Chapter 25: Black tide

The metal box is dark, only the size of a palm, a bright white card lying quietly in the box, with a hint of metallic luster, this card is only the size of a nail, square and square, it looks like an inconspicuous piece of metal However, Richemont understands that this thing is absolutely important, otherwise, the "big man" of Haijing wouldn't have to spend a lot of time trying to get this card back.

After putting the box away, Richemont opened the personal terminal in the next room and found the password and authorization card mentioned by the "big man".

At the same time, he also found the "life-saving news" from the other party.

This is a video message. In the holographic image, a middle-aged woman in professional attire is explaining something in front of an electronic map of the Red Star Republic. At the bottom of this electronic map, there is a small red star badge with a knife and a gun intersecting, which reads: Red Star Republic Haijing Provisional Government.

"According to the trajectory of the group activities of the zombies before, it can be concluded that after two days, the large-scale zombies scattered in small towns and villages will gather in the ruins of the cities everywhere, and the total number will be about 2 billion. , We call it the'Zombie Tide'. Haijing and the existing urban strongholds will also become the destination of the'Zombie Tide' and may bear a larger impact. The following is the'Zombie Tide' situation map."

Afterwards, I saw that on the electronic map next to this woman, red dots were scattered on the map of the entire Red Star Republic, and the number of red dots was obviously higher in the places where the big cities were. However, compared with the location of major cities, there are not many red spots in other vast areas of the Red Star Republic.

"Each red dot represents a community of 100,000 zombies. What follows is the dynamics of the next two days."

As soon as the woman finished speaking, the red dots on the electronic map began to move slowly and gathered towards some specific places.

Although the speed of these red dots on the map seems to be slower, Richemont understands that the speed of these corpses is not much slower than that of the vehicles. You must know that the territory of the Red Star Republic is vast, one centimeter on this map. The distance may be hundreds of kilometers in reality.

Moreover, the places where these red dots gather are exactly those city ruins, as well as the city strongholds where humans currently survive.

Steel City is also impressively listed! A piece of scarlet, fast moving from the west to the steel city!

After two days on the map, the original big city was completely covered by dense red dots, while the towns and wilderness were basically blank.

The place where Steel City was located also turned scarlet. A rough estimate is that there are at least five million zombies!

Richemont couldn't help but hesitated. It seems that he has seen the zombies covering the sky and the sun crawling across the steel city. Among them, the number of evolutionary zombies has reached an astonishing level...

He immediately looked at the lower right corner of the screen. The time displayed there was the night before. In other words, he and Yang Yi had only a small half day left!

Maybe it's only two or three hours!

Richemont's face was gloomy, and Yang Yi also understood what was about to happen, but he did not panic, but waited for Richemont to make up his mind. Since meeting Richemont, he has not been surprised and extremely admired what he did. , In his opinion, no matter what happens, Richemont must come up with an idea and escape safely.

"Let's go now, the sooner the better, find a car on the outskirts of the city and drive away." In a blink of an eye, Richemont had already come up with an idea.

As they said nothing, the two found another secret room in the steel city government's secret firearms depot, and began to frantically carry guns and ammunition inside.

"Madbee" automatic rifle, "Thunder-2" shotgun, Desert Eagle-L, grenade, body armor, night vision, Richemont and Yang Yi ransacked, everyone was armed to the teeth, this steel The city government's secret firearms depot does not know what it is used for. It can be said that all types of light weapons and armor can be found.

Do the officials of the steel city government want to rebel against these things? Just after this funny thought flashed in his mind, Richemont shook his head, and it didn't matter what he wanted to do now.

Fortunately, the two of them have greatly evolved their physical fitness. Otherwise, with so many guns and ammunition, they would have been exhausted before they went out.

After they were covered with weapons, Richemont and Yang Yi immediately left the building where the Gangcheng government was located.

This building is located in the central area of ​​Steel City, and Zeyang City is on the east side of Steel City. They must now pass through half of the city to leave the city.

In a short while, the two again came to the block where the Black Dragon Club was located.

This street is no more than 200 meters long and only 20 meters wide without the building. It looks like a small paradise. The ordinary zombies have been killed, and the outside can't get in at all, and the evolutionary zombies are naturally. I don't know that in this place where birds do not shit, there will be a group of food hidden in it, so it will not appear.

Originally Richemont didn't want to get involved with these people anymore, but Yang Yi felt it was better to tell them, and the two happened to be on the way, so they came here again.

When Richemont and Yang Yi turned over a pile of rocks and appeared on the street, more than 30 young men and women here were having a bonfire party in the middle of the street at this time, taking some cans and the like and roasting them.

Seeing the appearance of Richemont and Yang Yi, these people did not show the slightest expression of joy, but quickly stood up, put their hands behind their backs, and looked at them vaguely. The waists of several men bulged, obviously hiding their pistols, and the women looked at Richemont with a bitter expression, quietly pinching a knife in their hands.

Seeing this scene, Richemont couldn't help but sneer. When they first saved these people, their gratitude to them might still be sincere, but when their positions quickly changed and they thought they could gain a foothold in these last days, human selfish nature immediately gained the upper hand.

Obviously, now they have formed a small interest group, and they cannot allow Richemont and Yang Yi to join again.

You know, two more mouths, the food in the supermarket may be eaten for a few days...

Seeing that the atmosphere was embarrassing, a young man in a green shirt at the head said with a dry smile: "Hehe, that... that, the two benefactors are back? Have you eaten? I don't know what you can do?"

Yang Yi also understood what these people thought, and immediately said with a cold face: "In a little while, there will be a tide of corpses in Steel City. If you don't want to die, you'd better leave here."

"What kind of corpse tide...I just want to occupy this place by myself..." Just after Yang Yi's words, a negative voice came from the crowd.

Then another person echoed in a low voice: "Yes, that is, depending on how many of us dare not do it, I thought of this idea..."

"You..." Yang Yi immediately became so angry that he would rush to argue with them.

"Hey..." Richemont held Yang Yi blankly: "Go." After all, without even looking at the people, he walked directly across the street and walked out from the other end. From beginning to end, these people looked at them with guard.

When Richemont and Yang Yi left the street and walked away completely, a thin young man with glasses next to him cautiously said: "We did this...Aren't we going too far? And they said yes. It won't be true..."

"What a shit! I just want to scare us away! Huh, too much? In this world, you can only survive if you are ruthless!" said the green shirt. "Have you forgotten how powerful the black dragon is?"

"Yes, and that Yang Yi is not afraid of being bitten by a zombie, that Richemont is more cruel, who knows what monster they are..." said a woman with heavy makeup.

"If anyone can't bear it, just give them their rations." The green shirt scanned for a week and said.

Hearing this, everyone else bowed their heads and stopped talking...


"Why, still angry?" When he was about to walk to the outskirts of the city, seeing Yang Yi still sullen and silent, Richemont couldn't help but smile and said jokingly.

"No... I just don't think it's worth it... Back then, I shouldn't have saved those bastards." Yang Yi said angrily. Although he is kind-hearted, he has his own bottom line, that is, he can be ignorant of gratitude, but he is absolutely worthy of death.

Richemont laughed and rubbed Yang Yi's head, and said, "You kid, don't be stubborn. There is a saying, never fight a stupid guy, because he will pull your IQ to match him. On the same level, then use his years of stupid experience to defeat you."

"I will encounter this situation next time..." Richemont narrowed his eyes. "Just kill it all."

Although such an unpleasant episode had occurred, the speed of the two did not slow down, and they had reached the outskirts of the city in a short while, and there were obviously fewer zombies here. When passing by a small supermarket, Richemont and the two rushed in again and searched, each carrying a large package about the size of the body and walking out.

Seeing that the number of zombies on the street was much less, and the abandoned vehicles did not completely block the road anymore, Richemont immediately found a car with a full fuel tank, threw all the backpack on it, and started the engine after it was set on fire.

At the same time, in the steel city behind them, there was a sudden howl like an abyss devil, which spread far away under the gloomy sky. Turning his head and looking at the high-rise buildings in the western city, unexpectedly Tide-like black shadows appeared, tumbling and spreading towards the entire city.

And just near Richemont and the others, the zombies that were originally wandering aimlessly, after hearing the howling sound, seemed to have received some order, and began to walk towards the city in unison...

Yang Yi picked up the binoculars and suddenly discovered that those dark shadows were strange zombies after evolution!

The tide of corpses has already poured into the steel city!