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"Doie." Dongyoung sighed. He wasn't going to win that argument. Taeil giggled and Dongyoung smiled while shaking his head.

"Anyways… Before I move, I've planned something for you. Or more like, something for us."

The younger felt sparklers inside his stomach when Taeil addressed them as us. He wanted to ask, respond, but he was just blank. Taeil continued, nonetheless.

"Please come to the top floor's lawn area tomorrow by the evening. Would you? Doyoung?"

Dongyoung gulped as his temperature went a little high. "Is there something, anything-"

"Yes or no?"


"Yes, I would come." Dongyoung repeated assuring the elder male. He could imagine Taeil smiling in satisfaction.

"I'll wait for you. Good night, Doie."

Taeil then hung up the phone and Dongyoung threw himself onto his bed. He was nervous as well as excited for tomorrow. What was Taeil planning? He should also be taking something for him if something special was really going to happen.

"Oh my…" He blushed to himself at the many unusual thoughts he was having about Taeil. But he couldn't help. He had been waiting since his childhood. Maybe the time was finally coming. And he couldn't wait anymore.


Dongyoung spent literally his entire day making himself prepared for his… Date?

Well, Taeil had just invited him to his hotel which was basically Dongyoung's but because it was the elder inviting and planning something for them, he'd just think as if Taeil had invited him to his place. Well, it was also basically Taeil's place since Dongyoung had hoped that they'd get together in the future then his belongings would definitely become the Taeil's, too. Or whatever that was. All Dongyoung was wishing for that to be something he was hoping for.

But right now, Dongyoung was just trying to push all of those thoughts aside since he was losing his focus from the mirror as he tried to prepare himself for the evening, for the man of his dreams.

He didn't even remember how many minutes he spent in front of the mirror.

"You have been looking at yourself since the entire day, Hyung."

The voice startled the bunnylike man for a second and then he smiled sheepishly in embarrassment as he looked at his younger brother. Did he really spend the whole day just getting ready? He still did not look good enough according to him though.

"Are you going out somewhere? For something special? Or someone special?" The latter asked in a teasing tone.

Dongyoung blushed at the teasing question but soon answered the question in his usual tone. "Going somewhere? Yes. For something special? Probably. For someone special? No."

"But your smile says otherwise." Jungwoo kept on teasing Dongyoung from the bed while reading his book and glancing at his brother in between who was looking totally good to go yet was still unsure.

The elder then finally moved from there reaching the younger and ruffling his hair playfully. "Just some work at the motel and I'll probably be late so make sure to have dinner on time, Woo-ah. And just wish that things will go the way I'm hoping them to be."

Jungwoo giggled at his brother's motherly instincts. "Yes, Mom. And oh, Hyung, if you're going to the motel, then don't forget to meet Taeil Hyung and deliver him my greetings."

"How in the world can I forget to meet Taeil?"


He soon reached at the motel and started exiting his car instantly taking out the chocolates that he had bought for Taeil. He actually didn't have any better idea for any gift since he's never been on any dates and he did not want to make it feel obvious for the other man.

He started making his way to his destination. Jaehyun greeted him as he entered. "Good evening, Sir." The younger smiled cheerfully as always.

"Good eve, Jae." He said as he was about to pass through him but the younger stopped him.

"Ahh… Sir, are you going to see Taeil Hyung?"

Dongyoung felt his cheeks reddening at the question but he answered nonetheless. "Yes?"

Jaehyun didn't say anything right away. Instead, he started looking for something inside the counter and then he placed a set of skewers on the surface. "I actually forgot to bring them to Taeil Hyung. He had asked for it and now that you're going to him, can you please bring them to him?"

Dongyoung was kind of horrified after seeing the rods. Why did Taeil need them? Was he going to stab him or what? Well, if that was his something special, then he would accept even that happily.

"Sure, Jae. Thank you."

"Thank you, too, Sir. And… Good luck for tonight." Jaehyun said while smiling teasingly and Dongyoung couldn't say anything in return but just nod.

He then reached the lawn area and was surprised after seeing what he saw.

"Hey Doie! Good evening! You got late though. Ohh… You brought skewers! Thank you. I've been waiting for hours for them. The flame was starting to decrease."

"Decrease? Taeil, I think you should even lower it. And, where did you even get the idea of settling a barbecue in a hotel lawn. Do you even know how to cook on it properly? Remember you almost burnt your wrist when we tried it as children."

The elder rolled his eyes not having the younger's scolding. "Yes. I do remember. And that is why I'm doing it so that we can finally have self-made barbecued food! And don't worry. I know how to use it properly. I especially have prepared it for you. I remember we always ended up burning all the meat and all. But tonight, you're gonna have it especially made by me." Taeil said while posing like a master chef. Dongyoung sighed but then smiled at the man.

"Okay, master moon chef. But please, be careful. And…" He forwarded the box of chocolates he had brought. "It's for you. I actually just didn't want to come with nothing especially after knowing that you were doing something for me. Though, it's really nothing special but I literally have no ideas…" He said as he smiled nervously.

Taeil smiled wide while accepting them. "What? I really loved it! I love chocolates! They're so sweet. Unfortunately, not more than you. So, your presence was enough for me to be happy. And since it's from you, they must have gotten some of your sweetness, thanks for it." He said as he opened the box and shoved one chocolate into his mouth. Licking onto his fingertips in the end. Dongyoung gulped at the scenario.

"Okay, now you just sit or lay and relax while I cook our meal." Taeil said as he started to work on the barbecue.

"No. I'm gonna help you. I'm not going to just let you stand beside this alone."

"Doie, I'm not a kid. I'm a grown man and I know how to manage it, don't worry."

Dongyoung sighed while nodding. Though, he just sat near Taeil so that he could keep his eyes on him. Both for his safety and for his own pleasure.

Talking about pleasure, the sight was literally so pleasing to his eyes. Taeil's small frame, in oversized clothing, focused entirely on his work just seemed so adorable to Dongyoung. It didn't seem any different from their childhood. Though, knowing that they both are now grown men, just made it feel different. Especially after knowing his feelings for the said man too well.

As he was just watching and somewhat enjoying the scene in front of him, he suddenly noticed that the flames were getting high. Taeil didn't seem to be noticing though as he was working on the other skewers. Dongyoung went down to the heat but the latter stopped him saying that they're fine as he needed extra heat but Dongyoung still was worried.

"Taeil I think it's enough. Let it off now."

The flames were actually rising higher and Taeil almost burnt his finger but he still said, "It's okay, Doie. Look, they're being cooked perfectly!"

Taeil was about to put another rod in and he didn't notice that flame had caught his sleeves. His mind went blank as he just stood looking at the fire not doing anything.

"Taeil!" It caught Dongyoung off guard as he switched the emergency fire showers on and the water started falling from the side roof extinguishing the fire and wetting the entire lawn as well as the duo.

The younger then immediately reached the latter. "Taeil, are you okay?" He asked while checking his wrist area and thankfully there was no burnt on his skin. Taeil startled at the sudden touch but smiled apologetically later on. "Yes. I'm fine. And… I'm sorry, Doie?"

Dongyoung exhaled in relief and then hugged the shorter. The latter melted in his arms while hugging him back. They kept having each other's warmth in silence as the water kept falling on them lightly. It felt as if they were hugging each other in the rain.

"Be careful and try listening to me sometimes. Will you, Taeillie?" Taeil nodded and a pout automatically appeared on his face. "I will Doie! And, I'm sorry that this didn't go the way I had planned. I'm such an idiot."

The taller giggled at his reaction. "Idiot? Probably." He said receiving light smacks from Taeil even though the shorter himself had clarified that seconds ago. "And, it entirely didn't go wrong since we at least got a good meal to eat made by you. Now come on. I'm hungry!"