Super Technology Extractor Chapter 71: 3 axe

On the other side of the phone, Fang Hao and Qin Shiqi looked at each other and said that their call was quite timely.

He was different from Qin Shiqi's. Fang Hao thought that Ahmed's choice was lucky. He chose to stand on his side.

I waited for about half an hour, and Ahmed called.

"Mr. Fang, they want me to order 10,000 sets of war chests, and then they formally appeal before entering customs, and finally seize the goods directly at customs for reasons of patent disputes."

After Fang Hao laughed, he thought it was still the contraband and the like, but did not expect this time to change the move, but changing the soup without changing the medicine, it is the same three axes.

"What then?" Fang Hao asked.

"Listening to the tone, it seems that the other party has a way to get the goods out of the customs. The other party did not say what to do afterwards." Ahmed thought and uttered his own guess. "But they promised to give me extra when they agreed. 10 million US dollars, I think they have a clear second-hand sale of the locker, after all, they have no real technology. "

Wu Fanghao nodded his head slightly, this is a possibility.

The sales strategy of the suitcase is to charge different ex-factory prices depending on the sales area. The price in North America is 1,000 Chinese yuan and the price of Ahmed is 3,000 US dollars.

That is, each set does not include overhead costs and the like, and can get a difference of 8,000 Chinese yuan.

Ten thousand sets is 30 million US dollars. The other party directly promised Ahmed 10 million US dollars, which is extra. It means that as long as Ahmed agreed to their request, he would not only pay Ahmed for him. For ten dollars.

Then there is only one possibility, the other party will sell the price higher, and is very confident that it can sell the war chest.

I thought of this, Fang Hao asked: "Can you find out the background of Eval's company, I don't think a company with such strength can not have any fame before then."

"Hmm ... I try my best, then Mr. Fang, do I need to promise?"

"Yes, yes, of course, you also said that you can order 20,000 sets to see if they can eat them." Fang Hao didn't even want to say directly.

Although Fang Hao is still very upset by the other party's approach, but he is a SY-1 manufacturer. Some people buy it naturally, and the more they sell, the better.

But ... Well, if you don't play cards according to common sense, then there should be punishment. I really think that you are a native businessman in the country and I dare not hack.

Hehe, dream it.

After Fang Hao explained some of Ahmed's follow-up events and asked to keep the information exchanged at any time, he hung up.

Qin Shiqi didn't know how Fang Hao planned. When Fang Hao smiled, he asked hesitantly, "Boss, did you think of any harm?"

"Uh? Is my expression so obvious?"

Qin Shiqi smiled and said that she should really shoot Fang Hao's expression before, it looks exactly like the villain in the movie.

"Okay, I thought about how to deal with this, but not in a hurry. I need to wait for Ahmed to have more information before I can make a final decision. If it really is what I think, then what **** in this house Eval's company is going to be unlucky. "

When Qin Shiqi saw that Fang Hao had no intention to explain, he smashed it and stopped asking.

She had found out that her own boss was okay, but there was no final result of one thing, he would keep it a secret and always waited until her heart was anxious ... He made a big news .

Wu Fanghao did not know Qin Shiqi's inner thoughts, nor did he deliberately maintain any mystery. This was his own means of figuring it out.

When you need to do something, explain in detail the results you need. Since you are not asked to do it, don't say so much. In case of failure, it will affect your prestige.

Although the method under Fang Haoyu still seems very immature, he also improves and learns.

After talking about foreign affairs, Fang Hao thought about the country again. The anchor, who was burned because of a fake suit box fire, is still in the hospital, but the court's verdict has come down, and Star Meteor Technology won without suspense.

Bian Fanghao has been in the workplace recently and has no time to manage such gossip. Naturally, since it is vacant, I simply understand it.

He took a sip of saliva and asked, "Vice President, how is the impact of the burn incident on us?"

"I have greeted the mainstream media, and I will not reprint reports on this matter. At present, there are still some doubts on the Internet, but they are all from the media."

Qin Shiqi quickly said: "The only thing that is more annoying is a big V. I have been speculating about it for three days and two, but some loyal fans followed."

"So, in fact, is there someone behind it?"

"Well, I think so, but the people behind me haven't done anything else, and we can't find out." Qin Shiqi said helplessly.

Wu Fanghao really looked down on these big Vs. Of course, he couldn't kill everyone with one shot. Most of them were still good. He did use the big Vs to do some knowledge and science.

But there are always some maggots. They don't pay attention to being practical, exaggerating the facts, and even deliberately discrediting them. They have a rhythm, just to make unlucky money.

Fang Hao hated these people, but he couldn't come up with a good solution. Even if it was closed, what would happen if he changed his vest?

"Well ... the environment is so big that we can take these people, let Lao Shen and the editors walk around more, as long as the mainstream media do not report and follow the hype, as for these villains, I will one day let them taste the consequences . "

Ma Yun has a saying, since you are not an officer, then I will push you to do it.

Yun Fanghao agreed, and he wanted to do the same.

"Yes, this year's tender is about to start?"

Bian Fanghao asked about the bidding of military foundry products. He did not forget about Hang Yao. He just made a big move.

Qi Qin Shiqi knew exactly what Fang Hao asked, and from this incident, she also learned more about her counterpart Hao.

Qin Shiqi believes that Fang Hao has the potential to be heroic. When he encounters things and can tolerate them, he will fight back after he has accumulated enough strength.

I found a document from the table, opened it, and glanced back at Qin Shiqi: "Yes, we have received a notice from the military, and they are scheduled to bid in a month and a half. Boss, are you really going to do this? Once We did that and we turned our faces. "

"Turn your face and turn your face, and don't give them the whole suit. How can we stand in the future? The mall is about paying attention to money and making money, but only if you don't provoke me."

Tong Fanghao said with a little arrogance, "Since you hit me, don't blame me for accounting after the fall."

Did n't Hang Hang Yao make mechanical parts for the army? That 's right. After one month, his father 's machinery factory can be operated. Then grab his list directly. Even if it is a loss, Fang Hao will be very happy.

I started to lose myself.

Subsequently, Qin Shiqi wanted Fang Hao to report the recent sales in various regions. From the data point of view, the recent sales of SY-1 war chests have been flat.

It is understandable that all regions of the world add up to less than 10,000 sets per day. After all, the battle suit box is not just a need for everyone ~ ~ Hey, if it can supply a country's body armor order Already. "

Qin Shiqi replied with a smile: "Boss, you can be greedy. There are special suppliers for body armor in various countries. We are not famous enough for them to change their minds unless the SY-2 has a comprehensive performance. Promotion. "

"I'm afraid the performance is too good, the country will restrict it." Fang Hao also has a headache, and the SY-2 model is actually lying in the factory.

Different from -1, -2 uses a high molecular polyethylene-based composite material, which is more flexible and can be worn almost as normal clothes.

Its defense is more than double that of SY-1!

Not only that, its internal structure is like a honeycomb, which can maximize the impact force.

Wu Fanghao used a punching machine to simulate the impact of a sniper rifle bullet when it hits at various distances.

400 meters away can completely prevent being hit by bullets fired by sniper rifles, which cannot cause fatal injuries to human bodies.

Within 400 meters, you can only see where you hit, as long as you don't hit the chest directly, the chance of survival is still great.

However, once it is close to 300 meters, only the impact of a bullet can crack the internal organs of the human body.

As for the closer distance ...

Yun Fanghao can only say, good luck.

However, if the sniper rifle is replaced with the assault rifle currently mainstream in various countries, it is completely two concepts. Unless a special bullet is used, its performance can withstand 17 bullets.

From a theoretical comparison, it is equivalent to a soldier having 17 lives, which is more exciting than fighting Contras when fighting.

Wu Fanghao decided to put up with it again, and wait for the SY-1 model to be saturated before launching the second-generation product.