
He lay on the floor in pain screaming his whole body felt like he was being roasted in the fire which was hotter than 1000° he tried standing up many times but he could not because of the pain. In all the years Mr James had lived the only thing he had seen doing such damage was a radiation wave, finally, he felt the pain-reducing its effects and he could stand immediately he stood up he heard the noise from a police car stopping in a distance < whoever is in there step out with your hands in the air if not we'll resort to more stressful means> ...…< you have been charged for the illegal possession and usage of a Radiation bomb > ...… ...…

By this time Mr James could already start walking and he started walking towards the door but was stopped by two police men who immediately pinned him down "who would have known that we'll be arresting the almighty Mr James today" one of the policemen said " Release me at once I didn't do anything that you should treat me like an animal" Mr James said shouting "thats what every criminal says when they are finally caught hump" the same policeman who spoke before said, "dude just shut up and how sure are you that he's truly the person who did this it's until your mouth puts you into trouble I'm sure thats when you'll start to shut up" the other policeman said "its so clear that he's the criminal he was the only one we saw when we got into the building" the policeman snapped back at his partner " come-on you two would you stop fighting each other and bring the suspect here" the teams head shouted "okay boss" the two said together eyeing each other furiously "then four of you head in there and investigate the place" the head said pointing at four other policemen "while you two head back to the headquarters and interrogate Mr James and no fighting" he said pointing at the other two that were holding Mr James {I know your like why has Mr James not said a word since he was pinned down well if the police arrest's a dangerous person they immediately put the person to sleep (knock em down ?) with a drug} "oh and please treat our first time guest proper now we don't want negative stars now"he added {negative stars means bad reputation for the police station/branch the team represent} "Boss I think you'd like to see this there people here" one of the four policemen shouted to call the attention of the boss "what people ??" the head asked puzzled "students and a few teachers boss" the policeman answered "are they still alive" the head asked again "yes they are but one I can't sense anything from him it's like he's in a comma or something" the policeman answered "and strange enough out of everyone here he's the only one who's skin wasn't affected by the blast except from all his bones and most of his internal organs that have been destroyed and still surprisingly just looking at his skin alone he's totally fine and worst still he's in a comma and not yet dead I've never seen anything like this my whole life" the policeman added "come-on why are the rest of you looking at the boy call the hospital now" the head said "umm boss we'll need more than one hospital for this even the students at the hostels and teachers at their offices are all down" another policeman said before adding I mean the whole school is down even people living in residential areas close to the school are down communication has been cut some building's are collapsing most of the cars near the area have all died trees have died anything made from iron have either melted or rusted" ????? "i don't think this is something a radiation bombwould do" the head said looking at the little boy next to his leg.

To be continued