The creation

" Quickly prepare the ICU for him or we'll lose him !!!!" one of the many doctors brought to treat Victor screamed out,  "Sir a test carried out by the lab team shows a different flow of energy coming from him," said another doctor to the head doctor Mr Timothy "what kind of flow, does it have to do with the heavy dose of radiation in him," Mr Timothy asked "I don't think it has anything to do with radiation, and even if it was radiation it won't be this dangerous to him since he is a real-blood" the doctor replied him "Then what is it???" Mr Timothy asked firing serious glances at the unsuspecting doctor "it's still unknown, and according to the scan through every known type of energy waves it surpasses all, and also it has never been recorded that's why it's so hard to read" the doctor answered trying to keep his body under control "Then go back to that lab and carry out more reasonable research" Mr Timothy shouted leaving the other doctors in shock they had seen him angry but not this angry "Come on what are you still waiting for rush this boy to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) ASAP, and you why are you still standing there go carry out more research on the freaking energy waves afflicting this boy" he shouted once more with his deep voice echoing around the ward they were in.

"Connect him to the oxygen system...." Mr Timothy was saying before being cut "Sir look over there his flesh is falling off" said a doctor "Then heal... wait what his flesh is.....what the ....who can feel the ... t.... soothing the air's so..." thud, the thud was heard all around as all the doctors around fell hard on the ground dead. There was a new weird energy in the air it was consuming the essence of every living thing in the whole hospital at first it would start as a calm soothing feeling then it would start sucking the essence of the victim leaving the body all white and fragile, people were dropping like fly's on the ground.

Meanwhile, inside the operation room, Victor's body was only left with ashes and after a while when the weird energy was done ravaging the essence of everything in the hospital it started to gather back to the ashes of Victor's body leaving behind it golden light trails when it finally gathered into Victor's ashes a faint golden light started to shine from his ashes then the ashes started to glow and reform making the shape of a human being by this time the golden light had become even more dazzling making the newly forming body look like pure gold, then it started to turn to bright white light on one side of the body and a pitch-black on the other side and while all these were happening the strange energy started to absorb every type of elemental essence it could lay it's greedy hands on then the once bright light started to get dimmer and dimmer then finally the body of a young boy was the only thing left laying on the ground without anything covering his body.