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"Yes. Ahh… At Least you remembered. I thought I got erased from your memory like, entirely. And, and, and, just look at this fine man… You've really grown a lot."

"Yeah… Hyung. And you…"

"Me?" Taeil laughed a little while pointing to himself. "I've grown a little less." The shorter man again started laughing at his own joke. Jungwoo couldn't help but admire the fullness of the moon.

Well, the elder wasn't wrong and he said that he grew less. But that actually was really adorable since his features matched his aura. His adorable laugh melted Jungwoo's heart. He could listen to his laugh all day.

"Aish, don't get lost again. Anyways, you've also become a bibliophile huh?"

"Not that big one, Hyung…" Jungwoo said while smiling sheepishly.

Taeil shook his head and grabbed Jungwoo's hand pulling him and leading the way. "Oh come on! I've many recommendations and we both can enjoy them together, Woo-ah."

Jungwoo let Taeil take him wherever he wanted. He couldn't think of much after hearing Taeil say "we" and "together". He just met the older but he already felt his heart feeling the way it never did. Falling in a way which never happened before.


Dongyoung was trying his best to get some officials completed as quickly as he could so that he could have his regular night call with his best friend, Taeil.

He was so engaged with his work that he didn't even notice the other man rushing inside his room until the latter started shaking him excitedly.

"Doyoung Hyung, Doyoung Hyung, Doyoung Hyung!"

The elder felt a bit dizzy at sudden action. His younger brother had not only gotten taller but quite strong as well, he had to admit.

"Do you know who I met today!?" The younger man asked with glee in his eyes. Dongyoung frowned in confusion but then he realized who he was implying to. But he went with the flow nonetheless. "How am I supposed to know, Woo-ah unless you'd tell me?"

Jungwoo scoffed playfully at his brother. "Big bro, you're no fun."

"Apologies for that." Dongyoung playfully apologized and the latter chuckled as he waved his hands.

"Aish I didn't mean it."

"Neither did I." The elder sarcastically said to which the younger whined. "Hyung…"

"Okay, okay. So? Who's this mysterious person?" The elder interrogated mischievously.

Jungwoo giggled a little before answering. "It's Taeillie Hyung, Hyung. Your bestie! Moontie… He is now in charge of the library and of all libraries in Seoul, it had to be the one where I work! Can you believe?"

The latter chuckled at the younger's act and tone. Jungwoo seemed really surprised and happy after meeting Taeil. It made Dongyoung happy, too.

"Well, I sure can since he's staying at my motel." Dongyoung exclaimed while smiling widely showing his bunny smile. Jungwoo gasped and again whined a little

"So you already knew and didn't even tell me? How come, Hyung!"

"Yahh… It was Taeil's plan. He wanted to surprise you. Did you not like his surprise?"

Jungwoo started shaking his immediately. "No. I did like it. I mean, ahh… I literally couldn't believe that it was Taeil Hyung. He looks like a five years old, Hyung. He's so small and fluffy. I can keep him in pocket! He's like a little doll. Oh gosh… Taeillie Hyung is really cute."

Jungwoo kept on rambling about Taeil and his persona to which Dongyoung felt proud, of course. He was happy knowing that Jungwoo already liked Taeil that much. It made him believe that his little brother would definitely support his and Taeil relationship in the future and would be very happy when they'd get together whether as best friends, boyfriends or even…

"Hyung! I'm hungry now. Can we talk while eating?"

Dongyoung was taken aback from his thoughts. He blinked before answering. "Sure, Woo-ah. You must be tired from complimenting Taeil too much." He joked and they both laughed lightly while walking through their dining area.


"Taeillie Hyung, is it true that love is the most painful thing in this world?"

The called man shifted his gaze from the book he was reading to the man who had just asked him the certain question. "Did you just say love, Woo-ah?"

The taller blushes a little before confirming. "Yes, Hyung. I asked about love."

Taeil chuckled and smiled gently at Jungwoo. And gosh, Jungwoo would lie if he wouldn't say that only Taeil's gentle smile was defining the term love. He wondered how his words would sound even better through his ears when he'd love talk to him.

"Rose." The elder man shifted his eyes from the younger to no particular area as if he was just imagining his own surroundings that didn't exist there. Jungwoo took advantage of it to look through Taeil's face, eyes, nose, jaw, lips and every visible part he could as the latter continued to his definition. "It's like a pure, blooming rose. It will grow, will get deep and deeper. It's full of pleasure as the rose petals. It's also painful as the rose thorns. You can not have it without pain. You have to go through the pain if you want true love. If there's no pain, that's not love. And if you're unable to go through the pain, then you're not in love."

Jungwoo couldn't help but lick his lips at the tone the elder talked in about love and at the sight that the said man was granting to him. But because the temperature was already getting high, he controlled his nerves.

"Aish… Guess love is really painful." The younger smiled sheepishly and the latter turned back to him and giggled at his response.

"Awhh… Don't be worried, Jungwoo. Your love story won't be painful." He assured while cooing at the younger man.

The taller male made a puppy pout before speaking, "But then it won't be true love."

Taeil started laughing lightly and Jungwoo couldn't be more proud knowing that he was the reason for the elder's laughter. He loved being the reason for his smile, joy and maybe even happiness.

"No, no. Of course it will. See, there are some rare, exceptional love stories which start with a happy beginning and end with a happy ending. And I wish that yours will be the rare one. Filled with only happiness and pleasure."

The smile Taeil was giving the younger while speaking such flattering statements could just murder Jungwoo right there.

He didn't know if he should go with his next question or not. Or at least this fast. But his heart just wasn't cooperating with his mind.

"Taeillie Hyung?"

"Yes, Woo-ah." Taeil sounded as sweet as ever.

"Have you ever been in love?"

The question did make Taeil stunned for a second. But he then started smiling as he started picturing a certain someone while answering the question.

"When have I not? Ahh… Since I was a kid, I experienced the feeling of being in love. In love with someone who I've known as almost an infant."

Jungwoo started mentally noting Taeil's words and he literally was not disappointed at the fact that Taeil has been in love. Not after knowing that the description Taeil was giving matched his situations at many points.

"We parted our ways, but fate also got our days. World of course being small, got us at one axis, again. And now, I'm once again near, very near to the love of my life. Just hoping and trying my best to have it entirely, soon."

Jungwoo went redder than ever at Taeil's open and confident confession. Gosh. Why was the short man everything Jungwoo could wish for?

They both looked at each smiling in the silence and Jungwoo just wanted to stop the time right there. Though, he himself decided to break the silence before he could make any fast move.

"Your love story will sure be accomplished and of course with a happy ending, Taeillie Hyung."

"So will yours, My Dongsaeng."


"He really talks about you a lot, lately. Or, just since the day he met you. It feels as if he's your best friend and not me."

"Well, he's my best Dongsaeng and even friend since I believe I already told you that I don't mind going further than just being besties with you, Doie."

Dongyoung blushed at the statement that came from the other line. He cleared his throat a little before responding. "Ahh… I uhh…"

"You're again stuttering, bunny." The sound on the other line giggled and Dongyoung felt embarrassed. "I'm sorry, Taeil. I was just…"

"I know, I know, Doie. Don't worry. Well, he's really still the little Woo I knew. He just grew by body but not by behavior. And I really like it!"

"Just like you. You both are little children."

"Yahh! Kim Dongyoung, I'm your Hyung."

They both started laughing and talking about random things then Taeil suddenly brought a certain topic.

"Jungwoo asked about love, today."

The younger slightly gulped as he waited for the latter to continue.

"And you immediately appeared in my mind as soon as I thought about the love of my life."

Dongyoung wanted to say something, anything. But he couldn't come up with any word at that moment realizing that he was already running out of oxygen.

They both went silent. Only their breaths could be heard through each line of the phone call.

"Doyoung, just tell me if I'm your moonlight for tonight…"

"You are the light of my life. Every single day, and every single night, Taeil." Dongyoung didn't know how he said that instantly. Probably his heart was manhandling him.

"So you are. Good night, Doie."

And the line went disconnected.