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The elder seemed as if he was about to cry and Jungwoo was about to say something else to change the mood but he was taken aback when he was hugged tightly by the latter.

"Thank you Jungwoo. Thank you so, so much. You're really the best you know. The best dongsaeng I could ever have." Taeil said while sniffing a little. He probably didn't notice that the younger had missed the honorific but the latter supported him from all his will and that's what all it mattered at that moment.

Jungwoo didn't say anything in return though. Too lost in Taeil's scent as their bodies were pressed against each other. It wasn't as if they were hugging for the first time. But to Jungwoo, it felt different. Powerful and passionate. Especially when he remembered their first kiss.

The thought turned Jungwoo on and he couldn't control himself anymore as he started sliding his hand under Taeil's shirt. But the elder pulled away immediately giggling in embarrassment.

"Thank you, once again. Now I think we should really get our lunch since we already lost quite a few minutes." The latter pointed out and Jungwoo nodded as the other left the area.

Jungwoo started thinking if the elder noticed his little affection or not. But, either way, "Moon Taeil will be the death of me."


The sound of giggles, skin slap and moans filled the surroundings while the temperature kept getting higher as the love kept sinfully blooming in there.

"Owhh… Doie oh gosh! it tickles."

A chuckle could be heard from the other man's voice as it started speaking, "Really Taeil? Guess I've learned enough to find your sweet spots quickly." Dongyoung then continued thrusting more into Taeil while his hands played with the elder's nipples teasing him more.

Taeil couldn't help but laugh and smack the younger as he was quite sensitive with tickles. In order to stop the taller male, Taeil started tickling back and that made the latter lose his hold on Taeil and soon the elder got on top of Dongyoung as they both started laughing lazily.

After their little laughter they just stayed still for a moment looking into each other's eyes and inhaling each other's breath.

"I love you." Said Taeil suddenly breaking the silence.

"I love you more." Dongyoung confessed back lovingly.

The elder chuckled lightly at the younger's confession. "No. You don't." He said slowly and a sad smile appeared on his face.

Dongyoung didn't know if the latter was serious with that or not but it sure broke his heart hearing his lover denying his love for him all so sudden. "W-what you mean babe? I sure love you from my entire will and you know that."

"From your entire will yet you're still not willing to make us official. Still not willing to marry me."

"Taeil I…"

"I know, I know." Taeil murmured and pulled away from the younger's hold, turning and sitting by the edge of the bed.

Dongyoung was now entirely worried as to what got into his lover all so sudden that time. He got up and reached Taeil as he started speaking, "Babe, what's wrong, why are you suddenly being like this? You know I love you so much and we'll definitely marry each other. Please, I just need some time…"

"Yes. You love me so much but you always need some time. You've been in need of some time for almost a year! What's stopping you Doie? If our love is really true, if you love me truly then let the whole world know that I'm yours and you're mine. No one can separate us. We are meant to be together." Taeil rambled as his eyes started becoming teary.

"It is not even about the whole world. They don't have any hold on our love. I'm just worried for Jungwoo…"

"Jungwoo, Jungwoo, Jungwoo!" Taeil yelled loudly making the latter flinch slightly. "Everything is not about Jungwoo, Doyoung. Especially not this. I know you care about your brother and all. I too really like Jungwoo, Doie. He's my dongsaeng after all. It's not like we are going to hurt him. And I'm sure he wouldn't mind our relationship at all. It's just you're over thinking. Sometimes you gotta just think about yourself, babe. Your wishes, your desires and your life. And it's about you, Doie. It's about me. It's about us. And us, only." He explained in the calmest tone he could.

"But I can not just think about any other thing before thinking about my brother. Not even me, you or us."

Taeil looked at Dongyoung sharply and the elder seemed dead furious. "Just screw your brother."

"TAEIL!" Dongyoung yelled and the elder flinched in horror at the loud shout of his name.

The younger then shook his head and started wearing his clothes and gathering his belongings.

"Yeah. Leave me just like you did years ago. That's all you can do, Kim Dongyoung." Taeil shouted from the bed as the latter shot one last glare to him before exiting the room and shutting the door behind.

Taeil then collapsed on the bed and finally let the tears fall from his eyes. He didn't mean to hurt his lover and he instantly felt like a mess about his behavior. But he couldn't help. He just wanted to marry Dongyoung and live with him forever unconditionally. He waited enough and he couldn't wait anymore. Yes. He was desperate. So badly desperate for his love as well as lover.


It had been a few days since Dongyoung and Taeil had that argument. None of them either met, called or texted each other after that day. Though it didn't still stay that long as Taeil had already started spamming the younger with calls and messages, apologizing and telling how guilty he was, how much he missed or how he was dying without his lover.

Dongyoung felt butterflies in his stomach whenever there was a new notification from his boyfriend. He so badly wanted to respond to the elder. Telling him that he just felt the same and love him right away. But he had promised to himself that he'd surprise him by directly proposing this time.

But before that, he needed to confess about his relationship with Taeil to his little brother and today he'd definitely do that. He had been preparing himself for so long and now he'd finally get this.

"Let's get it!" Dongyoung said to himself as he took a long breathe. He was about to exit his room and go to his younger brother's room but to his surprise, Jungwoo himself appeared in his room and he seemed amusingly happy.

"Ahh… Woo-ah. I was just coming to you. I actually needed to discuss something with you." The elder said lowering his head a little to hide the extreme blush on his face.

"Oh really Hyung? Well, I also want to tell you something!" Jungwoo exclaimed while giggling and, was he also blushing?

Seeing his little brother cheerful made Dongyoung more confident. Jungwoo might have a great day or something, it was just perfect timing to confess.

But being the best brother that Dongyoung was, he decided to let the latter speak first. "Okay, you seem quite happy? Did something good happen today?"

"Today? No Hyung. Not only today. Good things have been happening since months."

Okay. Now the elder was really confused. "And what are those good things?" He asked while raising an eyebrow interrogatively.

"I fell in love, Hyung. I'm in love!"

Happy would be an understatement for Dongyoung's emotion. Words couldn't describe how thankful he felt knowing that his beloved brother finally found someone whom he could rely on. Who he could trust and spend the rest of his life with.

He reached Jungwoo's cheek and caressed it gently as he spoke, "Ahh… Woo-ah. You really grew this much already and I didn't even realize. Time indeed flies so fast." He chuckled at his own thought, making the other smile sheepishly in embarrassment.

"I'm so happy for you. I'm really thankful to the almighty that you finally got someone who can take care of you in my absence. Well, may I know who's that lucky someone that got to steal my little brother's heart?"

The latter hid his face as he started blushing and smiling lavishly. "No Hyung. I'm the one who's lucky to have him because gosh… Taeil Hyung is too perfect to be human. He's an angel who came into my life and blessed it."

Dongyoung thought he lost his ability to hear after hearing his lover's name just from his brother's mouth. He also thought that he misheard. He wished that he just misheard it.

"W-who is it again Jungwoo?"

"Taeil Hyung. Your best friend Big Bro. I'm in love with Taeil!"

Dongyoung realized that he didn't lose his hearing ability but he sure lost his ability to breath, blink or think. He felt as if his soul had left his body.

"Ahh… I knew you'd be shocked by this Hyung. But I think it still shouldn't be not that shocking. I mean, you have been best friends with him since your childhood so you must know how amazing he is. But for me, even amazing would be an understatement. He just mesmerizes me by just his presence. Gosh Hyung, I literally fell for him since the very first time I saw him as an adult. I cherish every single thing he does. The way he smiles, the way he speaks, the way he thinks and takes care of me… I curse myself for not being so close with him as a child but you know, it's never too late."

It was difficult. Way too difficult for Dongyoung to process Jungwoo's love rant for Taeil. So Jungwoo had been in love with Taeil since his adulthood but he had been in love with Taeil all his life. He had waited years for their reunion and to start their relationship. He was even happily in a relationship with Taeil which was supposed to become official. But now it felt as if everything was collapsing. He wanted to scream, cry or anything but to live in that moment.

"Hyung, are you listening?" The voice took Dongyoung back to his senses and he looked at his brother. Jungwoo raised his eyebrow interrogatively so Dongyoung tried his best to give an encouraging nod. Jungwoo laughed and continued with his speech while smiling and giggling fondly at his own words and thoughts.

His brother was in love with his lover. And it actually felt so painful until he saw how happy his brother seemed just by thinking about love. All Dongyoung had wished in his life was his brother's happiness. And he literally never saw him that gleeful before. It was the first time he was being this blithe after their parents' accident. His happiness made Dongyoung already delighted. And rather than feeling attacked, he started rethinking it. Maybe it wasn't that wrong and he could deal with it? Jungwoo and Taeil would still get along and that is what he wanted. But still it wasn't supposed to go this way. He wasn't supposed to be just standing with a heavy heart this way.

"Well, enough with my fantasy. Hyung, I want another to tell or more like ask. I've invited Taeil Hyung here tomorrow and I'm thinking of asking him out tomorrow at our home. Am I doing the right Hyung? Or am I being fast? I just can't wait anymore. What do you think, Doyoung Hyung? Do you agree with me being in a relationship with Taeil Hyung?"

No, no, no. That was too much. It wasn't supposed to be that way at all. It was Dongyoung's big day. It was supposed to be for him and Taeil. He can't make Taeil suffer more than he already was. He must confess it. He must do it now!

"Of course Woo-ah!"

Jungwoo blinked in confusion and Dongyoung chuckled lightly. "Just confess it away before it gets too late. You love him, right? Then why to even think? Love has no conditions. So doesn't yours. And my agreement? Do you really think I wouldn't agree if this makes my brother happy? Of course not!"

Jungwoo smiled cheerfully and hugged Dongyoung in excitement. Dongyoung patted the latter's back in an assuring way.

"But Hyung, I'm still nervous. What if he'd reject me? What if he won't return my feelings?" The younger asked in the most vulnerable tond he could and it actually broke Dongyoung's heart. He tapped onto Jungwoo's shoulder and offered his brother a gentle and assuring smile.

"There's no way someone could reject my baby brother. Don't worry Woo-ah. He won't say no. Trust your Big Bro."