Lord of the undead

«huff huff huff you bloody dragon how did you get in here» a voice shouted out clearly in pain but that was not Victor's concern did he just hear correctly dragon a dragon the legendary beasts he had to see just what was happening ~ You not worth telling DEMON it's your death day Lord of the undead~ another voice said "it's surely the dragon's voice but it looks like it's fighting with someone called the Lord of the un...Undead.....





«How did know my title» (Note demons are put in to different groups and hold different titles and his title is the Lord of the undead) his title has remained a secret known to only him and the past Lord who he had killed for the title but how did this dragon know ~still not worth telling~ the dragon said again «well since you know then there's no use hiding my true powers from you since I'm only going to be at a disadvantage» the demon said and added «you should also know that as long as negative energy exists anywhere I am my powers are unlimited» (Note whenever a character is using a skill it would be highlighted with this ⟨skill name⟩) ⟨One with the shadows⟩ (an ability that changes the physical form of the user into a shadow increasing ones speed, reflexes, and makes the user become impossible to be hit but it burns energy quickly an assassin type skill) ~this would be fun but why don't we leave this place it would harm the body your fighting for if we should fight here~ he said suddenly changing his form into that of a human and snapping his finger immediately he snapped it the dark scene changed into a vast mountain range ~now we can begin the fight~ the dragon said activating his skill ⟨Supreme intelligence⟩ (this skill is a blessing from the saints giving it's user unlimited knowledge about whatever the user sets his or her eyes on from it's flaws to it's strength also allowing it's user to be able to imitate the enemy's skill a god given gift) •••did he just use a skill or was he just bluffing••• the demon said in his mind «well who cares your still going to die» he said out grinning ⟨host to darkness⟩ (The user can act as the physical manifestation or personification of Darkness, the all-encompassing void which acts as the counterbalance to light. The darkness manifested is made of pure negativity/Dark Energy. The user of this ability is essentially tapping into the core of different forms of darkness itself to assert their dominion) ~trying to do something...…oh sorry forgot to tell you this place we're in is actually my...…world that type of skill won't work here I'll suggest you just slay your self~ the dragon said «how how did you know what I was doing» the demon asked confused (the skill the dragon was using enables it's users look a little bit into the future but it can only be cast on one opponent once he had cast it on the demon the first time they started fighting he that was why he changed the location of the battlefield because Victor's body was filled with Dark energy) ~your not worth being told but all I can tell is that our meeting has been predetermined and your powers would be put into better use in future~the dragon said activating his own skill ⟨host of light⟩ (Users become the living representation or personification of light along with its concepts of purity and immaculate nature. The users can of the light's powers whether holy, divine or supernatural on a different level. Users can convert this light power into energy and use it as a full source to extend their powers or create something that becomes a weapon. As long as there is light, the user of this power will become more powerful progressively) the dragon's body changed almost immediately into a shining light the demon seeing this tried to run «no....no...no... shit I've got to get out of here now else I'm going to die here I can't die here» he said running ~ it's like you weren't listening to a word I said ...THIS IS MY WORLD...… NOW DIE~ the dragon said suddenly appearing in front of the fleeing demon and knocking him out of the air down to one of the mountain peaks destroying it in the process after that the dragon went down and said ~From now on you shall be my shadow and serve your masters master~ as he said this something like a shadow stood up from the deformed body of the demon before him and said °°°**yes master°°° ⟨shadow summoning⟩ (The user can transform their or other's shadows into living beings. As the rule of anything happening to the real body happens to the shadow, this ability may allow the user to manipulate the shadow and cause damage in reality by using it to attack. This means anything that happens to the shadow will be reflected in the true body; in short, a form of "reverse" shadow puppetry)......to be continued.









coming next How the world works.