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"Jungwoo asked about love, today."

The younger slightly gulped as he waited for the latter to continue.

"And you immediately appeared in my mind as soon as I thought about the love of my life."

Dongyoung wanted to say something, anything. But he couldn't come up with any word at that moment realizing that he was already running out of oxygen.

They both went silent. Only their breaths could be heard through each line of the phone call.

"Doyoung, just tell me if I'm your moonlight for tonight…"

"You are the light of my life. Every single day, and every single night, Taeil." Dongyoung didn't know how he said that instantly. Probably his heart was manhandling him.

"So you are. Good night, Doie."

And the line went disconnected.


"Taeillie Hyung, Miss Wendy had informed us that today we'll be taking back a few borrowed books. So, can you please update me with the borrowers' name?" The giant male asked Taeil as he checked for the list in the system. He didn't receive any response though.

Frowning his eyebrows, he started shaking the latter while again calling him. "Taeil Hyung?"

His frown turned into a fond smile as soon as he found out the reason for the elder not responding to him.

There, the man of his dreams was lost in dreams as he dozed off. Jungwoo didn't waste another second and took out his phone, capturing his admired sight into his phone. He had quite many pictures of Taeil by now in his phone.

The shorter often got dozed off or lost into books or work which was a win-win for Jungwoo to click his pictures without even him realizing. They did take selfies and all together but when Taeil in such states just seemed so small and pure even more than he already was and the younger couldn't help but capture them into his phone so that he could admire them all night.

No wonder why his elder brother was with Taeil all the time back then. He was such a rose himself which everyone would want to achieve even if they would have to go through the pain. He regretted not getting to know the elder back then but then again, it's never too late.

He started exploring Taeil's pictures that he had just clicked forgetting about his concern as well as waking up Taeil.

Though, Taeil's daze still got broken as his phone started ringing and breaking the silence.

Taeil yawned lightly and Jungwoo couldn't help but coo silently. The elder then grabbed his phone and picked up the call. "Hello? Ahh… Yes, yes. Taeil this side. Sorry?"

Jungwoo noticed the worriness in the elder's tone as the said man started getting concerned. Which made Jungwoo himself worried, thinking as to who the latter was talking to and about what that he was getting worried.

"No worries. Yes, yes. Thank you so much for trying. That's okay. Yeah. You too. Have a great day ahead."

Taeil then disconnected the line and placed his phone on the counter making a tensed expression while massaging his temples.

Jungwoo couldn't bear to see his Taeil all tense so he asked right away. "Hyung, what's wrong? If you don't mind. I would love to hear and help if you would let me…"

The elder chuckled at the younger's tone. Taeil cooed at Jungwoo and started answering. "Oh Woo-ah, why would I mind? Anyways, it's nothing really much. I just have been trying to find a flat to move in. I mean, the motel is obviously so fine having all the needed sources and supplies and is really luxury. And Doyoungie would probably never ask me for payment nor for moving out but I myself don't feel really good at that thought. You see, no relation between business."

"So, was that call from a dealer? Did they find you a house already?" Jungwoo interrogated after Taeil's explanation.

"Was that call from a dealer? Yes. Did they find me a house? No. Well, they did have a reference but the flat just got rented today and as for now, they don't have any more references for any suitable flag for me."

That rang the bells of Jungwoo's mind.

"But, don't worry about it. I'll seek for some other dealer and probably a better one this time round." Taeil smiled at the younger as he assured himself.

"Or… How about I'd be your dealer? With no charges at all?"

Taeil raised his brow at the taller. "Oh really? Mr. Dealer, Jungwoo Kim?"

Jungwoo giggled at the elder's act and started answering, "Yes. Moontie Hyung. In fact, why didn't you just ask me on the very first attempt? I've many references and since u know you personally, I can point which one will be the best one for you. Why didn't you ask me, Hyung? Don't you trust your dongsaeng?" He made pout at the end and Taeil pinched his cheeks softly.

"No, no, Woo-ah. Do you really think that I would not trust my beloved dongsaengie? Of course not! I trust you from my entire senses. And I actually had thought of asking Doie or you but then I didn't want to disturb you already busy and booked brothers so yeah…"

"Oh no Hyung. For you, I'm always available. Just try me." Jungwoo said while winking at Taeil making the other giggle.

"Okay, okay. So, jokes aside. Do you have any references as of now? Because if you have, then I think we can just check as well as move in by tomorrow or the day after because already pretty much has been wasted. Because then I would need to settle things as well as cleaning the house and all… And those things would also take time."

"Of course Hyung. There was one which you'd definitely like. I'll send the previews to you and then we can check in person and then you can move in. As for settling and cleaning the house, don't worry Hyung, I'll accompany you all the way. I've been an unofficial cleaner and can be an official one for you if needed."

"Oh really Jungwoo?"

Of course for real. Since they will be out together, free from the work with each other all the day then how could Jungwoo be joking? It could be a kind of unofficial date for them.

Jungwoo smiled gently at the elder. "For real, Hyungie."

"Awwie, thank you so much Woo-ah!" Taeil thanked him as he hugged the latter. Jungwoo was caught off by the sudden action but soon melted when he started feeling the elder's warmth against his body. Maybe this was the first time Taeil had hugged him that tight. The elder's small frame fitted perfectly under Jungwoo's larger one and the younger could carry him protectively right there. He inhaled Taeil's scent as he started nibbling through Taeil's jaw which made Taeil shiver and pull back awkwardly. Jungwoo smirked to himself.

Taeil smiled sheepishly. "Okay then, let's get back to work and we're gonna continue with that later?"

"Anytime and every time you want, Taeillie Hyung." Jungwoo again winked at the elder receiving a playful smack from the latter.


"What? Why? There is literally no need to move. Is there anything missing at the motel? Did you need something they didn't provide you? Did something happen? Are you feeling uncomfortable?"

"Doie… Calm down. You're again rambling, bunny. No. Nothing is wrong. There's everything available that I could ask for. No. I'm not feeling uncomfortable. You have kept a very good environment there special thanks to Jae. Is there any need to move? Yes. There is."

Dongyoung frowned in frustration as the elder kept insisting at the idea of him moving out from the motel. He did not understand why the elder man really was doing that when he was trying his best to make Taeil stay as long as he could. Maybe Dongyoung was even thinking of making Taeil stay forever.

Well, he can't be blamed since he couldn't afford to be separated from his best friend again. He just wanted to have the latter by his side and to be by his side, as well.

His little reverie of thoughts got broken as Taeil's voice resumed their conversation from the other side of the phone. "Doie? You there?"

"Yes. Mind telling me why it's needed?"

He could hear Taeil sighing on the other line. "Well, I know you would never ask me to move nor you appreciate this idea. I too don't have any problem with living at the motel but Doie, that's your business. And as a sane person, I would pay as long as I'd live there. And since the charges skyrocket, I'd prefer moving as soon as possible."


"Doie." Dongyoung sighed. He wasn't going to win that argument. Taeil giggled and Dongyoung smiled while shaking his head.

"Anyways… Before I move, I've planned something for you. Or more like, something for us."

The younger felt sparklers inside his stomach when Taeil addressed them as us. He wanted to ask, respond, but he was just blank. Taeil continued, nonetheless.

"Please come to the top floor's lawn area tomorrow by the evening. Would you? Doyoung?"

Dongyoung gulped as his temperature went a little high. "Is there something, anything-"

"Yes or no?"


"Yes, I would come." Dongyoung repeated assuring the elder male. He could imagine Taeil smiling in satisfaction.

"I'll wait for you. Good night, Doie."

Taeil then hung up the phone and Dongyoung threw himself onto his bed. He was nervous as well as excited for tomorrow. What was Taeil planning? He should also be taking something for him if something special was really going to happen.

"Oh my…" He blushed to himself at the many unusual thoughts he was having about Taeil. But he couldn't help. He had been waiting since his childhood. Maybe the time was finally coming. And he couldn't wait anymore.