
"Urgh," Victor said groaning as he opened his eyes to meet the bright light of the surgical lamp he was no more in pain and his whole body felt like it could do anything he stood up from the bed and was trying to figure out where he was when he stepped on something in a white coat and he bent down to get a closer look at it "OH MY GOD!!" he screamed out in fear it was a person no heartbeat the body was Cold Dead he then stood up and looked around only to see many other people on the ground

around the bed he just stood up from "could it be No no way this can't be me...…impossible" he said certainly sure he stood up to check if there were any camera's around and for sure there was one then he said "come on guys if this is a prank it's been foiled already you couldn't even try to hide the camera but nice looking dummies though" he said expecting a response or people bursting out laughing but getting no reply he started to become really tensed "Okay guys you've won just come out" he said talking to no one, this time he bent over the supposed dummy on the ground to feel if it was really a dummy or the real thing but surprisingly immediately he touched the thing on the floor its skins once dead colour started to regain colour it started looking more like a living human when it moved a little victor hurriedly took back his hand he was totally shocked about what had just happened the man on the floor opened his eyes and looks around confused but when he saw victor he screamed like he had seen a ghost and fainted.

victor could not believe it he had been looked down upon because he had no powers but now look at this who would have thought he would gain healing powers and it was already at this level as he was about to celebrate he felt a sharp pain in his head from two different spots the first spot felt like something was forming in his head but the second was as if something entered his mind with force and was fighting fighting for control over his body with the thing that was busy forming but victor just took it as nothing and continued healing time had passed and victor was almost drained it was just one last person and he'll be done healing everybody people around him were totally confused was this guy not supposed to be dead what the hell was going on and he was also supposed to be a real-blood with no super powers but right now he was healing everyone of them "Ah that's the last I'm totally drained" Victor said standing up looking like someone who was going to faint at any time "young man I do not know what you did still its only thanks to you that we are alive but I suggest you stay here for a while because what ever you did took a lot of energy to do and you do not look too well" a man on a lab coat said "yes please do you don't look well at least a way for us to thank you" another doctor said looking at victor who's mind was currently not even in the room he was in big trouble in his own body.

inside Victor's mind

"what's this where am I 'm supposed to be in the hospital how did it become this dark," Victor said walking around *BOOM* «huff huff huff you bloody dragon how did you get in here» a voice shouted out clearly in pain but that was no Victor's concern did he just hear correctly dragon a dragon the legendary beasts he had to see just what was happening ~Your not worth telling DEMON it's your death day Lord of the undead~ another voice said "it's surely the dragon's voice but it looks like it's fighting with someone called the Lord of the un...Undead oh no it's a demon... TO BE CONTINUED

Coming soon Lord of the undead