Chapter 52: 1 permanent island

The auction will continue. This is the last scene, and it is also the largest market in Europe and the United States. The merchants of various countries who have been emptied of funds have to make a collective request.

Pause auctions and give them time to collect money.

Fang Hao agreed to such a request.

"Boss, we ... we are taking off this time!"

Shen Wancheng desperately kept his seated position, and kept shaking his legs to betray his true feelings.

So far, in the first 49 auctions, in addition to 7 regional auctions, the remaining 42 regions have sold a total of 3.5 billion!

最大 The biggest contributors are the tyrants from the Middle East.

And in the last game, he can already predict that this number will rise by more than ten billion.

This is not his guess, but the confidence that this professional evaluation team brings to him.

Sixteen people, each with a stack of documents in front of them, some of which are stock certificates under their names, some of the land in a certain area, and even the homes of the fishing grounds and orchards have been touched by those merchants who are bound to win the North American market. Do not hesitate to take it out.

Wu Fanghao replied with some emotions: "Yeah, I didn't expect them to be so crazy."

"It's not the boss who has your eloquence. Instead, it's me. If it is possible after I hear you, I won't give up the sales right in North America." The title also uses your honorary title.

He was really convinced.

Generally speaking, the more stable the environment, the more likely it is to be favored by businessmen, and Fang Hao is completely the opposite. Under his data, he tried to clarify the chaos and firearms in North America. flooding.

Of course, the ultimate key is Franklin's temptation to them.

"In fact, I want to have local merchants in the country to bid for sales rights in this area."

Tong Fanghao said that he randomly took a list of assets from the side. As the saying goes, good businessmen know no borders. Wherever you can make money, there are businessmen.

After all, a businessman is also a person. He is a person, and he has a place of birth. Locally born businessmen naturally have the most stable relationships in the country.

The country is a real capital society. The interests are paramount. Even the president was born as a businessman. Looking at so many events today, we will know that there is bound to be a strong xenophobia in such a place. Non-local businessmen enter the market. Can you stand firm?

抛 Throwing a list of assets on the right-hand side, this side represents a veto. This list of assets is worth more than 600 million. Although it is valuable, there is nothing Fang Hao wants in it.

"But it doesn't matter anyway. We are bookmakers anyway. There is no need to worry about whether they can sell it. It cost so much to think about it, and they will think of a way to get it back."

Wu Fanghao said very casually, but the merchants from all over the world have been suffering a bit. In their eyes, Fang Hao has now become a succubus from hell.

They know that in that room, someone is estimating their assets, and that list of assets is the result of half their lives or even the hard work of previous generations.

现在 Now, they obey their hands obediently, hoping that someone else's house is not thick.

After looking at a few more lists, Wu Fanghao suddenly thought of something and asked, "Yes, Lao Shen, how did you check the matter?"

"I contacted him last night, and it's a bit frowning now. It should be possible to get results for up to a week." Shen Wancheng knew what Fang Hao was asking, hesitantly asked: "Boss, really want to do this? Our company is established after all Time is short, and slamming will not have any good results. "

"Who said it was hard to come by? The old ancestor's experience is very instructive. It is the most labor-saving to dissolve the internal unity of the enemy," said Fang Hao with a smile. "Did you not watch the news recently? I think Laomei took our ancestor I learned from my experience. Didn't the Persian (the ancient name of Yilang) unity start to be turbulent?

In a nutshell, is there a way to sell our war chests into the Persian nation? "

Shen Wancheng couldn't follow Hao's thinking a bit, but who made this boss? Fang Hao didn't really need to tell him all his thoughts.

"Boss, I find it very difficult. The sales area in Persia has been lost. I don't think they dare because of the blockade of Rice." Shen Wancheng answered.

Although I do n't want to admit it, the hegemony of the Mi State has indeed given a lot of people in the world a clear understanding. Even at this time, even a dead businessman would not want to kill a tiger.

When Xun was talking, Fang Hao suddenly hesitated. He held a list of assets in his left hand and took out his mobile phone with his right hand to open the search interface.

"Lao Shen, see who this asset list is, please ask him to come over." Fang Hao looked at an unknown island on the list with interest.

Hao Fanghao just opened the world map with his mobile phone and searched it. According to the coordinates provided on the asset, this is an island located in the Indian Ocean, about 1160 kilometers north of Maldives.

He enlarged the map to the largest extent. From the map, the terrain looks like a U-shaped twisted straight line with an empty center.

Soon, Shen Wancheng came over, and beside him was also a French man in his 30s and a foreign translator.

"Hello, dear Mr. Fang, Baptiste asked me to repeat the greetings he brought to you."

"Sit down." Fang Hao stood up and shook hands, motioned to the other side to sit down, "Mr. Baptiste, I want to know the specific situation of this island."

"Dear Mr. Fang, it is a permanent private island. This is the only legacy left by my grandfather. I have been fortunate to visit it a few times. It is a place full of sunlight, with a natural inner harbor, the largest place. The diameter is 10 kilometers, and the smallest is 1 kilometers. UU Kanshu has a total area of ​​110 square kilometers. If it is developed, it will be an excellent tourism victory. "

The Frenchman said in a slightly sad tone: "My grandfather always wanted me to develop it, but the island is too desolate, and no country can be transited within a thousand kilometers of it, and I have no ability until his death. Fulfill his wish. "

Tong Fanghao replied apologetically, and then moved away from the topic. "Mr. Baptist, I bluntly say that it is not possible for your current assets to bid for the right to sell in North America.

No, wait for me to finish. "

Fang Hao stopped the translator's translator from continuing and said, "However, as long as you transfer all of this free island to me, then I can divide my own sales area for you to represent, um ... how about Libya and Egypt? ? "


After translating the translation, Fang Hao heard the heavy breathing of the other side. The French spoke intermittently for a long time, but there were only a few words in the translation. "Did you say that?"

Baptiste feels that God has opened a door to heaven for him. In the conference hall, there are countless people complaining about why Starfall Technology does not sell African sales rights.

Now, he can actually have no value to him, and even put it in the asset list, just to increase the idea of ​​even hundreds of thousands of dollars.

But now, this young businessman is actually willing to use such a deserted island for the sales rights of two important countries in Africa.

Baptiste is very afraid that he has heard the translation wrong, and asked it many times, and the result is that he heard it correctly!

"I'm willing, Mr. Fang, I can let someone send the original property rights from China!"