Chapter 48: Fang Hao's determination

He took over Zhang Ming, and he quickly asked the gods in the circle for help.

Fang Hao, who needed a three-hour response, temporarily postponed the matter.

的 The role and price of the SY-1 war chest is destined that he is not a civilian product in the full sense.

I will buy some shortcomings and still buy them. If you do n't buy it, you wo n't spend the spare money even if the price drops by half.

Its main sales target is those who lack security or enter the military market.

It's just a matter of the company's image, which naturally needs attention, but we can't spend all our energy on it.

"Mr. Jin, how is the prosecution of Hang Yao Machinery Factory proceeding?" Fang Hao asked casually.

Attorney Wu Jin helped lower the frame, "The trial will begin on the 7th of next month, but in the course of talking with the lawyer of the other party, it seems that the other party has other plans."

"Well, this is inevitable. After all, Guoyao is a large-scale enterprise. Although Hangyao is only a subsidiary of it, since they are already following me, they will definitely not be so hasty." Fang Hao nodded and analyzed.

"The plan remains the same, just give me a vigorous prosecution, and I will be able to use up a year and a half lawsuit."

"Okay, Mr. Fang, now that you are thinking about it, I'll go back first."

"That lawyer is troublesome, I'll call you again if something happens."

There is no pressure in Wu Fanghao's heart. After all, Xingtian Technology is his own, but Hang Yao is not personal.

This is Fang Hao's advantage. Capital is profit-oriented. It is clear that there is no benefit in consuming it. Someone in the other party will definitely jump out to oppose it, but Fang Hao does not know what the second-order heir is.

Wu Fanghao asked Shen Wancheng, and he said that he was still investigating with the trustee and it would take more time.

Tong Fanghao nodded slightly, and then asked about the bidding meeting tomorrow.

老板 "Boss, we have set the venue in the Convention and Exhibition Center in Hangzhou. According to the response from the staff we dispatched, 24 guests have now checked into the hotel we booked."

Qin Shiqi asked after the report: "Bye boss, will you join tomorrow?"

Bian Fanghao just nodded and said, his cell phone rang, seeing the caller ID, Fang Hao's mouth tilted up, waited for so many days and finally came!

"Director Li, is the test over?"

"Haha, Fang always can't figure it out. The test report is just over. I'll just call you now ~"

卫 Li Weiguo smiled brightly: "When will Mr. Fang be free, let's talk about procurement?"

Can Fang Hao dare not set aside at this time, thinking of not wanting to say directly: "I can do it anytime, or tomorrow?"

"Okay, then at 9 am tomorrow, but this time we need Fang to come to Hangzhou Police Command."

"No problem, I must be on time." Hang up, Fang Hao spread his hand, "Tomorrow's bidding will be responsible for you, don't forget the list I gave you, these guys have a simple family background. , Our company wants to be bigger and stronger, we must weave a net of interests in our hands. "

Qin Shiqi saw that Fang Hao was in a very good mood after answering the phone. She also said with a smile: "Of course, we will definitely try to complete the boss 's account. This time, the bidding is based on the dark bidding system, which guarantees that no error."

"Let 's do that. You are planning more carefully. I will go to the technical department upstairs to see." Fang Hao said, picked up his tea cup and walked out of the office.

He is really in a good mood now. He originally thought that the military should consider the results in the last few months, but he did not expect it to be so fast.

He did not have any expectations at all in the plan to sue Hang Yao Fang Hao, and the sole purpose was to drag on to the military's reply.

He focused on the military license that the military promised!

Since Fang Hao regards the Hangzhou Yao incident as the company's first battle, it is natural to do well and make a name for himself.

Before that, he asked Qin Shiqi to purchase a lot of equipment, including mechanical parts mainly produced by Hang Yao.

Yes, once there is a license, Fang Hao will start to produce similar products of Hang Yao Machinery, and then squeeze out their orders and markets.

In order to achieve this, Fang Hao was ready for the result of both losses. Even if it was a loss, he would have to get Hang Yao down.

Yun Fanghao thought very openly. He didn't care if he lost or lost money. Of course, it was good to make a profit. If he lost it, he would make a contribution to the military industry.

Alas, this is not enough.

After all, Guoyao is supported by Hangyao. Fang Hao has to consider Guoyao's strength. Guoyao, one of the old heavy industry companies, is definitely incomparable in terms of relationship.

The first floor of the stairs soon came to an end. Fang Hao decided to go back at night to extract technology again. He wanted to get the military's approval and preference as much as possible.

Not only is the current logistics department in the Southeastern Theater, it also needs to be higher and more extensive.

Entered the technical department, Li Xingxian's team is now stuck in a key link in the transplantation of climbing grab belts.

Climbing grips have been added. Spider robots can basically simulate real spiders crawling on obstacles.

However, the working principle of climbing grip belt is a physical property, which increases the friction of the surface and the gripping force of the barbs arranged on the surface of the grip belt in the forward and reverse directions.

This is the most fundamental difference between the climbing grip belt and the products manufactured on the market using the principle of vacuum negative pressure.

Even if the climbing grip belt is only pressed on the wall, it will not fall, and the power is not provided to adsorb on the wall surface, but to move away from the surface.

However, like the climbing model, the simulated spider cannot run on the ceiling unless the ceiling is made of extremely rough material and can match the barb on the climbing belt.

"Old ... the boss is good." Wu Xiaobo scratched his head and scratched his head against the artificial spider lying on the wall, and saw Fang Hao's figure saying hello.

"It's all right, I'm here to find Zhang Ming. The problem with the power of the mechanical spider has not been solved yet?"

"Yes, yes," Wu Xiaobo said admirably: "The climbing belt that the boss invented is too powerful. The simulated spider is now fully charged and can only be used for 10 minutes. Most of the power in the battery is consumed in the spider's legs. In the process of getting off the surface, I am trying to improve the structure and try to add another battery. "

"Well ~ ~ I suggest to try a decentralized layout, add a pulsed button battery to each spider leg, and then use MgB2 superconducting wire to transmit power, reduce energy consumption as much as possible, and should be able to increase Its use time. "Fang Hao quickly reported a solution.

小 Wu Xiaobo's skill is very solid. After listening to Fang Hao's quick question, he asked: "But the boss, the cost of the spider robot will increase several times. At present, only Dongying has made some achievements in the preparation of MgB2 superconducting wire ..."

Fang Hao interrupted without waiting for Wu Xiaobo to say: "It's okay, how can I do it without spending money on developing a new product? After repeated testing, I finally find a feasible solution, and then look for a substitute, or Reduce the performance of the product, okay, you can directly apply for the material and submit it to the company, and someone will buy it. "

Xi Fanghao shook his head, unwilling to say anything, the natural position is different depending on the position of the station.

Wu Fanghao cares about the performance of the spider robot. As for the cost and cost, as long as the performance is high enough, it is not a matter of sheep's wool.

What's more, Fang Hao is not a person who is reluctant to spend money. He is willing to invest in research funds. After all, the existence of the system is not just to provide technology. The mature technology thinks that he does not need to spend the energy and funds of research.

The money saved can be invested in other technology research and development, so that the company can grow faster.

After speaking, Fang Hao did not forget to encourage him to cheer him up, and he can submit applications for approval as long as he has good ideas. The company's finances are sufficient to support it.

After waiting for Fang Hao to walk through several rooms, Zhang Ming had obtained the results. Fang Hao looked at the processed image on the screen and issued a scornful hum.

"Battlecoat is fake!"