Chapter 15: Yan Hongshuo's Reminder

惊 "Surprising! A car model that can climb the wall, the driving of the car will change in the future. "

"Shock! It turned out to be it! "

The media's revenue needs to attract attention. Whether it is a vicious incident that has never occurred in China for several years, or Fang Hao's climbing car model, it has completely ignited in this Hollywood rescue operation.

A lot of car model players are discussing in the discussion area, and 90% of people want to buy it.

Can you climb the wall? Not to mention it also has a camera, isn't it ... hehe hehe.

There are many people holding this idea, even the righteous squadron leader.

"Sell, of course, this is a product under my company, and the buyer of another product belongs to the same sequence as you." Fang Hao said without hesitation.

"However, such a technology product is a test of the user's morality. What should someone do if they should not do it?" Yan Hongshuo thought of N + 1 possibilities. He thought that selling climbing car models should be careful.

"Hmm ... this is a problem." Fang Hao was really helpless as reminded by Yan Hongshuo.

It 's true, even such a righteous person occasionally has evil thoughts. The words of others, really ...

If you do n't need much, one or two incidents like voyeurism are exposed, your reputation can be completely ruined. No one will care about you just selling things, they will only point you at you.

It's very possible, no!

Wu Fanghao thought it would be the case.

There are more climbing car models than those of the simulated spider robot ox fork, and its appearance will definitely make people jealous.

"Captain Yan, what you said makes sense." Fang Hao thought for a while and said, "However, I can sell products in stages, special types such as police sequences, high-altitude operations, etc., and sell the full version. For ordinary civilian use, it is a car model Players sell castrated versions. "

"It's okay, since you have your own arrangements, I won't ask too much," Yan Hongshuo just reminded kindly, and he still has a good impression on Fang Hao, if only ordinary people are too lazy to worry about it.

Tong Yan Hongshuo was busy withdrawing to Hangzhou, and Fang Hao and he left each other on the phone, and returned to the studio with one million cash and climbing car models.

Wu Yanhongshuo reminded Fang Hao that it was necessary. He had to think carefully about how to divide it.

But now, there are more important things waiting for him to do.

Put the cash on the table neatly, and then put the system carrier on the opposite side, "System, I want to convert gold coins!"

"Understanding currency ..."

"Hua Xia currency, one million whole."

的 The blue rays on the camera suddenly closed, and the red soft girls on the desktop disappeared instantly.

Owner: Fang Hao

Grade 1

Current extraction quantity: 1 (in conversion cooling)

Remaining withdrawal quota: 4

Gold coins: 100

备 (Note: This system can use principal checks.)

"I wipe it?" Seeing the last note, Fang Hao wanted to vomit blood, but he could receive a check if he could not transfer money. Is he afraid of the country's financial system investigation?

不 If you ca n't figure it out, you do n't want to. You can use checks to exchange gold coins. Fang Hao naturally wanted it. It would cost 1 million to call a basic biological robot. Will it be loaded with trucks in the future?

Xi Fanghao switched the interface, entered the mall and bought a basic biological robot with the gold coins he just exchanged, and then went to see his data.

Very helpless, basic biological robots are not recorded in the assets of individuals and companies, which means that Fang Hao has to earn 10 million more.

"Sure enough, opening a plug-in life is not the same." Fang Hao said with emotion, previously he thought that his income should be 100,000 units per year, but now he is talking about ten million.

"In the future, you will be called Erhui. Well, Yihui is your brother. If you do n't understand it, you will learn it." Fang Hao touched the basic bio-robot who was quietly squatting at his feet. I gave a little ash, oh no, now it's called a ash.

"Smoke one by one ..." Before the ringing of the phone rang, Fang Hao connected to the phone. The phone was ready for him, and he wondered why it had taken so long.

"I rely on, I rely on, I rely on, Fang Hao you are not enough friends, climbing car models, how can you build this without saying earlier!"

Tong Fanghao guessed what Zhao Zixuan was going to say, and it was really good. "Brother Zhao, this is still an experimental product. I originally planned to share it with you after it was completely finalized."

"I don't care, you quickly get the patent and tell me when you're done. I'll come and get it myself, and can the car model be added to the wall-climbing function?" Fang Hao is his old partner. He must be the second model to climb the wall himself.

"Okay, okay, you can take this one. As for adding wall-climbing functions, it's impossible. My current is only the first generation, and it will be possible in the future."

Hao Fanghao has become accustomed to Zhao Zixuan's willfulness in these aspects of play. "Oh, by the way, brother, aren't you doing foreign trade? Is there any way to buy semi-finished titanium alloy sheets in bulk?"

Xi Fanghao originally wanted to produce the titanium alloy material for climbing climbing belts, but he checked it online. Those titanium production equipment emptied the bottom of his home, and he could not buy it completely.

"Well ..." Asked about the business, Zhao Zixuan was still very reliable. After thinking for a while, he said seriously: "The domestic manufacturer of titanium alloys should be the best in Baoji? But since you say that the domestic is too expensive, I can help you go to me Asked a few overseas partners. "

Zhao Zixuan's business mainly sells in Africa. UU Kanshu The land in Africa is a treasure land. The mineral resources under the ground are too rich, and natural minerals are inevitable.

It is always cheaper to buy directly from the source. After determining the time to get the climbing model, Fang Hao hung up the phone. Just so few minutes after the call, his mobile phone was almost burst.

My parents, classmates who have been in close contact since high school, and their college roommates.

Bian Fanghao first called back his parents' phone and explained the details of the incident, but when it came to climbing the grasping belt, he vaguely said that it was a course studied in college.

After waiting for classmates, Fang Hao had less patience. He directly opened WeChat and pulled them all into a group: "Thanks for the attention of the brothers. Since everyone is very curious, then I am determined to Everyone, please join us for dinner on the second week of the month!

Weekend: "Hey, don't you take me to play word games like this, do you still have a few pits? Everyone notice, my name is weekend, this guy Fang Hao is very bad."

Bian Fanghao: "Haha, you are getting smarter, all right, this Saturday night, Qingshan Lake Resort Hotel in Anlin, I treat you, this head office."

Xia Jun: "Fang Hao, you can do it, you know you are famous, the video is too far away. Take a clear picture and let me see my baby."

Zhu Zhuli: "Actually I went to Qingshan Lake Hotel, Fang Hao, you are so proud, I will definitely be there."


Wu Fanghao: "Say it again, you can bring your family, OK, I'm busy ~"

扯 It took more than half an hour for Fang Hao to get out. If Zhao Zixuan didn't say he was here, this group of guys would have him show them a climbing model live.