Chapter 47: The tree wants to be quiet but the wind is still

Zhao Zixuan came simply and quickly. After learning that Fang Hao had entrusted the purchase of equipment, he could not wait any longer. When he left, he kept Fang Hao getting the science fiction point of the factory, otherwise they would come What to visit.

Ha ha.

不 I'm not asking you to come here to stop you thinking about it, but also to get science fiction?

Dream it.

Of course, Fang Hao didn't think so much before, but just wanted to let Zhao Zixuan turn over some cash and solve this problem by the way.

With the small speaker of Zhao Zixuan, those guys in the group will certainly not be curious about what is going on in his factory.

"Ashes, close the door, and then take two people to watch at the door."

As soon as Zhao Zixuan left, Fang Hao couldn't wait to take out the system carrier. One million cash was gone, and the serial number was eleventh gray.

The system interface automatically jumps, and a super-sci-fi picture is displayed on the monitor.

That is a towering building, the whole body exudes a faint blue light, the perspective from the bottom up, there is a huge device at the top, it shines like a sun on the whole world.

Then the image rotates like a vortex and gradually shrinks to become a point.

滴 "Drip ... Congratulations to' owner 'Fang Hao, who has achieved the upgrade goal."

"Upgrade in progress ..."

Tong Fanghao waited patiently for 1 hour. When the progress bar moved to the end, the screen of the system carrier went black and then quickly turned on.

"Unlock the secondary mall ..."

"Upgrading awards are being determined ..."

"Upgrade task is being generated ..."


Owner: Fang Hao

Level: 2

Current extraction quantity: 3 (cooling completed)

Remaining withdrawal quota: 4 (increase rule 1 * current level)

Gold coins: 0

数量 Number of basic biological robots: 10

数量 Number of first-level biological robots: 1

Growth value: 46 points

Mission objective: perfect company facilities.

Lab: 0/2

Production factory: 0/3

Guardian: 0/5

Base: 0/1

The reason why a mission is a mission is because it has hard rules and the system comes with construction standards. Fang Hao looked at it and said that he didn't understand it.

However, the problem is not big, construction is plain, it is money, everything is in place when the money is in place.

Wu Fanghao looked forward to the upgraded reward. The reward is a manufacturing process drawing:

Gathering Network-Acrylic

Acrylic is also PMMA, commonly known as plexiglass or acrylic, chemical name is polymethyl methacrylate.

Rhenium is by far one of the most excellent varieties of synthetic transparent materials.

Acrylic has a light transmittance comparable to glass, but its density is only half that of glass. In addition, it is not as fragile as glass, and even if broken, it does not form sharp fragments like glass.

Advantages: high light transmittance, low turbidity, good processing performance, excellent weather resistance, can withstand high temperature, ultraviolet light, strong sunlight, solvent resistance and commonly used chemicals.

Disadvantages: Poor impact resistance, brittle and easily damaged.

Juwang-acrylic, acrylic modified varieties, the specific parameters are as follows.


Fang Hao quickly opened the desktop computer with the link broadband and searched the performance parameters of Yalek, and compared them with the parameters of Polynet and Yalek.

比较 Compared with the two, the poly-grid type is better than the cockpit cover of the current aviation aircraft, and it is more excellent than the same type of ballistic performance.

Whether it is used in the manufacture of bulletproof glass or in civilian applications such as lampshades and windows, it has obvious advantages. It is also a widely used material in factory plastics since the new century.

Lin Fanghao had a middle-aged uncle in his head-Lin Xuhu.

Wu Fanghao felt that if Lin Xuhu knew that he had the manufacturing process of this material, he might cry in the toilet.

Xun mourned for three seconds on behalf of Lin Xuhu, and Fang Hao hurried a ash.

"Boss, what do you tell me?" Yihui is very decent, followed by 7 'brothers'.

咳 "Ah, Yihui will now arrange a task for you and make this set of production equipment according to the drawings." Fang Hao moved the computer and motioned Yihui into a little.

The two gray eyes were like a scanner, and a pale blue light swept away, and then said blandly: "No problem, boss, I need a laser cutter, CNC punch, polishing machine ..."

As usual, Fang Hao recorded the name of the equipment, took a picture and sent it to Qin Shiqi for purchase.

Qin Shiqi called when Fang Hao sent the photo.

Her tone was serious: "Boss, something happened."

After an hour, Fang Hao rushed to the company. At the same time, he had made up his mind and had to take the time to pick a car anyway in these two days.

I'm too inconvenient.

When I arrived at Qin Shiqi's office, not only Shen Wancheng was there, but also lawyer Jin.

Wu Fanghao frowned, and asked what he thought: "Is it an accident?"

不是 "It's not the boss, we have received a court lawsuit."

She received the lawsuit in the morning, but Fang Hao explained that he should not be disturbed if it is not necessary, but after she received Fang Hao's information, she felt that Fang Hao should be idle, so she asked Fang Hao to come over.

"Product defect? ​​Impossible!" Fang Hao saw the content of the lawsuit and did not want to say directly: "It is unlikely that such a problem will occur in the SY-1 combat suit."

At present, the size of the company is not small. Only three assembly workshops have been rented, and all three are used to assemble the SY-1 combat suit.

Up to now, there are more than 19,000 sets of sales offices. The results of all product feedback from the sales department indicate that there is no problem except for a slight response of the knee joint.

And the content of the lawsuit is even less likely to appear!

"Yes, boss, I asked the technical team upstairs. If you want to have such a problem, it is difficult to do it only with the energy storage power supply inside the SY-1."

Qin Shiqi said as she opened a video. The content of the video was normal at first. It was an Internet celebrity performing an out-of-box live broadcast of the SY-1 combat suit.

The background is near the desert. Looking at the dress, it should be near the sweet tree (homology).

This kind of live broadcast is very popular, and it's no surprise for SY-1 war chest.

Sting in the water, hanging in mid-air, standing on a tree branch, etc. There are all kinds of strange backgrounds, and desert backgrounds are the most normal.

Tong Fanghao watched it carefully. The anchor is a man with a strong local accent, which probably means that he wants to wear SY-1 to play sand.

The content of the video is all normal, the anchor is playing very hi, and the various sand-skiing postures make the comments on the side envious, but unfortunately they are inland without desert.

Just when the anchor wanted to imitate the sliding scene in a science fiction movie, and he swiped with one weapon on his knees, a spark flashed on his knee.

Then there was a black smoke and gas, followed by the knees.

The anchor screamed like a pig, and the camera suddenly dropped. Looking upside down, you can see the cameraman desperately running over to save people, tearing open the fire part ~ ~ exposing the burnt skin inside .

一切 All these pictures have fully increased the authenticity, and the comment area has been chaotic for a while.

Turned off the video, Fang Hao kept pounding his finger on the desktop, such a thing is very tricky.

Fang Hao knows clearly that the built-in power supply of the SY-1 combat suit box can't be done to such a degree, let alone its material belongs to non-flammable materials. If it wants to achieve the degree of fire and flame, this anchor's The legs have long been burned to ashes.

But Fang Hao knows that Qin Shiqi knows that the manuals for selling war chests also clarify this point. However, such a problem occurs in a place where the traffic of the live broadcast platform is concentrated, and the impact is absolutely bad.

This is beyond doubt.

Just like genetically modified vegetables, in fact, any vegetable now has a genetic change in the strict sense, but you do n't say no one cares, and you eat more than anyone else, and a lot of objections will appear instantly.

Alas, and one by one, the reasons after illness were blamed.

"Then how do you plan to solve it?" Fang Hao didn't say his thoughts, and instead asked Qin Shiqi.

"According to the result of the negotiation between Lawyer Jin and me, we have a lawsuit with him. The material characteristics of our products are evidence of actual action. We cannot lose, but we must bear part of the cost of treatment for humanitarian reasons."

"No! This mouth cannot be opened, once it is opened, the future will be endless."

Bian Fanghao will never relax at this point. Humanitarianism is for the people who deserve it. He is now considering whether someone has deliberately discredited it. In this case, it is wrong to make any reaction easily.

"Notify the technical department and let them analyze and process this video. I want more details!"