Party in The Pool (pt.1 and Pt 2.)

Once we arrived to the address, it is clear to see that there are a lot of underage people there and drinking as well. If it isn't for their visible young features it would be the fact that the host's parents aren't home and people in the neighborhood clearly know he is only a sophmore in highschool. However, it is clearly not stopping anyone here because there are people amorously throwing themselves on others whether they're single or not. It's pure madness and definitely what I need tonight.

No rules, no adults, and reckless behavior. The true medication of literally everything. We snagged a parking place along the side of the house and got out of the car. "Let's do this!" Maxine boomed with excitement as she is taking in the chaos surrounding the front yard wondering what madness is awaiting them inside.

The sight is a lot to see at once and take in, it is as if we just walked into a casino, a club, and karaoke night all at once. Well, it isn't good karaoke.. Everything in here is chaos. People were drinking like there's no tomorrow and some are passed out on the ground, others are fighting, and we went to sit at the counter where we pour ourselves shots to get started.

The people we passed to get to the counter reeked of alcohol and looked like they were going to hurl at any moment. After pouring a shot, I held my nose to not smell it and dipped my head back to swallow it quickly.

"Ugh.." I groaned with a disgusted look on my face after I drank it. When I look over at MAxine, she seems unfazed by the taste or smell and is downing two or three at a time while I'm struggling to handle the one.

'I can do it, I'll get used to it after a couple more rounds.' I thought while pouring myself another three more. The first one I still had my nose plugged and tasted the same as the other one, the second one isn't as horrible, but when I got to the third one, I felt dizzy.

"Woo-wee!" Maxine said, getting up from the bar. "Ugh." I groaned, feeling sick to my stomach. After trudging around behind Maxine, I fell backwards from tripping on something, but I didn't fall to the ground.

Confused, my eyes went wide. As I turned around I see Liam. "Wh-what are y-you doing h-here." I stuttered losing my ability to speak. "You had too much to drink." Liam answered, avoiding my question.

After forgetting what we were talking about, I turned back around and found the backdoor exit. The music from the karaoke booth is blaring in my ears as I got closer to the backyard door and by the time I got outside, I feel like I have to throw up and did so in a bush by the door.

With no one out here to see me, I took off the clothes I put over my bathing suit and clumsily made my way to the pool and tripped, falling in on the deep side. I fought my way over to the shallow side of the gigantic pool and stood there, leaning on the wall.

Out of nowhere, Maxine shows up and fell in the pool as I did. When she made her way over to me, I could tell she's as drunk as me from how she looked. After she joined me, a bit after, a lot more people made their way to the pool as well. Some tripping and falling in others walking and some who were less drunk and more coordinated are diving in.

Pt 2.

After what felt like an eternity of staring at the stars while floating on the water's surface, garbled murmurs breaks the sound of countless teens treading water. I stood up in the water looking around to find that both Liam and Maxine are gone.

Wondering where they went, I hoisted myself out of the pool and tried to peer through the darkness.

"Quick!" I heard finding the guy who yelled, I could see his mouth still moving, but couldn't hear what he is saying.

Everyone else didn't seem as oblivious as I am who is shivering from the cold. Everyone frantically left the pool and fled from the yard some jumping over nearby fences into other people's backyards as I remained still wondering what I should do.

"Police! It's..Police" I heard as my hearing came back and I am shell shocked. Seeing red and blue lights coming down the street, I could hear the sirens closing in and I qubolted for my flip flops, grabbed my towel and not knowing what I'm doing, climbed over a moderately tall wall, collapsing on the other side I scrape my knees and landed on my palms from going over too fast to find my balance.

"Ow.." I groaned, climbing off the ground. I looked around and can't see any source of light when suddenly, a light flashed on from a window on the bottom floor. My eyes had to readjust before I could make out two figures in the window although my sight is still fairly blurry.

I rubbed my eyes and look back at the window squinting my eyes to get past the blindness the light caused. Upon the sight of the two people, my heart breaks a little and I shed a few tears that cascades into a bigger ordeal as now I can't see because I start crying.

Peirce is standing over Cherry who is laying on a bed fully clothed while Peirce is pulling his shirt over his head, dropping it on the floor and moving over her is nearing his lips to her neck and Cherry is holding onto his back lifting her head to the ceiling with an open mouth.

I can't believe how emotional and weak I feel drunk, but upon seeing this I feel like my heart is being stabbed. "Crash!" I collapse against the fence unknowingly. I hit the fence and with my back causing a large amount of noise from the impact and I could feel my back turning to a shade of red from me hitting it against my bare skin, but I pushed off of it to prevent me from getting splinters.

Cherry must've heard the crash because her head shot up and as she's scanning out the window her eyes found me and she tried pushing Peirce off her mouthing something to him as he rose his head looking out the window and moving toward the back door and as he did I bolt to the side gate near the side of his house with tears blurring my vision on my way, I trip over something hard on the ground and I can feel a warm liquid gushing from where the object hit me.

I wince in pain and trudge quickly out the gate into the front yard and stop in the middle of the street looking to my left where the house that the party took place is and limp the other way when headlights beamed on me getting close to me before coming to a stop. I squinted unable to see until the headlights were turned off and a tall figure rose from the car.

"Liam?" I asked moving closer to him before wincing in pain from the pain I felt on my foot where I tripped.

"Woah..Take it easy." Liam said, putting my arm over his shoulder to help me get into the backseat where I see Maxine is passed out on the opposite side and after I get in, he starts to drive to Maxine's house.