Chapter 64: Into the pit

Xun Leihao also learned Fang Hao and put on his battle suit. The two lay on the sand dunes and looked at each with their binoculars.

"It's been half an hour, don't say why Cheng Pai hasn't seen anyone alone." Lei Hao changed his posture and looked up and took a few sips. "It's not a problem to stay like this, and I don't know when the troops will arrive . "

Staring at a big sun, Fang Hao couldn't stand it anymore. After thinking about it, he said, "Nothing has been going on for so long, or we should go down and see? In case we think about it more, they are actually trapped in the sand. Where's the heap? "

"It may not be all dead, it's been so long, but it's okay to take a look, you can wait for a while." Lei Hao said to get up and slide down, it didn't take long to see him take it from the terrain vehicle Only the boxes come up.

He laid a treasure in front of Fang Hao and opened it.

"Shit, you still have a gun!"

Bo Fanghao stared at the boss, and in the box was a short-barreled double-barrelled shotgun, also known as a shotgun.

"Hey, why can't you come to this place without a little guy to take precautions," Lei Hao laughed, "reliably I have proof." He said he took out a 'license from the bag inside the box The hunting permit is also stamped with the seal of the local government.

"If you have a gun, you don't take it out earlier. The sun is white for half an hour."

"I wasn't scared by you yet. If it really was caused by an explosion in front, I have a fart for this shotgun." Lei Hao replied.

With the gun Fang Hao, his courage was even greater. He followed Lei Hao and descended. He first looked at the terrain vehicle that Cheng Pai rode away, and then went to the off-road vehicle that was half-buried in the sand.

The two didn't find anything like bloodstains, which let them both relax.

He continued to walk forward, and the two walked to the edge of a pit. Both of them smelled a strong sulphur smell, but they were both stunned by the scene in front of them.

They stood at the edge, in front of it was a large pit with a diameter of more than twenty meters, which was funnel-shaped, and some irregular stone bars were inserted horizontally and vertically.

What really made the two pupils widen their pupils was that a step was exposed at the center of the bottom, which extended downward.

"Let's ... let's go down?" Lei Hao asked hesitantly, and he felt better back, even if his curiosity had grown to the extreme at this time.


Isn't this what they used to do before.

However, the previous adventures were fun, and this is true!

Xi Fanghao also hesitated, the gentleman did not stand under the wall.

Plutonium explosions, artificial staircases buried under the desert, disappearing schedules, and two deserted off-road vehicles combined all kinds of situations, and Fang Hao believes that this is not something they can participate in.

He just said that when he wanted to speak, the sand under his feet fell like alive, and even Fang Hao and Lei Hao rolled down directly.

"Bang, bang!"

There were two sounds of impact, and from the two of them, Fang Hao gritted his teeth in pain. "You are about to get up and your shotgun is on your neck!"

Fortunately, he was wearing a battle coat, otherwise Fang Hao felt he had to be hospitalized.

Rubbing his neck again and again, Fang Hao looked at the stones blocking them. Although the marks on them were worn out, they could still discern some nicks.

Is a portrayal.

Looks like two very simple fishes. If it weren't for the two inverted triangles in the middle, Fang Hao thought it was a 'double' son.

"Fang Hao, look at it, there is light in it." Lei Hao had already leaned on the edge of the stairway and looked down, but he didn't want to step in.

"How to say, do you want to go down?" Fang Hao also walked over and glanced.

You Youguang represents someone, and the situation in front of him seems to be a grave robber.

Lei Hao's problems can be stumped by the question of Fang Hao. The desire to explore is the instinct of human beings, but so is the fear.

He wanted to see what he would find in his heart, but reasonably told him that this was not a good choice.

"Well ... go on, let's go down and see if we meet people." In the end, Lei Hao's curiosity defeated reason and took the gun carefully and took the first step.

Tong Fanghao's curiosity is even better than Lei Hao. If he didn't want to go down, he would never ask such a word.

Seeing Lei Hao go down, he looked around, and finally picked up a small stone that was 30 cm long and held it in his hand, and then went down.

Of course, he also agreed with Lei Hao's words, and once he saw a stranger, he ran straight back.

The two of them walked carefully to the bottom of the step, and there was a groove every few meters on the walls on both sides. There was a diamond-shaped stone in the groove. The light that Lei Hao said earlier was from them.

"Fang Hao, what is this?"

This diamond-shaped luminous body is not large, only the size of a fist, it emits high brightness, and the light looks very soft.

Bian Fanghao broke his head and didn't realize what it was. He found a glowing stone in an ancient tomb that has not been known for many years, which made him think of many scenes in movies.

Bian Fanghao touched with his hand, then immediately retracted, and saw that there were no traces of burning on the gloves, and took it up.

After he watched it carefully, he breathed a sigh of relief, "It scared me, this thing is artificial, you see there is a lamp inside."

"This is a good thing. If you give it to Zhao Zixuan's father, you will definitely be crazy." Lei Hao gathered up and said.

Wu Fanghao rolled his eyes and was speechless.

This gangway is a bit long, and two bifurcations are clearly visible at the end. From the number of luminous stones on the wall, it is obvious how well the people here have prepared, since it is so prepared Adequately, Fang Hao doesn't think they will bring some real guys.

And this time Lei Hao actually thought of this!

Isn't it time to think about whether we should go on.

"Lei Hao, I think it's okay. Now go back and go directly to the camp. Here we can't control it. Let's be honest and wait for the troops."

"Okay, I listen to you," Lei Hao said nothing, but when he turned back, he took off the artificial luminous stone on one side of the wall.

"Click ~"

A chirp sounded.

Tong Fanghao and Lei Hao's heads were stunned, and then the ground suddenly felt empty!

The thoughts of the two people sounded at the same time, "Fell!" Then they fell down.

Then the opened slate re-closed again, the wall vibrated slightly, and two identical stones appeared in the groove of the luminous stone taken by Fang Hao and Lei Hao ~

I do n't know how long it took. Fang Hao was awakened from a coma by a severe pain. He felt that the bones were mourning, and the pain reached the nerve center.

"you're awake."

Tong Fanghao opened his eyes stupidly. The person in front of him was a bit familiar. He seemed to have seen it before. Suddenly Fang Hao's eyes shook, "It's you!"

This person is not someone else, just the words Fang Hao met on the plane!

"Haha, it seems that it is not a big deal, I now remember who you are, and I did not expect to have a mission to meet the new rich." Situ Wen smiled heartlessly.

"My friend!" Fang Hao didn't know if Situ Wen was a good person or a bad person, struggling and trying to step back.

Jian Situwen slaps Hatch, "Well, lie behind you, rest assured that people are not dead, just broken leg bones."

Fang Hao has now completely recovered. At this time, Situ Wen's dress made him feel very bad. He had a tactical suit, and his waist was hung with something he did n't know, but an assault rifle Fang Hao was sitting beside the stone. Not considered false.

"Can you change the direction of the muzzle?"

"Oh, you say this? Rest assured that you can't get out of the fire without insurance, but I admire your degree of hard work, why do you come here?" Situ Wen said, fiddled with the fire, took out one from the inside After the tin was opened, I ate it bit by bit.

Wu Fanghao hadn't felt it before, but now looking at Situ Wen's eating image, he found that his stomach had been hungry and howling. He sat up and asked, "How long have I been unconscious?"

"It's really interesting, shouldn't you ask me what I'm doing, is it a good person or a bad person?" Situ Wen shook the dagger used as a fork with interest.