Super Technology Extractor Chapter 70: Eval?

There was a roar of yak bison, and the speed was raised to 60 miles in an instant. Fang Hao was on his way to the company.

His English is still gone, and the news reported by the NBC Broadcasting Company barely understands the meaning above.

I was talking about a company that had translated the equipment manufacturer called "Eval" and had launched a new version of a body armor for children.

It's not because of Fang Hao's unhappiness that he didn't think of how to forget the market of minors according to the conditions of the country.

I was talking to a reporter from a company spokesman for the armor manufacturer.

"Mr. John, what do you say about a SY-1 type of clothing box that appears in the body armor market today?"

"Hehe, that's a Chinese company. My opinion is that their products have seriously infringed our patents. At present, we have integrated the information, and we will file a lawsuit in the next step."

The reporter gave a surprised expression in cooperation, and the company spokesman of the Ewart armor manufacturer said with absolute certainty: "Yes, we have obtained very solid evidence that the company in Huaguo clearly used it. Our company's patented technology is not licensed. "

"Okay," the reporter turned his head and pointed at the camera. "I'm NBC, Diana. See you tomorrow."

Uh ...

When I was thinking about this, the car had gone downstairs to the office and entered Qin Shiqi's office, who was on the phone.

"(English) Thanks, Jason Lu, I will pay you a generous reward."

Qin Shiqi hung up the phone and breathed a sigh of relief: "Whoo, I just met a law school classmate I met while studying at Harvard. He will help us adjust the difference.

I just have trouble with the boss this time.

According to my classmate's point of view, this is the consistent practice of their domestic enterprises in other countries. If we have a lawsuit, the chance of winning in the end is very low, and we may also pay a tort fee. "

"Isn't that what the rogue country did, it 's just that the other side said we were infringing, why did I suddenly want to laugh." Fang Hao still had anger in his stomach before, but now I do n't know why he was abnormally calm after listening to Qin Shiqi's words.

With the growth of a ash and more professionals, the imitation dismantling measures of the battle box have become very powerful.

Not only that.

If you compare the now manufactured war chest with the previously sold war chest, it can be clearly found that the structure of the war chest is more reasonable, and the weight is also reduced a lot.

Fang Hao also filed an application for the patent of the SY-1 war chest and the improved patent.

However, the patent he applied for is not a technology patent, but an appearance and concept patent.

After all, the real core technology is applied for a patent, which is equivalent to telling others that, quickly, the technology is here, and you can learn.

Wu Fanghao is not so stupid.

He dare not say that he can guarantee that others can not crack the internal technology of opening the war chest, but he wants to copy it exactly ...

Wu Fanghao expressed great suspicion.

Imagine the four-star mobile phone incident. The explosion of the mobile phone can kill people, and Fang Hao placed four '18650 batteries' in the suit box.

In normal times, it provides power to dozens of built-in small electric motors. After wearing, the user will drive the built-in rotating motor during sports, which is equivalent to charging the battery.

Once the banning plate on the inner lining is disassembled, the internal motor will automatically overload and run. It seems to be a trivial anti-disassembly measure, but its effect is very large.

It will ignite the built-in battery, which will cause an explosion, and the power released instantly when the explosion is equivalent to half of the kinetic energy generated when a grenade explodes. The core components can be easily blasted into pieces.

And the lithium battery will explode and want to restore from a pile of missing pieces to the original. Fang Hao is certain that such technology is still in the future.

Following this line of thought, Fang Hao seems to guess what the other party wants to do, "Wait, we will receive the documents from the Rice Commercial Bureau in a few days."

"Boss, you mean, they will let us provide technical information to identify whether we are infringing?" Qin Shiqi also responded, this method seems to really do Mi Guo.

This is the case with Yunhua Guo's Yunnan Baiyao. When Yunnan Baiyao entered the rice market, the Commerce Bureau of Rice Country stated that it would provide specific formulas to determine whether it meets the country's drug standards.

I just let Qin Shiqi not actually experience it in person, she figured out the key points, and she was relaxed, no matter how the star meteorite technology still stood on the commanding heights.

"Well, boss, should we contact Mr. Ahmed?" Qin Shiqi's expression was awkward.

Tong Fanghao looked blank, expressing pity for Ahmed in his heart: It's not that I don't want you to make money, it is the rice country, remember it is the rice country!

Uh ...

The anger in Ahmed's heart is comparable to the volcano ready to go.

Is it easy for him?

Paid more than one billion Chinese currency to grab the right to sell in North America, and then paid every 5% of the commission to a senior in the country to ensure that the war chest can be successfully sold to stores in various states.

But, when the sales of battle chests are normalizing! He just tasted the sweetness! Actually came up with a manufacturer of equipment that has never heard of.

I also told me rightly that the goods I sold were infringing. If I sell them again, only the court will see them.

The white man was very orthodox and dressed in a suit and collar. He pulled out a white scarf from his jacket pocket and wiped his lips gently with his fingers. "I admit that the structural design of the SY-1 war chest is amazing and its performance is excellent, but its value is only $ 3,000 for you."

Ahmed didn't know that Huaxia had three words to describe his mood: roll the calf!

But now he was looking at the white man in front of him, and he thought so.

Seeing Ahmed not speaking, the white man said with a smile: "Mr. Ahmed, you understand, we are all businessmen, we are pursuing interests, and we are not enemies. In fact, you have another choice."

Ahmad pressed against the impulse to run away, "What choice?"

"Cooperate with us, you will get more." The white man raised his lips and said confidently.

Ahmed hesitated. As said before, it is natural for a businessman to pursue interests. Although he would like to bring the person in front of him to friction on the ground. Cooperation is not impossible.

After all, he has paid too much. If he can't make it back, he will lose hundreds of millions of dollars!

This amount is beyond his reach.

When he wanted to ask in detail, his phone rang. It was the star meteor technology from China.

The white man happily extended his hand to signal that Ahmed could answer the phone first, and he could wait.

"Dear Vice President Qin, your phone call was really timely. I am facing a very bad situation." Ahmed walked to the balcony, avoiding the eyes of the white people.

"Mr. Ahmed, I know where you are now, so I called you," said Fang Hao, and Qin Shiqi helped translate in English: "We have almost guessed what the country wants. So we apologize for your loss in the near future, but rest assured that Star Meteor Technology will not abandon any business partner at will. I believe that as long as we pass this period, you will earn more than you think! "

Ahmed looked at the forest park outside the window, and his mood was very tangled. While thinking about the white man in the room, he was thinking about Fang Hao's promise.

A beggar outside the park was really begging along the street, but those who wore gorgeous clothes were very disgusted by this and hurried away, while a very dressed worker dressed up for a while and put the lunch in his hand. In front of a beggar.

Looking at this scene, Ahmed suddenly seemed to have made a decision.

"Okay, Ms. Qin, Mr. Fang, I believe you, and now there is a person in my house who claims to be the manufacturer of the Eval 徳 armor, and wants to persuade me to work with them. What should I do?"