Chapter 14: Mr. model sell


"No!" Yan Hongshuo didn't even think about it, "The method of exchanging hostages is not advisable, and compared with women and children, criminals of your size will definitely not agree with him and cannot stimulate him too much."

What and what?

Bian Fanghao turned his eyes down, even if I wasn't tall, I would be taken hostage.

"No, Captain Yan, I have developed a new car model with Xuejian, which is equipped with a real-time camera transmission function. Didn't I just say that the drone can't get in that window, and my model can just fit in? "


Tong Yan Hongshuo and the director, as well as the special police who commanded the drone next to them, were all stingy, and the car model could enter where the drone couldn't get in.

The special policeman who controlled the drone probably understood Fang Hao's meaning. I'm sorry: "That, this enthusiastic citizen, you have a good idea, but the drone can't carry too heavy items at all, and it didn't take me The car is so well placed. Look at the setting of this window. The drone can't get in at all. It crashes against the wall and is scrapped. There is no way to throw the car model in. "

"No, I mean driving straight in, driving, going downstairs." Fang Hao pointed at the office building and said seriously.

他们 This time they listened very carefully. Fang Hao's original words were to go in ... to go in?

A few people couldn't help looking up at the office building, um, 13 floors high, and now ... some people say that the car can drive straight up. If Fang Hao had been eager to provide one million, they would definitely put Fang Hao in the detention center. He is sober.

This is obstructing business! Are you kidding when it matters?

Bian Fanghao found that he really couldn't say clearly. "Everyone, let's speak by facts. Let the police officer let me in. My studio is on the fifth floor of the office building."

Yan Fanghao said seriously, Yan Hongshuo and others were scratching their heads. Is there really such an advanced ... uh, car model?

Tong Fanghao took out the climbing car models that had been tested in the company of police officers, and recorded them in a large crowd of onlookers and several reporters with short guns.

Bian Fanghao walked under the office building, and the drone photographed the window along the upward direction. Yan Hongshuo and others also stood beside Fang Hao. They had to see how the car climbed the wall.

It turns out that excluding all impossible factors, then no matter how you think that is impossible, it is fact!

"Huh? What's that? Spider robot!" The crowd was a little far away from the crowd, and couldn't see what it was. They could only see that someone was holding a remote control platform, and a dark shadow was climbing up on the wall. The tail was still exuding a slight amount of exhaust.

I wasn't surprised when I couldn't see clearly, but the people around Fang Hao opened their mouths into hippos, and everyone had only one thought in their heads, "I came from ancient times. I don't know what high-tech is."

The car climbed the wall, even if the car looked at the excavator!

There are many factors in the speed of climbing, the biggest is the power of the engine.

The current power can only allow the climbing grip belt to firmly grasp the indentations that are invisible to the naked eye during the movement, but it is impossible to want more pieces.

One level ...

Two floors ...

Three floors ...

As the climbing car model climbed up one floor after another, this scene gave everyone a boost.

"The sniper team adjusts the status. Once the precise position of the criminal is clear, I ask you to kill in one shot! It will be my third class for you!"

At the moment when the heart is already excited, there are still people who are more excited than them.

"Have you taken it, have you taken it! Big news, big news!" The reporters were excited to pee.

What was originally thought to be a thrilling rescue operation, but now it has become a big show of technology products. The drone is hovering in the air, and there is a technology product that has never been seen on the wall .

A car is driving on the wall!

Some reporters broadcast live on the Internet. At this moment, this scene was instantly posted on the online platform.

Local TV stations in Lu'an Lin City, Hangzhou TV Station, and Jiangnan Provincial TV Stations have scrambled to get their TV stations connected to live broadcast.

However, the Internet has already burst.

"Eh, a mother-in-law, what kind of thing is that, and she is still climbing the wall?"

"I won't guide you either, so ask me, I might be in my dream now."

"Upstairs, please input in standard Mandarin. Also, is there any science and technology popular science? Ask for analysis and explanation!"

"Same as +1."

"Same as +2."


More and more people participated in this comment, and at the scene, Yan Hongshuo and others waited nervously for the climbing car to move upwards, anxious to push it underneath.

The thirteenth floor is at a height of about 40, and now there are at least four or five hundred people gathered. The four or five hundred people just watch the climbing car model drive up in about 15 seconds on the first floor.

"Here it is, it's this window!"

No need to remind Yan Hongshuo, Fang Hao can clearly see on the remote control platform's display that the model's track wheels are close to the window.

靠 What is the model capable of traveling on the wall?

Is a special arrangement of barbs on the climbing grip belt, which can be said to provide extremely strong friction, or grip.

Now is the critical moment. The model wants to enter the cross-section of the window from the straight wall. This requires Fang Hao's very clever manipulation. Otherwise, the model car will fall from the 13th floor.

"Be careful and be more stable," Yan Hongshuo quickly said while listening to Fang Hao's explanation. "We have time before the third call, don't worry."

"Well," Fang Hao Qing said with a whisper, he was very focused, and controlled the model closer to the wall of the window.

Just like when driving, the driver feels OK, and sitting on the side can't wait to step on the brakes. This is the case with Yan Hongshuo, who is nervous. The model car feels backwards when moving a few times.

Bian Fanghao has been looking for an angle. When the model car is in his first fifth, he directly pulls down the joystick of the camera and slams the aluminum alloy on the edge of the window.

"Hello, it's done!" Fang Hao was relieved. Fortunately, today's weather was strong. Just now, as long as there was a level 4 wind, his model car would be blown off.

Maybe God is also paying attention, and bless those motherland flowers in the institution.

The model car successfully entered the window of the toilet. In the same way, Fang Hao carefully attached the track of the model car to the wall again.

"I saw it!" This time he was excited by the director. To tell the truth, the position under his ass, which can't handle this matter, is definitely not guaranteed. Now the rescue work has finally made a major breakthrough.

Tong Fanghao is not so optimistic. Although there is a vicious criminal inside, the hostages are basically groups of children. In case the curiosity of the model car attracts the attention of the criminals, things are even more troublesome.

Fortunately, when the model car entered the teaching hall in the institution, the children were blocked by the criminal Zhang Chong, and everyone was facing away.

"Pretty!" Yan Hongshuo secretly rejoiced. This is better. The pressure on the sniper will be reduced a lot, which will increase the success rate.

"Sniper's attention, sniper's attention!" Yan Hongshuo picked up the walkie-talkie and quickly reported an azimuth point. "Shoot immediately when ready, repeat, I will shoot immediately when ready!"

"Bang, bang" sounded two consecutive gunshots, UU read a book www.uukanshu. If Fang Hao hadn't heard Yan Hongshuo's command, he thought he would have fired.

The slugs were fired from two angles. The first shot broke the window glass, and the second shot successfully hit the target.

"Hit the target! The target has been confirmed to be killed! Captain! The hostages have not been harmed in any way!" The assault team on the floor immediately rushed in, hugging the female teacher who had fainted on the ground, and A team member checked the criminals to determine if they were dead, and the rest hurriedly coaxed the crying children.

"It's beautiful! Hahahaha," Yan Hongshuo laughed loudly and patted Fang Hao's shoulder.

Wu Fanghao's face was a little pale, and he didn't know whether it was taken or the scene just displayed on the screen.

He completely saw the whole process of the shooting. It was a blooming blood flower. The bullet passed through the neck and took away the large flesh in the back of the neck.

very disgusting.

"Mr. Fang, thank you so much. If you didn't help, the case will not go so smoothly this time." The director raised Fang Hao's hand and held it with enthusiastic hands. Yes, Fang Hao It can be indirectly saved his political life.

And after such a terrible incident, the perfect killing of criminals at the fastest speed, rescue of hostages, or a group of children, will instead become a wonderful piece of his resume.

Tong Fanghao relieved the discomfort just now, and smiled: "I should do these things."

"Why, what should I call it, I will definitely report your deeds." The director said very seriously that he would ask Fang Hao for his credit, and Fang Hao smiled politely. Does this still require him to ask?

"Cough," Yan Hongshuo watched as Fang Hao and the two were almost chatting, and inserted in, "Mr. Fang, do you sell this model?"