep in the seat next to me. Tears start falling from my eyes onto my cheeks sploshing on my legs after dribbling down the rest of my face creating a small puddle. Seeing how it struck emotion in me, Liam stayed quiet for a while until we grew closer to Maxine's house.

"Look I'm sorry, I know I shouldn't have brought it up, I just think that you should see them...They care about you a lot." Liam said bringing back the topic that will always hurt me the most. He turned back to look at me after unbuckling and I wiped my eyes. "Whatever..." I replied, getting out of the car to slam the door behind me which woke up Maxine who shot up in her seat.

Looking around, she saw me making my way to the front door and rushed to my side. Before I could stop myself, I look to make sure Liam is ok and see him out of the car walking down the street. I run up to him and hug him while Maxine is sloshing her way through the wet grass in from of her house stumbling every few steps she takes.

"I'm sorry..." I whispered just loud enough for him to here. "It's ok..Its your family not mine." Liam laughed thinking I was apologizing for my outbreak in the car. "No I mean for yesterday..." I answered as he turned around to look at me and his expression turns sad. "It's didn't mean anything." He adds trying to look happy, but fails.

Before I could talk more about it he cuts me off from talking knowing that I read through his expression. "I think it's better if we just let that go.." Liam said sadly and he turns around starting to leave. I reach out for him only to be met with the cold air flowing between my fingers and down my arm leaving me with goosebumps.

I turn around and rush over to Maxine who fell in the grass and seems like she can't get back up looking back at liam as I did who didnt once look back at me. After helping her up, when I looked in the direction that Liam was walking, he was..gone.

Seeing that he's no longer there left me feeling like I had a long time ago that I wish I'd never feel like again. Except, instead of Liam leaving..It was my mom. At a young age, she was the only person I was close to and losing her is the worst thing thats ever happened in my life which caused a gap between me and all those around me and somehow, seeing Liam go somehow sparked that feeling that leaves me feeling empty and alone.

While I helped Maxine get to bed, my mind is lovely thinking about my mom preventing me to fully be in the moment I am living taking me back to the times I spent with my mom some of which my favorite memories while some are the worst.

I remember that she is the most beautiful person I swear I have ever known and by far one of the kindest, and my father treated her like a goddess. Their marriage started happily and when they had me, discourse started to wreck it, but they would always work together to give me the optimal life I could ever want.

However, something changed in both of them, my father became cruel to my mother and grew easily jealous of all the people she saw because he was scared she would leave him for someone else.This lead to my mom being stuck at home where he could keep a close eye on her so she couldn't go outside often and some weeks would pass by while she's stuck at home.

Two of the happiest and loving people I know grew cold and different leaving me being stuck in the middle of them. One day while my Dad is out at work nearing the end of his shift,something came offer my mom which is rare because she often looked out a window and stayed out in a corner for most of the time sometimes not down to earth enough to carry out a conversation.

However, whatever struck her made her more down to earth than I've seen her in a long time. She got suitcases filling them with everything we would need and planning for us to leave, she packed me a bag as well. If she had done this earlier then maybe Iwe would've been able to go together,but my father walked through the door and after seeing she was leaving and planning to take me made him enraged.

I've never see him so angry in my life but she left me there and swore she'd come back for me after a lot of arguing with each other and she said goodbye. But not a day goes bye when I don't blame my father for her leaving because I know how loving she was and she would've been here if it weren't for him and I'm still waiting for the day my mom comes back..