While I am waiting for Maxine to wake up, I start to pick up the mess I made in the living room with the blankets and pillows I used last night and after I decide to cook breakfast.
Since I've been up since 5 am, I was able to get a lot done around the house which will mean there will be a lot more fun things we can do than picking stuff up from last night.
As it started to near 8 am, I finish cooking breakfast and go to the livingroom to wake Maxine up to find she is up and already ready for the day. "What did you cook?" Maxine asked hungrily eyeing the kitchen.
"I just cooked a couple of omelettes, hash browns, sausage, and a bit of bacon." I answered, grabbing her hands to get her on her feet.
"What!? I thought I don't have any of those!" She said shocked. "Oh I woke up early, so getting them from the store wasn't a big deal since I had some time to kill." I answered as I lead her to the kitchen.
When we both got our breakfast, we went back to the living room and ate our food on the coffee table in front of the couch. Although, because it's easier to reach the coffee table while sitting on the floor, that's what we did.
"Hey, what do you want to do today?" Maxine asked me after we finished our food. After picking up our dishes to wash them I thought about the question. "I can was those, you cooked and so I'll clean. Maxine said taking the dishes from my hands. "We should stay here today and relax at home." I answered sliding down to sit on the couch.
"Okay, sounds good to me." Maxine mused half mindedly while focusing her attention on the dirty dishes. Not much is on them, but some scraps of food left on it and some egg stuck to the surface of them.
After finishing the dishes and loading them into the dishwasher, Maxine came back to the couch and lounged her elbow on the arm rest on the other side of the couch while I got to lay down on the other side.
"What are we going to watch?" Maxine asked me. "It's your pick, I chose last night." I answered pointing to the remote on the coffee table near her.
"Alright then, I'm going to turn off the lights because it's time to watch a scary movie!" Maxine cheered while leaping up from the couch to turn off the lights.
The beginning wasn't as scary as I thought it was going to be, but halfway into the movie I changed my mind. It is definitely a scary movie, but I tried not to show I am actually kind of scared.
Before Maxine could notice, she got a text on her phone and she opened it. The time currently is 12pm and we started watching scary movies since 9am. At first it was Insidious which was actually kind of funny then we watched The Ring, after that we began to watch Friday The 13th which hasn't yet ended.
"No way!" Maxine squealed happily after reading the text which gave me an excuse to stop watching the movie which I took happily. "What happened?" I asked. There's a party at 6 pm and we're invited." Maxine answered happily. "Really? That's so cool!" I exclaimed booming with excitement.
"Let's get ready then!" Maxine exclaimed scouring around the room for something. "What are you looking for?" I asked. "My purse. We need to go buy swimming suits." Maxine mused, looking under the couch and pulling out random things. "Oh, ok then didn't you leave it by the front door?" I asked, suggesting it may be over there.
"Oh yeah!" She laughed rummaging through things near the front door. I looked under her light gray jacket she wore yesterday and found her black small handbag which she calls a purse. "Found it." I said handing it over to her. After putting on shoes and after I grab my wallet, we leave.
Arriving at Target, we looked through aisles and found the swimsuit section and we looked at the different swimsuits displayed. Upon finding a two piece banana yellow bikini I searched for a purple swimsuit behind it and couldn't find any. Bummed, I turn around and see a light blue two piece bikini which looked like the other one, but it was my size and the swim suit looked beautiful. I picked it up and knew this is the best one I'll be able to find.
I happily went next to Maxine and showed her what I picked. After conversing about how cute the bikini here are we made our way to the checkout passing all kinds of different sections of the store on our way. Before we checked out we remembered to go get a towel and we chose black towels. Then we went to check out and arrived back to her house.
"This is so cute." I squealed while seeing me in the new swimsuit I found. Maxine and I both got into the car after changing our shoes to flip flops and she drove off to the address she got form the invitation.