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"Well, enough with my fantasy. Hyung, I want another to tell or more like ask. I've invited Taeil Hyung here tomorrow and I'm thinking of asking him out tomorrow at our home. Am I doing the right Hyung? Or am I being fast? I just can't wait anymore. What do you think, Doyoung Hyung? Do you agree with me being in a relationship with Taeil Hyung?"

No, no, no. That was too much. It wasn't supposed to be that way at all. It was Dongyoung's big day. It was supposed to be for him and Taeil. He can't make Taeil suffer more than he already was. He must confess it. He must do it now!

"Of course Woo-ah!"

Jungwoo blinked in confusion and Dongyoung chuckled lightly. "Just confess it away before it gets too late. You love him, right? Then why to even think? Love has no conditions. So doesn't yours. And my agreement? Do you really think I wouldn't agree if this makes my brother happy? Of course not!"

Jungwoo smiled cheerfully and hugged Dongyoung in excitement. Dongyoung patted the latter's back in an assuring way.

"But Hyung, I'm still nervous. What if he'd reject me? What if he won't return my feelings?" The younger asked in the most vulnerable tond he could and it actually broke Dongyoung's heart. He tapped onto Jungwoo's shoulder and offered his brother a gentle and assuring smile.

"There's no way someone could reject my baby brother. Don't worry Woo-ah. He won't say no. Trust your Big Bro."


Shit. That was exactly what Taeil was feeling like since the past few days after his last fight with Dongyoung.

He really didn't want to hurt the younger and especially blaming Jungwoo. That was the thing he regretted the most. He never had anything against the younger. He actually really loved Jungwoo as his younger brother and just wanted to take care of the latter as much as he could.

He himself didn't know as to how he got so mad that day. Maybe it was because of waiting too much. Or maybe because of loving Dongyoung too much. Or maybe because of both of the reasons. Those weren't even the enough reasons. He had millions of reasons if he'd start listing. Ever since Dongyoung had left him years ago as a child, he always feared losing his lover again. And that was his worst nightmare to become true. He cherished Dongyoung more than anything or anyone. He could do anything or everything he had to just be next to Dongyoung or to see him happy.

And that day, he himself made him sad, disappointed. He wished if he could turn back time and stop his stupid self from doing such stupidity. Stop himself from being desperate. From making his lover sad. Making his Doie sad.

"Still no callbacks, no replies, nothing. Gosh! I'm fucked up big time!" The anxious man exclaimed as he checked his phone for the millionth time hoping to see any ping from his boyfriend but unfortunately there were none.

He sighed in frustration and laid on his bed relaxing a little. Unfortunately, he couldn't relax. At least, not until he'd get to talk to his lover.

He started massaging his temple to release his headache but couldn't do it for long as his phone's ringing took his attention. He eagerly grabbed it but sighed when he saw the caller ID but did smile before receiving it nonetheless.

"Yeah Woo-ah?"

"Just wanted to tell you Taeil Hyung that I'll be picking you so you won't have to worry about the location and just be ready for tomorrow."

"Ahh… You don't really need to Woo-ah but since I know you will do it anyway, I'll be ready. Anything else?"

A sound was made on the other line and Taeil could imagine Jungwoo pouting. "Nothing really… I just missed you."

Taeil chuckled at the latter's confession. "We just met at work today." He said making the other whine in protest which made him laugh a little. "So, have you guys eaten your dinner?"

"Yep. I just just did before calling you, Hyung."

"And Doyoung? Did he not eat yet?"

"Doyoung Hyung said he wasn't hungry so he'd eat later so yeah. How about you Hyung, have you had your dinner already?"

Taeil sighed knowing that his boyfriend hadn't eaten yet and he knew that he must be skipping his meals lately. Just like he did himself. "I'm just about to have it." He replied.

"Ahh… Then I guess I should let you eat calmly. See you tomorrow Hyung."

"Yeah Woo-ah, good night." Taeil said and the line went disconnected. He laid again and exhaled lightly. He was lucky that he could still get updates regarding Dongyoung through Jungwoo and Jaehyun. Yes, he contacted Jaehyun often as well asking about his lover and the younger didn't seem to mind. In fact, it felt as if he knew about their relationship and even supported it at some point.

The reason he agreed to visit the Kim's was also just to meet and convince Dongyoung. He had no other option left as his boyfriend didn't seem to be paying attention to pings anytime soon. So he chose to just stomp at his place. He just wished he would make it up to his lover the next day. He would do anything and everything to make his lover happy.


As promised, Jungwoo went to Taeil's and picked him the next day to his place. He was so excited and nervous at the same time. He wished everything would go right and Taei would accept him as his boyfriend and hopefully he could have their first kiss. Well, not really first but can say first consensual and official one.

Taeil on the other hand, was just anticipating to see Dongyoung's face and hear his voice. And mostly to forgive him for his stupidity. He'd better not ruin today by not obeying the latter. He'd do everything he wanted but all he needed was just forgiveness.

"We're here Hyung." The younger said as he exited the car and went to the elder's side instantly.

"Ahh, Woo-ah, you don't need to be so formal. I can open the door you know." Taeil said and pinched the latter's cheek while giggling.

Jungwoo then led him to the house and he had to admit that Dongyoung's house was no less than the motel. Except the size, it had the same luxurious touch as the motel but with a warmer feeling.

They reached the living room and Taeil's eyes immediately felt blessed at the sight.

"I'm home Doyoung Hyung. And look who's with me."

Both of the elders just looked at each other for a moment. Dongyoung's sad expression hurt Taeil so much. And knowing that he made his lover sad just made him disgusted with himself.

"How are Taeil? Please have a seat. You must have been tired lately." Dongyoung asked and Jungwoo chuckled at his brother's tone while Taeil just nodded and sat not really minding anything at all. Dongyoung was mad and it was his fault so he deserved that. Besides, the latter looked extra hot when he's mad and Taeil couldn't be more blessed.

They started talking random things to which Taeil just smiled or nodded not really paying attention to any of that. He was too lost and too eager to have some time alone with Dongyoung so he could do what he was upto.

Though, he felt startled when the latter stood and said, "I got some work to do so I'm heading to my room. You two have your time." With that, Dongyoung left not even giving Taeil a moment to utter something.

"So it's just us, Taeillie Hyung. Do you want something? Drinks or snacks?" Jungwoo asked, taking the latter's attention.

"I think I'm fine. Why don't you show me around Woo-ah?"


"Whoa… You have an entire library by yourself."

"Not really though. You liked it Taeil Hyung?"

"I loved it. Don't forget we're the same." Taeil exclaimed and both of them laughed lightly. "So, where would your guys' rooms be?" He concluded interrogatively.

Jungwoo frowned at the question for a second but answered nonetheless. Taeil felt accomplished and landed another question at the younger. "And, where would be the restroom because I'm in urgent need you know." He made sure to give a sheepish smile.

The younger chuckled before saying, "Let me just lead you there Hyung. You don't need to feel embarrassed."

"Thank you Woo-ah but don't worry. I'll just go by myself and come back to you afterwards. I'm just a bit shy. Please?"


Taeil followed the way which he thought would lead him to Dongyoung's room remembering how Jungwoo had directed. He finally reached a room and hoped it would be the right one because he already was lost in that large house.

He opened the door slowly not making any sound and saw the man was on a phone call and his back was facing him. Taeil approached the man and hugged him from behind as he hung up the call.

"I'm so sorry Doie. I'm really really sorry for hurting you. I know it was all my fault and I shouldn't have been that way. But trust me, I didn't mean that. I never meant that." Taeil sniffled lightly as he rested his head on the taller's back.

Dongyoung turned back and looked at the latter fiercely. Taeil gulped at the intimidating sight. But he continued anyway, "Please, forgive me Doyoung. I can't live like this anymore. I can't live happily until you're sad. We can live in a secret relationship as long as you want. Heck, we can live like whatever you want forever. Please baby, I'd do anything and everything you say or want. Just don't be mad at me. Please…"

Taeil expected the younger to protest at first or anything but he was surprised when his lips got sealed in a kiss. Though, he didn't waste time in thinking too much as he missed that pair of lips so much and melted down into the kiss instantly.

"Anything I want?" Dongyoung spoke for the first time.

Taeil smiled fondly at his lover while answering. "Everything you want. Try me, love."

"Alright then. I want you…" Dongyoung stopped for a moment and reached the shorter's ear to whisper. Taeil already shivered in excitement.

"To let Jungwoo love you the way I do."

Taeil misheard. He had to be mishearing that. That couldn't be real. He wished it to be not real. "W-what?"

"Let Jungwoo touch you the way I do. Let him kiss you the way I do. Let him feel you the way I do and let him have you the way he wants."

Taeil's mouth went wide open and his eyes forgot how to blink. He looked at his lover unbelievably. He couldn't believe the things he said or was saying. He didn't want to believe either.

"D-doie? What are you saying? Please tell me this is all a joke. Please tell me it's not real." He said as tears started welling into his eyes.

"This is real and this is what I want, love. Jungwoo loves you and wants to be with you and if it makes him happy, it's my happiness as well. Look babe, just keep up with it until he finds someone else. Just don't let him down. Don't let me down." Dongyoung said in a dead serious tone and the latter couldn't hold his tears anymore and started crying while shaking his head denying Dongyoung's order. He felt as if he was slapped so hard on the face. It would have been better actually if Dongyoung had just slapped him for real as a punishment instead.

"No Doyoung. I, I can't. I can't let someone else do that which is not you. I only love you Doie."

"Then show your love!" Dongyoung yelled, making the shorter flinch.

He then breathed and calmed himself a little and held onto Taeil's arms softly. "Please, Taeillie. If you really love me, you will do this. You said that you can do everything to make me happy and this is what will make me happy. Keep your word and prove your love."

Taeil pushed the younger away and looked at him furiously. He chose not to keep the conversation any longer and started leaving the room.

He was just about to open the door when the latter called, "If I'll see Jungwoo crying tonight, forget about seeing my face ever again."

He didn't turn nor react to Dongyoung's threat and just exited right away.

He started heading to the main exit and leave the house but a grab onto his wrist stopped him. He turned to face and growl at whoever it was. He couldn't really do that though.

"Where did you go Taeil Hyung? I thought I lost you." Jungwoo said and chuckled lightly. "Anyways, come with me, I've to show you something." He exclaimed and started leading Taeil upstairs.

They soon reached the open terrace where the pink sky and the sunset could be seen aesthetically.

Taeil had to admit that the scenery was extremely beautiful and he felt quite relaxed. For a moment he forgot everything. Closing his eyes and feeling the moment.

"I've seen in novels where lovers live their moment in beautiful places but they never really acknowledge their surroundings as their lover is the only thing they desire. No matter how aesthetic the view is, the only thing they could focus on is their love." Jungwoo murmured the last as he went closer to the latter and held his small hands in his. "No matter how beautiful this sunset is, the only I can focus on is you." He said slowly and Taeil looked at him in disbelief. Even though the elder knew he still couldn't process this situation. He didn't want to process that situation.

"Hyung, I'm in love with you. I've been in love with ever since the day I met you for the first time as my colleague. I just never had enough courage to confess my feelings for you, Hyung. I have always feared that you'd reject me or even hate me. And I can't stand that."

Taeil wanted to scream his heart out. Why was that happening to him? What did he do to deserve that? He was here to make it up to his lover… Make it up to his lover.

"I love you so much Taeil, will you accept my love and be my boyfriend?"

The elder couldn't hold anymore and tears started rolling down his cheeks. Jungwoo started worrying and seemed at the verge of tears himself. The sight warned Taeil and he used all his remaining strength to offer a nod. And then the worried expression on the latter's face changed into a happy one. As happy as if he got the moon from the sky.

"C-can I kiss you?" The younger asked to which Taeil again gave a nod.

Soon a pair of lips locked his lips and it was the first time that the pair was not Dongyoung's. He felt sting. He felt pain and mostly regretful. He wanted to push the latter away and disappear from there. His heart ached painfully in his chest knowing the fact that he couldn't do either of that.

He didn't even know why in the world he was even doing such a stupid thing like that. But as long as it would keep Dongyoung satisfied, he'd try his best to keep up with whatever agony he had to deal with.