Chapter 16: It's time to recruit

Life continues. In the modern era of rapid global information transmission, any news will be quickly buried.

Maybe a certain star broke out again, or a certain area got **** with old rice again. Anyway, there are two types of news, which are 35 to 65 days a year.

And the impact of the hijacking has faded. Except for the parents of the children, strangers have only focus on the current focus.

This is an advantage of the information age, but also a deficiency.

There are gains and losses.

Tong Fanghao has gained a lot of reputational benefits. An Anlin City's recognition for being brave is indispensable, but it is followed by a large number of exposures.

There are good and bad, Fang Hao doesn't care anyway.

半 After half a month of hard work, Fang Hao finally completed Zhao Zixuan's domineering and mighty car model.

It has a gorgeous appearance. The whole body of bright silver is like walking a large bar of silver in the sun, and it blinds your eyes.

Four shock absorbers distributed in four corners unite the entire body, especially the shape like the Tyrannosaurus at the front, and the serrations inside are shining.

Since Zhao Zixuan doesn't care about money, he just wants to be cool, Fang Hao will naturally meet his requirements. For this reason, he abandoned the electric energy supply and switched to a diesel engine, which can bring more power to the model.

At the rear are three rows of exhaust pipes, each of which is made into a bent shape. Fang Hao even wanted to add a set of flame thrusters in it, but this was troublesome to play and maintenance was required after each play.

The key point is that Zhao Zixuan will definitely not do it. In the end, Fang Hao will do it. Although there is money to make it, this price is too high to be realistic and low ...

Wu Fanghao said: Keke, anyway, we also have a company.

Putting aside these, Zhao Zixuan was very satisfied after receiving the model. Anyway, since every time he encounters Cheng Xiaolan, Fang Hao always feels that Cheng Xiaolan is full of resentment in his eyes.

However, when it comes to the company, Fang Hao is now also suffering from this.

In terms of balance stabilizer, Fang Hao does not plan to perform any action for the time being, but the model car equipped with climbing grab belt must be produced as soon as possible.

Zhao Zixuan, a material company, helped Fang Hao contact an Eagle company that produces titanium alloys in Africa. It can be processed into a track shape according to Fang Hao's size requirements, each piece is 36 yuan.

Alas, and he didn't even pay the freight, Zhao Zixuan contracted with great vigor, and could be shipped with his goods.

There are three things that Fang Hao has a headache.

The first is the appearance design of the product. This is not a model for Zhao Zixuan. How handsome is how to come, Fang Hao requires both the practicality and aesthetics of the product, that is, the appearance will not affect performance.

The shape is really a bit ugly now.

The second thing was solved. Fang Hao decided to recruit more employees and contact the factory to assemble or directly buy a factory to assemble it. The latter he had to pay for the cost. He had no experience in starting the company for the first time. Already.

第三 And the third thing made Fang Hao helpless. His mobile phone can't be turned on now, and some people who seek cooperation or venture capital want to send him money as soon as he turns on.

Sending money is just a saying, how can there be a free lunch in the world, and investing in him is not to get more returns.

You don't need to put in Fang Hao, and you don't want to have a diamond ring on top of your head. My company can only let me decide.

I just didn't care what Fang Hao said, the cats that smelled fishy were not moved at all, and they took the trouble to call to lobby, and the price was also higher than one.

"Maybe you need to hire a professional agent, you don't need to worry about all kinds of miscellaneous things." Fang Hao groped and thought.

Frightened, Cheng Xiaolan's figure appeared in Fang Hao's head.

I didn't know if I asked, I was shocked. Cheng Xiaolan was only 27 years old this year, and he was two years older than Fang Hao, but he was a doctoral student graduated from Harvard Business School.

Wu Ke also came up with problems. She did n't lack money at home, and her fiance was Zhao Zixuan. Now she works in a bank just to make herself do something.

Xi Fanghao will let Cheng Xiaolan come to be the manager of his own company and throw it out. This is a big Buddha, so don't bother.


Qi Fanghao patted his own brain, please Cheng Xiaolan is inappropriate, but Cheng Xiaolan should have some classmates to do this.

Bian Fanghao thought this was a solution. When he turned on the phone, he kept thinking of text messages and ignored Cheng Xiaolan's phone.

"Oh, why did Fang Da boss call me freely?" As soon as the phone was connected, Cheng Xiaolan's ridicule came.

Yun Fanghao was helpless, what did Zhao Zixuan do about me, even if he didn't have me, wouldn't he find someone else?

"Uh, sister Lan, I want to ask you something." Fang Hao ignored Cheng Xiaolan's grievance attacks and asked cheekily: "Do you know a more reliable manager? I want to hire a company to help me share the company Some things. "

Cheng Xiaolan said with a smile: "You can find a headhunting company. The strength of several headhunting companies in Modu is still good. As long as you are willing to pay, they will help you find a professional manager with excellent business quality."

"But I think the headhunting company is looking too professional, which is not in line with my company philosophy." Fang Hao didn't consider looking for a headhunter, or else he asked Cheng Xiaolan.

"What do you want to ask?" Cheng Xiaolan also heard for the first time that someone was too professional.

This is a problem. Of course, the position of CEO, Fang Hao of course does not let him do it by himself. He wants to ask for a deputy post, but in Fang Hao's thought, this deputy post will give him full rights. In the future, he will do everything Just ask.

"It doesn't matter if you are a man or a woman, but don't be too old to be able to accept new things and help me look at the company when I'm free," Fang Hao said his requirements in general.

"Oh? Isn't that just right for me?"

Tong Fanghao rolled his eyes and said, "Sister Lan, my small shop can't afford you this big Buddha, so don't make fun of me."

"Well, don't tease you, if the company I go to is not good for your company," Cheng Xiaolan is just kidding.

Fang Hao is the founder of the company, and judging from the present situation, Fang Hao's company is still very promising.

She is the fiancee of Zhao Zixuan, and the relationship between Zhao Zixuan and Fang Hao is also a friend, but the company's operation and development will inevitably generate their own ideas on ideas and other events. Too many complicated relationships are not good for the company. development of.

Simply speaking, acquaintances tend to stale relations.

Cheng Xiaolan thought for a moment and said, "I have a few classmates who are now serving as department managers in several large groups in China. I can help you to ask if you want to change jobs, but you must first explain to me what you intend to give The same treatment. UU 看书 "

"Treatment ..."

Bian Fanghao didn't really think about it, but he knows that his company is definitely not ordinary in the future, but it is just a grass-roots creation. You ca n't take things that have not been confirmed in the future.

And how do you keep people after giving them high treatment?

There must be room for upswing. This is not only an enterprise, but just like ordinary people, they must see hope.

"Well, judging by ability, how much skill and how much money you can get, my company will speak by strength in the future."

As soon as Fang Hao had finished speaking, Cheng Xiaolan was amused, "Co-authoring you has enough confidence in your company, so I really have a good candidate, a single beauty, but that person has a strong personality, and She and I are facing each other. If I provoke her, she might come. How about it, should I try? "

Sister Xi, I'm not a fire pit anymore, what did you do!

Xi Fanghao felt that he really had a husband and a wife, and Zhao Zixuan really had a husband and wife.

However, Fang Hao does not discriminate against the gender of employees. From the perspective of gender, women pay more attention to details, and men are naturally more likely to identify with each other. After all, there are more common topics.

But since Cheng Xiaolan respects his deadly opponent, Fang Hao thinks he can see him in advance. "Thank you, Sister Lan, and have time to invite you to dinner."

Cheng Xiaolan's grasp was great, Fang Hao temporarily vacated the position of vice president, and it was not clear whether Fang Hao was suitable or not.

Opened a newly purchased laptop, Fang Hao listed the profession and quantity of employees he currently needs, and then booked a booth for a job fair directly from the Internet.

I got all these things done, he picked up his computer bag and hurried to the station.