Enemies have a narrow road?

The titanium alloy material that the studio purchased before was left. Fang Hao taught Yihui how to make climbing grip belts.

Xuan Yihui's behavior amused Fang Hao, and this little guy was like a master with an apprentice, sitting there with a thorn, a little foot struggling to cross the other leg.

I actually tried to imitate his posture, and almost didn't light a cigarette.

I was just like this apprentice and it was essentially the same as the apprentice. It was only after looking at the drawings once, and after a while, a climbing belt was processed.

The processing speed of the ash is 5 minutes based on the climbing belt used by a full version of the model.

24 24 hours a day, except for one hour to replenish energy (charging). With their ability, they can produce 552 pairs per day. The output is not anxious. Now this production speed is sufficient.

Of course, this is a theoretical output, which will actually be a little less, because Fang Hao sometimes lets Yihui do other things for himself.

I calculated that the next time Zhao Zixuan's goods will arrive at Zhoushan Port on the 22nd of this month, plus one day's land transportation, which is exactly half a month later, his finished raw materials will follow Zhao Zixuan's goods to Anlin.

He needs to complete the company within this half month.

Time is a little bit hurry, Fang Hao also intends to take advantage of the online enthusiasm to quickly produce products.

When I was thinking about these, the bus had passed the high-speed toll station, and here it was Hangcheng. It was very close to Anlin, and it only took 15 minutes to drive by myself.

Fang Hao hit a taxi and went straight to Wulinmen Square. This month of each year, Wulinmen will launch a half-month recruitment conference, and there will be a very large number of job seekers.

At the time of his arrival, he had contacted the organizer to rent a booth. As for other display items such as roll-ups, the organizer paid for the production. These things are professional for them and the production speed is very fast.

As soon as the people were boundless, far away at the intersection, Fang Hao saw a dark area on the square, letting the taxi go to the back of the square. About 10 minutes, an organizer's employee hurried away Come and lead Fang Hao to the booth.

"Mr. Fang, everything you need is here, are you satisfied, and if there is a problem, you can leave it to me," the staff politely opened a bottle of mineral water for Fang Hao and handed it over.

Fang Hao ordered a VIP booth of 3m * 1m. Each booth provides two tables, eight work chairs, job registration forms, water pens and office supplies. The price is naturally not cheap, which is three times more expensive than the standard booth. 2400 pieces a day.

方 Fang Hao, where the money is saved, will not spend more, but the booth is a facade, especially since his company is not well-known and needs to show its strength to attract job seekers.

Job search and recruitment have always been two-way.

"Well, it's okay," Fang Hao took the water very usefully, walked to the booth and sat down. "If there is any other need, I will find you."

"Okay, I wish you a satisfactory answer today." The staff complimented him, he liked the simple and straightforward customer the most, and if something happened to him, it would have broken his leg.

After the staff left, Fang Hao began to look around the booths for four weeks. Good guys, these companies are all large local companies in Hangzhou and they are familiar.

Wahaha of the top 100 nationwide, Alibaba of a certain treasure, two financial holding groups, as well as Qianshi Group, Geely Automobile ...

and many more!

Qianshi Group?

Fang Hao's gaze looked behind the Qian Group's booth, where he sat in a suit wearing a fan jersey and raised his left hand from time to time to glance at the time. It seemed that who did not know that the watch he was wearing was a brand-new hundred Philippe Up to the same.

Who is Qian Lei who is so arrogant?

Qian's Group, the original Qian Lei's family is Qian's Group.

This is a group company that can compete with Dongguang Foshan's leader in the lighting industry, which is known as the Huaxia King of Lights, with sales channels in 135 countries around the world. No wonder Zhao Zixuan's father would pay so much attention, and even change his marriage.

不 Didn't Zhao Zixuan's father's group company produce energy-saving lamps.

Qi Fanghao saw Qian Lei, and Qian Lei's Yu Guang also swept Fang Hao. His brows frowned first, then a flash of light flashed in his eyes, and he stood up and walked over.

"Well, aren't you working as a mechanic? Why did you change jobs? Xingxing Meteorological Technology Co., Ltd., this name is afraid that your boss's head was smashed by a stone?"

Ji Fanghao's face turned black instantly, your ya was smashed, and your whole family was smashed!

"Oh, Grandpa Qian, you will always come here, hey hey, you are so ridiculous that you can still live, don't you always look down on us ordinary people?" Fang Hao straightly went back. The last sentence added a special voice, which attracted the attention of candidates who were seeking jobs around them.

"I look down on something, I just look down on it, you do n't hold your thighs well, what kind of work are you going to do, isn't it too kind for Zhao to be too stingy," Qian Lei said indifferently, "Yin Yang said strangely:" Otherwise, you come to work for me, and I just plan to play with aeromodelling recently. It's not a problem to hit a million people. "

Qian Lei had only met once with Fang Haozhao, but the "impression" of the other side's Hao was quite deep, this mud leg actually dared to stand up to himself.

This is not the key!

The key is that Zhao Wanling's stinky girl has never given herself a good look.

He's not a fool, can't he really feel it?

Then he showed up to Zhao Wanling a few days ago. He still remembers Zhao Wanling's original words: Sorry Zhao Gongzi, we are not suitable, I prefer manly.

Qian Lei thought for a long time before trying to understand Zhao Wanling's words, wasn't it because Fang Hao lived in Tiger that day?

If that's the case, he'll get back where he is!

Yes, some people do not find their own reasons at all, but always blame the problem on others, Fang Hao is so gorgeous and shot,

Wu Fanghao did not know that Qian Lei was given a good card by Zhao Wanling. Even if he knew it, his backhand was a praise.

But Fang Hao didn't know, "I said, if Grandpa Qian is OK, can you move the position, the fragrance on your body is heavier than the hundreds of princesses called in the club, you can't ..."

"What are you talking about!" Qian Lei is like a cat with a tail on his tail. Fang Hao's words are almost poked, heavier than the scent of the princess.

"Let's move you! Can't understand Chinese? Don't be stupid abroad!" Fang Hao is unknown, so why don't he understand why Qian Lei suddenly jumped, but it doesn't matter, you're getting mad at me, can you still counsel?

"Okay! You have a seed! You have a seed!" Qian Lei angrily wanted to pick up the things on the table and smash them in, but he was afraid of Fang Hao, how could he ever fight when it really hit him? There is self-knowledge.

Qian Lei, a means of violence, is not good, and UU reading www.uukanasu.com disdains. There are many things in the world that can be solved without hands, such as spending money.

Qian Lei pulled out his mobile phone in front of Fang Hao, rummaged and dialed a number, "Hey, I'm Qian Lei of Qian's Group. Our group's booth is not enough, and I'm very impressed by your organizer. Disappointed. Can any cat or dog book a VIP booth? I am seriously protesting now. If you do n't solve it for me, the sponsorship will not be used to find us.

I have a lively look!

Tochigi is wrong. People from several companies around the company have looked at each other, and those job applicants who have submitted N resumes said that I want to be a quiet person who eats melon.

Are you tired of looking for a job? This kind of relaxation must not be missed.

Qian Lei, I just smashed you with money. What did you do? Sit back to the opposite side of Fang Hao, "Oh, your booth is going to be protected soon. What do you think your boss will do? Oh yes, I You can also ask your boss to discuss whether you can open you, even if you are still working, I can always use money to smash it until you are penniless! "

Xi Fanghao has the urge to cover his face. Is this person mentally disabled?

Did you mess with him yourself?

Hey, right?

Bian Fanghao really didn't understand, plus this time he met again for the second time. Even if he was unhappy last time, he could pretend he didn't know it. He had to step on himself?

However ... Fang Hao has to say that the method of smashing money is really effective. At least he believes that his booth might be said to be sorry for a while.

"Well, since you like to use money, then I can only say you ..." When Fang Haogang wanted to say that the circuit of your brain was really novel, a middle-aged man in a suit came hesitantly, "You ... you Is it Mr. Fang? "