Chapter 53: Jinwowo

"Boss, this island has no development value?"

Buying an island is still a popular method abroad. In some countries, you can even buy the right to use an island as long as 100,000 yuan.

Shen Wancheng did not understand why Fang Hao wanted such an island.

The environment is good, it is a pollution-free natural scenery, or it is an internationally recognized private permanent island.

However, the status of this island is too remote, and it is thousands of kilometers away from any country. No matter what it is, the cost will be prohibitively high.

"It's okay, that is, two years of sales rights in two countries. It is still very cost-effective to change a permanent island. Maybe it will be useful in the future?"

Xi Fanghao randomly found a reason, and when he saw the island, he had the urge to take it down.

The ownership of the island is very troublesome. At least most of the islands currently sold are state-owned, which means that even if you have the permanent right of the island, it will still be controlled by the state.

岛 This island is different. It is a real private territory, does not belong to any country, and its geographical shape makes others think nothing about it.

As Shen Wancheng said, no matter what you do with it, the cost will be painful.

However, Fang Hao just values ​​the shape of the island.

Since Fanghao Hao said so, Shen Wancheng has no opinion, reminding the merchants outside can't wait.

Ji Fanghao hurriedly got up and followed to the conference hall.

The two largest markets in the world, one is Fang Hao's motherland Huaxia, and the other is North America.

At the joint proposal of all businessmen, the bidding method in this final area was changed to open auction, and the atmosphere at the scene was quite hot.

The merchants have taken off their gorgeous camouflage, like a messy gambling house, one louder than one roar, it seems that this can scare away the opponent.

In the end, the right to sell in North America was snatched by a Middle Eastern tyrant from Dubai for 1.28 billion.

Take this, this is not a major auction will end in an unexpected result.

Uh ...

"Star meteorology technology grabs 5 billion! "

"Starfall Technology, a rising star! "

"Fang Hao, a young billionaire! !! "

"He, successfully teaches you how to make tens of billions a month. "

Tong Fanghao resignedly dropped his newspaper on his desk. At this time, 3 days had passed since the auction.

However, whether it is mainstream media or lace news, there is no sign of stopping his propaganda.

With more and more people knowing Fang Hao's deeds, there are already entries about him on the Internet. He has been hung up from birth to graduation and doing things after graduation.

"I'm a little bit regretful now to agree with your proposal." Fang Hao said to Qin Shiqi with anger.

Qin Shiqi's throat has not been completely recovered, but normal speaking is no problem. "Boss, you have to steal it. The three days of full media coverage and propaganda. Your name does not know how many girls dream."

After joking, Qin Shiqi talked about the business. "After propaganda to you, the company's sales have exploded. The current order has seriously exceeded the production capacity. According to the response of Minister Shen, no further increase in production capacity. No salesperson can find an excuse to delay delivery. "

"You didn't find that I didn't dare to turn on the phone these days. Let's stay a few days longer, no more than 2 days, the factory equipment can start production, and when the subsequent equipment starts, our production capacity can keep up."

Qi Fanghao was fortunate. Fortunately, Qin Shiqi and Lin Xuhu had previously purchased production equipment.

Otherwise, the explosive order increase will really make him busy for a while.

Qin Shiqi listened and rolled her eyes, and shut down with you, but what about me?

多 How crazy those businessmen used to be when bidding, how difficult it is now to ask for a suitcase.

In just three days, Qin Shiqi's phone rang at least 700 times.

I was a phone call for these businessmen, hoping that Starfall Technology could provide the goods as soon as possible.

Wu Fanghao shut down without hesitation, but could she do that?

Qin Shiqi said in his heart: You can't do it personally, boss!

对 "By the way, Vice Mayor Hu just called and said that he had passed the vote of the regular meeting and agreed to sell the plot of land to us. At the same time, he wanted you to sign an appointment. The time is set at 9 am the day after tomorrow."

"Hehe, this wave of propaganda works."

"Of course. Now the sufficient funds in the company's accounts have completely dispelled the government's last hesitation, let alone you are now a golden nest. I don't think any local government will reject your investment plan as long as you are willing."

Qin Shiqi continued: "Boss, you really don't consider the olive branch thrown by Modu? 3 years of taxation is comprehensive, 5 years of taxation is halved, and the land is equivalent to giving away. Such preferential policies are not available to ordinary companies. of."

With the company becoming famous, things will naturally become more.

In the past few days, Fang Hao has received investment invitation documents from several regional governments. They hope that Fang Hao can put the eco-industrial park plan into their administrative area.

Wu Fanghao naturally understood their intentions. In fact, even if Fang Hao did not build an eco-industrial park, relying only on the current star meteorite technology, they deserve such a generous treatment.

Incomplete statistics ~ ~ At present, at least 500,000 sets of SY-1 battle suits are required to meet the requirements of the order.

The production mode of the SY-1 war chest can only be assembled by hand, which means that Fang Hao wants to meet the supply requirements of the order, and the daily production capacity must reach at least 10,000 sets to barely maintain.

If you want to increase production capacity, you must recruit more workers.

概念 What is this concept?

Pingxing Meteorology Technology can provide 7,000-10,000 jobs, and this is just a battle chest.

"It would be nice to be a chicken head rather than a phoenix tail." Fang Hao doesn't care how much tax can be reduced or exempted. He has more concern than money.

I chose Anlin not only because it is my hometown, but also because of its geographical environment.

Don't forget, he also needs to build a base.

However, there are so many people here in the mountains. As long as you clear the surrounding families, no one will know what he is doing.

Even if someone comes, he can know in advance that it is better to control than to be in any way.

Fang Hao wouldn't say this to Qin Shiqi. He broke the topic and said, "Yes, these documents can also be disclosed to the city government, give them a little pressure, and say ... I want to put the area around my factory Buy it all, including the mountains behind. "

Tong Fanghao stayed in the company for a long time, and after processing the documents that required his personal signature, he was about to leave the company.

He asked Zhao Zixuan for lunch.

Fang Hao is a person who promises a lot. Since he promised him to give him the African market, now Fang Hao needs to divide the two countries of Egypt and Libya. Naturally, he needs a better explanation.

Even if Zhao Zixuan himself has said it's okay, this is not the way Fang Hao does things.