Chapter 63: Sand collapse

Camping can only be a fresh picture, the comfort is not necessary to talk at all.

昊 Fang Hao, who woke up early in the morning, felt soft and uncomfortable.

On the contrary, Professor Li, who was already an old man, hit Tai Chi there in front of the sun.

Sui Fanghao suddenly found himself a bit lazy. When was the last exercise?

It seems that he had been reluctant to exercise for a month when he was going to host a broadcast gymnastics competition in college, and it was almost two years now.

Wu Fanghao thought about twisting his neck and moving his wrists and ankles, but ... well, it's time for breakfast.

The camp is far from the living area, and Fang Hao's direction can be defined as a no-man's land. Even extreme lovers who cross the desert will not leave the main route so far.

But it doesn't matter, these people like Lei Hao are very experienced, they are driving all-terrain vehicles.

I had breakfast. The camp was divided into two waves except for the two people who were left behind to take care of the materials and property in the camp.

Xi Yibo followed Professor Li and Xue designer to continue their work, while Fang Hao and Lei Hao took Cheng Pai to form a group of top soldiers.

Driving in the desert is a very cool thing. Fang Hao rides a terrain vehicle to the undulating sand dunes. If not for the reminder sound of Cheng Ming from the headset, Fang Hao is also preparing to sprint a wave of high 50 Sand dunes.


Suddenly, Fang Hao, who was frightened by a loud noise like thunder, quickly pressed the brakes.

"What's going on? Thunder?"

Wu Chengming also stopped the car. He stepped on the seat of the car, raised the telescope around his waist and looked to the northwest, faintly seeing the sand layer falling rapidly.

"General Manager Fang and General Manager Lei should be the phenomenon of sand-sanding formed when the sand layer collapses," Cheng Ming said with one hand on the headset, but when he wanted to say nothing was wrong, his pupils shrank.

好像 He seemed to see a car, running as hard as possible, and the sand behind was chasing like an avalanche.

"No! Someone needs help!"

Cheng Ming shouted loudly, riding the terrain vehicle toward the northwest, and at the same time explained: "Rexiti quickly contacted the squadron with the radio station, General Fang and Lei, please don't run around with Rexiti."

"We know, it's important to save people!" Fang Hao and Lei Hao's voices appeared in the headset at the same time.

Bian Fanghao thought for a while and started the terrain vehicle to ride in front of Lei Hao, and Lei Hao kept watching what he was holding the telescope, took a moment to pick up the guide for a while.

When she saw Fang Hao coming over, she said easily, "It's all right, not ours.

However, the movement just now is a bit big. My high-power telescope can look at 17 kilometers here, but I can't see clearly. I guess it's 20 kilometers away. "

"20 kilometers? What was that Cheng Pai saying about Mingsha? Can it spread so far?"

Fang Hao asked in amazement, Lei Hao also frowned, "Mingsha phenomenon is quite common. Like I went to Gao Ai Island, Hawaii the year before, the sand on the top will make dog barking. We also have it in China, and even It sounds like music.

The specific principle seems to have not been studied by scientists yet, but how do I remember that Mingsha will not spread so far. "

Tong Leihao said uncertainly, "Do you say that the sound just now does not sound like an explosion?"

介质 Sound transmission requires a medium. In the desert area, the sound of the surrounding sand dunes may block the transmission of sound, but it may also form a horn-like sound, which expands the sound.

Wu Fanghao also had no idea about this, and shook his head. "I don't know, but it shouldn't. If the explosion can spread so far, how much explosive would it be."

"This is also true," Lei Hao said to the superior soldiers who were also close together. "Rexiti, the communication is over? Do you know what happened?"

Resiti is not too old, only 19 years old, and speaks unskilled Mandarin: "I don't know. The company asked me to stand by, and I will follow you."

"Fang Hao, otherwise we can go over and see if there is something to do with it." Lei Hao asked.

Bian Fanghao thought for a while and said, "It's okay, let's go over first, wait for the intercom to signal before asking the situation."

Wu Fanghao and Lei Hao made a decision, without having to ask Rexi for advice, directly started the terrain vehicle to ride in the northwest direction.

After more than ten minutes, Fang Hao and others stopped.

"What's wrong, we are in the right direction. The front should be it." Lei Hao looked at the navigation position displayed on the screen and asked.

Wu Fanghao sniffed his nose. "I feel a bit wrong. Did you smell sulfur?"

Lei Hang sniffed his nose and shook his head: "I'm smelling other things all over the body now. Did you smell Rexit?"

"Okay ... there seems to be a point, I'm not sure," Rexiti replied.

"Navigate to me," Fang Hao took the navigator and frowned as he looked at the direction. "Don't ride a terrain vehicle, let's climb up. Resiti uses radio to contact the troops and ask them where they are Now. "

Wu Fanghao had an unknown feeling in his heart, and it seemed that the crow's mouths of himself and Lei Hao had appeared.

Holding the telescope, Fang Hao climbed up to a sand dune in front of them. Lei Hao just wanted to make a sound and saw Fang Hao lie on the ground.

还 Before the word "you" was spoken, Lei Hao was dragged down by Fang Hao.

He lay on the ground, made a silent gesture to Lei Hao, then slowly moved forward, and looked out to look under the dune.

Xun Leihao also climbed up in Fang Hao's appearance, wondering, "Fang Hao, what did you see?"

"Look at it yourself, see there, you see, there are two cars empty." Fang Hao pointed to a location and said: "Look again, Cheng Pai's terrain vehicle is parked, but people are missing, and The sulphur smell here is even heavier, and I feel like something is wrong. "

"Would you like to try a walkie-talkie?" Lei Hao just denied it at the exit ~ ~ No, in case something really happens, we use the walkie-talkie again to kill the schedule. "

When Lei Hao was talking, Fang Hao had already picked up the telescope and scanned it carefully, "I didn't see anyone below, should we go and see?"

别 "Don't, it's too dangerous. Isn't Resiti contacting their squadron? I'll just wait here, don't put yourself in the trap."

Tong Fanghao listened to Lei Hao's words, and the original thought was also cut off, and Lei Hao crawled back.

"Resiti, what do your squadrons say?"

"Boss Fang, there is no signal here," Rexie rushed away after seeing Fang Hao come down. He has been trying to communicate with the army.

It's just that the power of old-fashioned radio stations is really low and frowning, and no radio signal can be received at all.

"Two bosses, do you see Cheng schedule?"

"Rexiti, isn't it? The schedule should be okay. The key now is to contact your troops quickly," Fang Hao said with no hint of Rexiti. Po try, Lei Hao and I are guarding here, and don't use the walkie-talkie. "

Xi Fanghao was really afraid that Rexiti's brain would rush over as soon as the heat was raised. Fortunately, the young man was very obedient.

After waiting for Resiti to leave, Fang Hao thought about it and asked, "Did you bring your suitcase?"

当然 "Of course, I have one for each terrain vehicle," Lei Hao said, "You don't think ..."

"Don't be afraid of 10,000, just in case, add some insurance preparations." Fang Hao said he took off his heavy coat and put on a battle jacket.

Wu Fanghao had already made up his mind. When he went back, he would have to improve the suit box again. Without increasing the air permeability, he would be suffocating in the desert environment.